1、1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,19,A121,23,A126,A1,Statistical AnnexThe international banking marketIntroduction to the BIS locational and consolidatedinternational banking statistics.page A4BIS reporting banks:Summary of international positions.A7External positions of banks in individual reporting countries.A
2、8External loans and deposits of banks in individual reporting countries.A16Local positions in foreign currency of banks in individual reporting countries.A20Currency breakdown of reporting banks international positions.A24External positions of reporting banks vis-vis individual countries.A28External
3、 loans and deposits of reporting banks vis-vis individual countries.A44International positions by nationality of ownership of reporting banks.A60Consolidated claims of reporting banks on individual countries.A64Signed international syndicated credit facilities by nationality of borrower.A100Securiti
4、es markets,1112131415161718202122,International debt securities by residence of issuer.International debt securities by nationality of issuer.International debt securities by type,sector and currency.International debt securities by residence of issuer.International debt securities by nationality of
5、 issuer.Domestic debt securities by sector and residence of issuer.Debt securities with remaining maturity up to one year.Announced international equity issues by nationality of issuer.Derivatives marketsAmounts outstanding of over-the-counter(OTC)derivativesby risk category and instrument.Amounts o
6、utstanding of OTC foreign exchange derivatives.Amounts outstanding of OTC single-currency interest rate derivatives.Amounts outstanding of OTC equity-linked and commodity derivatives.,A103A104A108A110A112A114A116A118A121A123A124,Derivative financial instruments traded on organised exchangesby instru
7、ment and location.Notes to tables.A128BIS Quarterly Review,September 2010,1,2,A,B,C,D,3,A,B,4,A,B,5,D,A27,6,A,B,7,A,B,8,A,B,9,10,1,A3,The international banking market1Introduction to the BIS locational and consolidatedinternational banking statistics.page A4BIS reporting banks:Summary of internation
8、al positions.A7External positions of banks in individual reporting countriesIn all currencies vis-vis all sectors.A8In all currencies vis-vis the non-bank sector.A10In foreign currencies vis-vis all sectors.A12In foreign currencies vis-vis the non-bank sector.A14External loans and deposits of banks
9、in individual reporting countriesIn all currencies vis-vis all sectors.A16In all currencies vis-vis the non-bank sector.A18Local positions in foreign currency of banks in individual reporting countriesVis-vis all sectors.A20Vis-vis the non-bank sector.A22Currency breakdown of reporting banks interna
10、tional positions,ABC,Cross border positions vis-vis all sectors.Cross border positions vis-vis the non-bank sector.Cross border positions vis-vis official monetary institutions.,A24A25A26,Local positions in foreign currency vis-vis all sectors and vis-visthe non-bank sector.External positions of rep
11、orting banks vis-vis individual countriesVis-vis all sectors.A28Vis-vis the non-bank sector.A36External loans and deposits of reporting banks vis-vis individual countriesVis-vis all sectors.A44Vis-vis the non-bank sector.A52International positions by nationality of ownership of reporting banksAmount
12、s outstanding.A60Estimated exchange rate adjusted changes.A62Consolidated claims of reporting banks on individual countries,ABCD,International and foreign claims by maturity and sector.Foreign claims by nationality of reporting banks,immediate borrower basis.Foreign claims by sector and type,ultimat
13、e risk basis.Foreign claims by nationality of reporting banks,ultimate risk basis.,A64A72A84A88,Signed international syndicated credit facilities by nationality of borrower.A100More detailed data and a full set of historical time series are available on the BIS website underhttp:/www.bis.org/statist
14、ics/bankstats.htm.BIS Quarterly Review,September 2010,No,1,A4,Introduction to the BIS locational and consolidated international bankingstatisticsThe BIS collects and disseminates two different sets of international banking data,both based oninformation provided by banks.The first set of data is know
15、n as the locational statistics and ispresented in Annex Tables 18B.These statistics were originally introduced in 1964 to monitor thedevelopment of eurocurrency markets,although in practice comprehensive locational data are onlyavailable from 1977.The second set,known as the consolidated statistics,
16、is shown in AnnexTables 9A9D.They were launched in a comprehensive form in 1983 following the onset of theMexican debt crisis,with the main purpose of monitoring industrial country banks exposure todeveloping countries.Once differences in reporting regimes are taken into account,the two sets ofdata
17、may be used to complement one another in economic analysis.The basic characteristics ofthe two data sets are summarised in the table below.The locational reporting system collects quarterly data on the gross international financialclaims and liabilities of banks resident in a given country.The main
18、purpose of the statistics is toprovide information on the role of banks and financial centres in the intermediation of internationalcapital flows.The reporting system is currently comprised of 43 countries(see the table overleaf).The key organisational criteria are the country of residence of the re
19、porting banks and theircounterparties as well as the recording of all positions on a gross basis,including those vis-visown affiliates.This methodology is consistent with the principles underlying the compilation ofnational accounts,balances of payments and external debt statistics.The currency deta
20、il suppliedby the reporting countries allows the approximation of capital flows,adjusted for exchange ratefluctuations.The consolidated banking statistics report banks on-balance sheet financial claims(iecontractual lending)vis-vis the rest of the world and provide a measure of the risk exposures of
21、lenders national banking systems.The data cover contractual(immediate borrower)and ultimaterisk lending by the head office and all its branches and subsidiaries on a worldwide consolidatedbasis,net of inter-office accounts.Reporting of lending in this way allows the allocation of claims tothe bank e
22、ntity that would bear the losses as a result of default by borrowers.The consolidatedstatistics also provide information on the maturity(ie liquidity)and sector risk distribution of bankscontractual lending.Furthermore,to reflect the fact that banks country risk exposure can differsubstantially from
23、 that of contractual lending due to the use of risk mitigants such as guaranteesand collateral,reporting countries provide information on claims on an ultimate risk basis(ie,Data characteristicsCreditor reporting basisNumber of reporting countriesFrequencyReported dataInter-office netting-outType of
24、 counterparty,Locational(Tables 18 B)Residence(host country)43Quarterly since 1977External claims and liabilitiesNoImmediate borrower,Consolidated(Tables 9 A9 D)Nationality(home country)30Quarterly since March 20001Worldwide consolidated claimsYesImmediate(contractual)and ultimate,borrowerCompositio
25、n of claims by:,Country of borrowerCurrencyType of instrumentMaturitySector,YesYesYes(loans,deposits,securities)NoYes(bank,non-banks),YesNoYesYes(banks,non-banks,public),Semiannual available since 1983.BIS Quarterly Review,September 2010,1,2,A5,contractual claims net of guarantees and collateral)sin
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