1、,Identifyneeds确认需求,Design theprogramme设计课程,Set objectives设立目标,Select methodsof measurement选定评估方法,Measure thechange in performance评估行为/表现上的改变,Run theprogramme 执行课程,The Training Cycle 训练循环图,Train The Trainer,Ian StrachanVersion 2.1 12/95,Six Questions 六个问题,1.How many of you have urgent jobs to do at y
2、ourdesks?多少人此刻在书桌上有急件待处理?2.Who was told?however nicely,that attendance atthis programme was compulsory?是否有人告诉你,这个课程是强迫性的?3.How few of you have a clear idea of the objectives of what is to come?多少人觉得对下面课程目标有清楚的概念?,4.Who amongst you feel that you are pretty good at training already?(Though you are pre
3、pared to come along to pass on your experience to those less fortunate)?多少人认为自己对训练人材己经相当有经验了?(你来这里是打算把自己的珍贵经验传承给别人)5.Is anyone feeling apprehensive?A bit uncertain?开始有恐惧和不确定的感觉吗?6.Is my asking you all these questions making you feel worse?我问你这些问题让你感觉更糟吗?,Six Questions(Contd)六个问题(续),Take A Few Minute
4、s 花几分钟的时间,Thinking about the series of questions you have just been asked,take a few minutes to reflect on what this is all about and be prepared to join in the subsequent discussion.花几分钟想想看自己刚刚被问的一连串问题到底是怎麽回事?,Barriers To Learning 学习的障碍,What we do in the first few minutes of a training session is c
5、rucial每一个训练开始的几分钟最重要At the start of a session,expect to have the following present in participants?minds在每一段课程开始的时候,参加的人心里都有下列问题 Time pressures(时间压力)Lack of motivation(没有动机)Unclear focus(没有注意的焦点)Know all attitudes(觉得自己什麽都知道)Feelings of apprehensiveness(觉得恐惧)Defensiveness(自我防御),Jot Down What We Can D
6、o To Help Overcome These Initial Barriers 我们如何能扫除这些学习障碍,1.Time Pressures.时间压力.2.Lack of motivation.没有动机.3.Unclear focus.没有注意的焦点.4.Know all attitudes.觉得自己什麽都知道.5.Feeling apprehensive.觉得恐惧.6.Defensiveness.自我防御.,Trainer Competencies:Point A 讲师的能力,For each of the following competencies please indicate t
7、he level you have reached(1=low,5=high)12345Knowledge of subject material对课目的了解Ability to establish training needs了解训练需求的能力Skills in programme design设计课程的能力Knowledge of training technologies对训练技巧的了解Sensitivity to adult learners对成人学习的敏感度Facilitation skills引导的技巧Appropriate presentation style&skills适当的
8、提案技巧和风格Measurement of learning&transfer如何评估学习效果,Outcomes 结果,By the end of this session you will.本段结束你可以.1.Have an assessment of your current competencies as a trainer.了解自己目前担任讲师的能力.2.Employ different training technologies as appropriate to the needs of the subject and the group.针对不同主题及阶层的需要选用适当的训练技巧
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- Train The Trainer
