【精品】chapter 8 pragmatics.ppt
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1、Chapter Eight Language in Use,2,Major Topics to Cover,Speech Act TheoryPerformatives&constativesTheory of illocutionary act Conversational ImplicatureThe cooperative principleViolation of cooperative principle,3,1.Definition of Pragmatics,Pragmatics may be defined as the study of meaning of word,sen
2、tence of a individual Language in social context.If meaning be grouped into:1.the side of meaning more closely related to the words used,the more constant and inherent.2.the side of meaning more closely related to the context,the more indeterminate side,or something extra.Then,Pragmatics=meaning-sem
3、antics,4,Pragmatics may be defined as the study of meaning.The word meaning may have many different meanings.In pragmatics,meaning depends more on who the speaker of the sentence is,who the hearer is,when and where it is used.Meaning depends more on the context.,5,Context,Context-a basic concept in
4、the study of pragmatics.It is generally considered as constituted knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer,such as cultural background,situation(time,place,manner,etc.),the relationship between the speaker and the hearer,etc.,6,Suppose somebody says to you“Youre a fool”,you would more often th
5、an not retort“What do you mean?”You know perfectly well the reference of you,the sense of fool,and the structure of the sentence.What you do not know is the speakers intention in uttering this sentence,what he intends the sentence to mean.,7,Or rather,you do know the speakers intention,but you want
6、to use“What do you mean?”as a denial of what he has asserted.This kind of meaning is sometimes referred to as SPEAKERS MEANING,UTTERANCE MEANING,or CONTEXTUAL MEANING.The discipline,which concentrates on this kind of meaning,is called PRAGMATICS.,8,Speakers meaning(A father is trying to get his 3-ye
7、ar-old daughter to stop lifting up her dress to display her new underwear to the assemble.)Father:We dont DO that.Daughter:I KNOW,Daddy.You dont WEAR dresses.,9,Utterance Meaning vs.Sentence MeaningUtterance vs.SentenceSentence:abstract units of the language system.Utterance:units of language in use
8、.,10,Sentence meaning:What does X mean?Utterance meaning:What do you mean by X?My bag is heavy.Today is Sunday.,11,For example,“My bag is heavy.”can mean,my bag being heavy(sentence meaning);an indirect,polite request,asking the hearer to help him carry the bag;the speaker is declining someones requ
9、est for help.Note:The meaning of an utterance is based on the sentence meaning;it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication,or in a context;utterance meaning is richer than sentence meaning;it is identical with the purpose for which the speaker utt
10、ers the sentence.,12,For example,“Today is Sunday.”,semantically,it means that today is the first day of the week;pragmatically,you can mean a lot by saying this,all depending on the context and the intention of the speaker,say,making a suggestion or giving an invitation,etc.,13,1.A:Are you going to
11、 the seminar?B:Its on linguistics.2.A:Would you like some coffee?B:Coffee would keep me awake.,14,2.Speech Act Theory,John Austin(1911-1960)How to Do Things with Words(1962)speech acts:actions performed via utterancesSpeech act theory aims to answer the question“What do we do when using language?”,1
12、5,Constatives(叙事句)vs.performatives(施为句)Constatives:utterances which roughly serves to state a fact,report that something is the case,or describe what something is,eg:I go to the park every Sunday.I teach English.,16,Performatives:utterances which are used to perform acts,do not describe or report an
13、ything at all;the uttering of the sentence is the doing of an action;they cannot be said to be true or false.Performative verbs:name,bet,etc.,17,I do.I name this ship Queen Elizabeth.I bet you sixpence it will rain tomorrow.I give and bequeath my watch to my brother.I promise to finish it in time.I
14、apologize.I declare the meeting open.I warn you that the bull will charge.,18,Minister:addressing the groom)(Grooms Name),do you take(Brides Name)for your lawful wedded wife,to live together after Gods ordinance,in the holy estate of matrimony?Will you love,honor,comfort,and cherish her from this da
15、y forward,forsaking all others,keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live?,Groom:I do.,19,(新郎名字),你是否愿意接受(新娘名字)成为你的合法妻子,按照上帝的法令与她同住,与她在神圣的婚约中共同生活吗?并承诺从今之后始终爱她、尊敬她、安慰她、珍爱她、始终忠于她,至死不渝?新郎:我愿意。,20,Grammatical features of performativesFirst person singularSpeech act verbs/performative verbs:
16、The present tenseIndicative moodActive voice?“Thank you.”“Turn right.”,21,3.Illocutionary Act Theory(行事行为理论),John Searle(1932-)Speech acts can be analyzed on 3 levels:Locutionary act(发话行为)Illocutionary act(行事行为)Perlocutionary act(取效行为),22,A locutionary act(发话行为):the act of saying something in the fu
17、ll sense of“say”.It is the ordinary act we perform when we speak.moving our vocal organs and producing a number of sounds,organized in certain way with a certain meaning.For example,when somebody says“Morning!”,we could say he produced a sound,word or sentence-“Morning!”,23,An illocutionary act(行事行为
18、):an act performed in saying something.When we speak,we not only produce some units of language with certain meaning,but also make clear our purpose in producing them,the way we intend them to be understood,or they also have certain forces.,24,In the example of“Morning!”we can say it has the force o
19、f a greeting,or it ought to have been taken as a greeting.To say sth is to do sth.In saying X,I was doing Y.In saying“I will come tomorrow”,I was making a promise.Illocutionary force(行事语力/言外之意),25,A perlocutionary act(取效行为):the act preformed by or as a result of saying,the effects of a locution on t
20、he hearer.These effects can be regarded as part of the act that the speaker has performed.By saying X and doing Y,I did Z.By saying“I will come tomorrow”and making a promise,I reassure my friends.,26,Three acts are simultaneous when speaking,The locutionary act-an act of saying something,i.e.an act
21、of making a meaningful utterance(literal meaning of an utterance);The illocutionary act-an act performed in saying something:in saying X,I was doing Y(the intention of the speaker while speaking).The perlocutionary act-an act performed as a result of saying something:by saying X and doing Y,I did Z.
22、,27,For example,“It is cold in here.”,Its locutionary act is the saying of it with its literal meaning the weather is clod in here;Its illocutionary act can be a request of the hearer to shut the window;Its perlocutionary act can be the hearers shutting the window or his refusal to comply with the r
23、equest.-Note:Of the three acts,what speech act theory is most concerned with is the illocutionary act.It attempts to account for the ways by which speakers can mean more than what they say.,28,4.Conversational Implicature(会话含义),People do not usually say things directly but tend to imply them.Herbert
24、 Paul Grice(1913-1988)William James lectures at Harvard in 1967Logic and Conversation in 1975,29,Grices theory Logic and Conversation is an attempt at explaining how a hearer gets from what is said to what is meant,from the level of expressed meaning to the level of implied meaning.The Cooperative P
25、rinciple(CP),30,Make your contribution as required at the stage at which it occurs by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.,31,Maxim of Quantity:Make your contribution as informative as required(for the current purposes of the exchange).Do not make your con
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