1、Credit Registers:a Tool for Improved Bank Risk Regulation and Supervision.信用登记:提高银行风险监管能力的工具 Jerry Caprio The World Bank世界银行.BejingSeptember 29,2004北京2004年9月29日,Outline of the presentation讲演大纲,Credit Registers are tools intended to broaden the access to credit markets 信用登记着眼于拓宽信贷市场进入渠道2.making possi
2、ble better risk assessments on the part of the banks.使银行部门可能更好地进行风险评估 in addition they may be a tool for more advanced risk based supervision 此外还有利于开展高级风险性监管 as in the case of the assessment of bank capital requirements.同银行资本金要求的评估相似.but important challenges lie ahead!.但面临着重大的挑战!.,CR&Access to credi
3、t market信用登记与信贷市场准入,Banks often do not lend to individual customers lacking“physical collateral”银行通常不向缺少实物担保的个人提供贷款 and therefore restrict their credit to their wealthiest customers.因此他们向最富有客户的信贷受到了限制 A good credit record represents an alternative and“wealth free”collateral:a“reputation collateral”良
4、好的信用记录反映了另一种非财产担保的方式:信誉担保.that allows banks to lend to all customers independently from their wealth.这就使银行可向所有客户贷款而不需考虑他们的财产状况,CR&Access to credit market信用登记与信贷市场准入,World Bank research shows that lending may increase substantially,without increasing the risk exposure,when banks supplement their own
5、information with that provided by Credit Registers(Majnoni et al.2004).世行研究表明,若银行将已有信息同信用登记所提供的信息结合起来,信贷大幅增长的同时不会带来风险敞口的扩大(Majnoni et al.2004)。Evidence from Argentina and Brazil shows:阿根廷和巴西的经验证明:that a small bank,when adding CR data in its creditworthiness assessment,could increase its lending up t
6、o 30%without increasing its risk;小型银行若在对信用可靠度进行评估时添加信用登记提供的数据,可以增加高达30%的贷款而不至增加风险;gains are higher for smaller banks.对小型银行而言收益更高。,From Access to Credit to Credit Risk Management 从信贷市场准入到信贷风险管理,Credit information sharing by improving banks risk assessment helps banks:通过改善银行风险评估的信贷信息共享有助于银行:to extend
7、credit to new previously rationed but creditworthy customer.By affecting credit origination CRs improve the access to bank credit.向新的客户提供信贷,这些新客户之前得不到足够的贷款但却具有良好信用度。通过影响信用机构,信用登记可以提高银行信贷的可得性。to measure the aggregate risk of their loan portfolios improving risk management.提高风险管理能力,衡量贷款组合的总体风险 Market
8、Access and Risk Management are in fact two faces of the same coin.市场准入和风险管理是一枚硬币的正反两面。,CR&Credit Risk Management信用登记与信用风险管理,World Bank research shows that risk can decrease substantially,at any level of lending,when banks supplement their own information with that provided by Credit Registers(Majnon
9、i et al.2004).世行研究表明,若银行将已有信息同信用登记所提供的信息结合起来,在任意给定的信贷水平上,风险可以大幅降低。(Majnoni et al.2004)。Evidence from Argentina and Brazil shows that a banks who on average accepts 60%of its loan applicants can decrease its default risk by 30%by using CR data in addition to his own information.阿根廷和巴西的经验证明,一家平均放贷率为60
10、%的银行,若在对信用可靠度进行评估时添加信用登记提供的数据,可以减少30%的违约风险。,CR&Credit Risk Management信用登记与信用风险管理,Empirical evidence shows that the design of CRs affects the contribution that CR data may offer to risk management.Notably:经验证据表明,信用登记的设计会影响到信用登记数据对风险管理的贡献程度。主要表现在:the presence of positive information about borrowers in
11、creases precision of default estimates reducing the amount of risk for any lending level(to what extent banks may be willing to share positive information,though,is an open issue).借款人的正面信息提高了违约估计的准确性,也减少了任一借贷水平上的风险(但银行愿意在何种程度上分享正面信息的问题仍未得到解决)appropriate historical length of credit records should be
12、achieved.应有足够长的信贷历史记录。,From Risk Management to Risk Based Supervision从风险管理到风险性监管,What proves useful for Banks risk assessment is also useful for Supervisors control of banks risk exposures.Supervisors have used CR data for:被证明对银行风险评估有用的资料同样对监管者控制银行风险敞口有用。监管者已经在如下方面采用了信用登记的数据:on-site supervision(53 c
13、ountries out of the 57 countries reviewed by the World Bank);现场监测(世行review的57个国家中的53个国家采用);off-site supervision(49 countries out of 57);非现场监测(57个国家中的49个采用);control credit risk concentration.控制信贷风险的集中。In addition,CRs favor competition and may help preventing the establishment of dominant positions in
14、 the banking market and in that of credit information.此外,信用登记鼓励竞争并将有助于防止银行市场和信贷信息上支配力量的形成。,CR&Risk Based Supervision信用登记与风险性监管,The international trend toward a risk based bank supervision(i.e.an approach less based on administrative rules and more on a close monitoring of banks risk exposures)opens
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- 银行 风险 监管 能力 工具
