1、WELCOME TO EMERGANCY PLAN TRAINING,欢迎参加应急预案培训,PURPOSE目的,During malfunction or accidents,control and prevent malfunction and accidents promptly and effectively by regulations,shrink infection area and reduce losses to minimum and ensure not to affect normal operation for 24 hours.发生设备故障/事故时,有章可循,迅速有效
2、地控制及预防设备故障/事故,缩小影响范围,使损失降到最低,确保不影响酒店24小时正常营业。,PRINCIPLES处理原则,All staff must have strong job,high responsibility and guard sense.所有员工必须有强烈的事业心,高度的责任感和警惕性。When malfunction or accidence occurred,all staff on shift or off shift is obligated to join in emergency repair and rescue,if required.设备故障/事故发生时,只
3、要有需要,不管是否上班时间,任何员工都有义务参加抢修抢救工作。When malfunction or accidence occurred,duty engineer should arrive at site at first time,report spot to HODs and organize to emergency repair.设备故障/事故发生时,值班工程师必须于第一时间到达第一现场,将现场情况通知部门经理,同时迅速组织人员参加抢修工作。All staff should keep silence,follow direction of HODs or duty enginee
4、r and cooperate close,to handle malfunction well.所有员工必须保持冷静头脑,服从部门经理或值班工程师的指挥,密切配合,把设备故障事故处理好。,FIVE PARTS 共分五部分,Equipments Malfunction/Accidents Handling Standard 设备故障及事故处理标准Electrical Emergency Plan 强电系统应急预案AC Emergency Plan 空调系统应急预案Elevator Emergency Plan 电梯应急预案Water Emergency Plan 水系统应急预案,Equipme
5、nts Malfunction/Accidents Handling Standard设备故障/事故处理标准,Systems Analysis:系统分析:Coordinate as a whole统筹协调CE discusses with using departments,starts emergency pre-plan and controls incidence.总工程师与使用部门领导共同协商,启动应急预案,控制影响范围。If casualties occur,organize to save actively.如发生人员伤亡,积极组织救助。Analyze malfunction or
6、 accidences cause and provide preventive measure.分析故障/事故原因,提出预防措施。Report heavy accidence to GM in time.重大事故,及时呈报总经理。,Organize emergency repair 组织抢修,Duty engineer arranges concerned specialty technicians to emergency repair.值班工程师根据故障/事故情况,安排相应专业技术人员进行抢修。Distribute resources reasonably,and finish repa
7、iring,to get normal opening and take preventive measure.合理分配资源,尽快完成修复任务,恢复正常营业并采取预防措施。,Supervise on site 现场督导,Specialty supervisor should analyze reasons and give solution on site.专业主管需在现场,分析故障原因,提出解决方案。Give technical instruction and rectify technical mistakes by maintenance men.进行技术指导,纠正维修人员的技术错误。C
8、ontrol labor cost and avoid waste.控制劳动成本,避免浪费。,Emergency repair抢修,Repair according to operation regulations.按照设备操作规范维修。Construct strictly according to technical regulations of different technicians.严格按照各工种技术操作规范施工。Set up striking caution signs on the site,to avoid accidence.施工现场设立醒目的警示标志,以免发生意外。Take
9、 care of fire safety.注意消防安全。,Malfunction and accident record&Malfunction and accident report故障/事故记录、故障/事故报告,Register the details about time,reasons,maintenance and changing parts.详细记录故障/事故时间,故障/事故原因和维修情况、零件更换情况。Analyze malfunction and accidence,find out reasons and constitute preventive measures.进行故
10、障/事故分析,查明故障/事故原因,制定预防措施。Tidy up records into files.事故记录整理归档。After finishing,report reasons and results to GM.故障/事故处理完,向总经理汇报事故情况事故原因和处理结果。,Electrical Emergency Plan强电系统应急预案,Systems Analysis:系统分析:,Electrical Emergency Plan强电系统应急预案,Emergency treatment procedure紧急情况处理程序:One in two powers can supply ele
11、ctricity,which can ensure the whole system can operate smoothly,because of high automation in supplying system.由于本供电系统自动化程度较高,两路电源只要有一路能正常供电,就可以保证整个系统正常运行When both main power and standby power are cut off,generator will be started.当主供电源和备供电源同时停电,自备发电机起动时:,Electrical Emergency Plan强电系统应急预案,When power
12、 is cut off in local area from malfunction in electricity supplying wire of hotel.因酒店内部的供电线路故障,造成局部区域停电时:,AC Emergency Plan 空调系统应急预案,Systems Analysis:系统分析:,Emergency treatment procedure紧急情况处理程序:When AC malfunction occurred:当空调主机发生故障时:Overhaul cold water treatment or equipments and stop AC supplying
13、in the whole hotel:进行空调冷冻水处理或设备检修,停止整个酒店的空调供给时:,AC Emergency Plan 空调系统应急预案,Elevator emergency plan电梯系统应急预案,Systems Analysis:系统分析:,Elevator emergency plan电梯系统应急预案,Emergency treatment procedure 紧急情况处理程序:Trapped in lift:电梯困人时:,Water Emergency Plan 水系统应急预案,Systems Analysis:系统分析:,Emergency treatment procedure:紧急情况处理程序:Water supplying company checks equipments or changes pipeline,which results in supplying water normally.自来水公司进行设备检修或管路改造,造成不能正常供水:Emergency causes water supplying cut off:因突发事件(如供水管道破裂或设备故障),造成供水中断:,Water Emergency Plan 水系统应急预案,