ST雷伊B:第三季度报告全文(英文版) .ppt
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1、to,-,-,-,-,Guangdong Rieys Group Company LtdThe Third Quarterly Report 20111 Important Notice1.1 The Board of Directors,the Supervisory Committee and directors,supervisors andsenior management of Guangdong Rieys Group Company Ltd.(hereinafter referred toas“the Company”)hereby guarantee that this rep
2、ort contains no false information,misleading statements or material omissions,and will,individually and collectively,accept responsibility for the factuality,accuracy and completeness of this report.1.2 The Financial Report in the third quarterly report has not been audited by a CPAfirm.1.3 Chen Hon
3、gcheng,person in charge of the Company,Chen Peixia,person incharge of the accounting work and person in charge of the accounting organ(chiefaccountant)hereby confirmed that the Financial Report enclosed in the quarterlyreport is true and complete.2 Company Profile2.1 Main accounting data and financi
4、al indexesUnit:RMB Yuan,As at 30 Sept.2011,As at 31 Dec.2010,Increase/decrease(%),Total assets(Yuan)Owners equity attributableshareholders of listed company(Yuan)Share capital(Share),577,730,209.28297,748,347.99318,600,000.00,586,050,810.45308,161,044.95318,600,000.00,-1.42%-3.38%0.00%,Net assets pe
5、r share attributable to,shareholders of listed company(Yuan,0.93,0.97,-4.12%,/share),Jul.-Sept.2011,Increase/decreaseyear-on-year(%),Jan.-Sept.2011,Increase/decreaseyear-on-year(%),Total operation income(Yuan)Net profit attributable to shareholders oflisted company(Yuan)Net cash flows generated from
6、 operatingactivities(Yuan)Net cash flows per share generated fromoperating activities(Yuan/share)Basic earnings per share(Yuan/share)Diluted earnings per share(Yuan/share)Weighted average return on net assets(%),28,631,955.27-5,978,817.14-0.02-0.02-1.99%,-22.15%-45.30%50.00%50.00%-1.84%,75,393,285.3
7、8-10,412,696.9639,050,683.780.12-0.03-0.03-3.44%,-35.23%40.20%-8.18%7.69%-66.66%-66.66%0.83%,Weighted average return on net assets after,deducting extraordinary gains and losses,-2.16%,-1.50%,-6.83%,-2.82%,(%)Items of non-recurring gains and losses,Applicable,Inapplicable,Unit:RMB Yuan,Items of non-
8、recurring gains and lossesGains and losses from disposal of non-current assetsGains and losses on change in fair value from tradable financial assetsand tradable financial liabilities,as well as investment income fromdisposal of tradable financial assets and tradable financial liabilitiesand financi
9、al assets available for sales except for effective hedgingrelated with normal businesses of the CompanyImpairment reserves reversal of account receivables individuallytaking the impairment testsOther non-operating income and expenses besides the above itemsEffect on income taxEffect on minority inte
10、rest,Amount6,947,060.17419,537.683,298,325.50-624,837.06272,064.13-30,283.24,Note(If applicable)1,-,Total,10,281,867.18,2.2 Total number of shareholders and shareholding of top ten shareholders holdingtradable sharesUnit:share,Total number of shareholders at the period-endShareholding of top ten sha
11、reholders holding tradable shares,14,865,Full name of shareholder,Number of tradable shares held atperiod-end,Type of share,SU YOU HEQIN YU YANZHENG SU XIANXU HAILUO DONG HUINGAI KWOK PAN(WEI GUO BIN)CHEN JIAN SHENGWANG YAN FENGWU CHI LIKE ZHONG FENG,5,580,463 Domestically listed foreign shares1,995
12、,033 Domestically listed foreign shares1,721,118 Domestically listed foreign shares1,493,101 Domestically listed foreign shares1,441,200 Domestically listed foreign shares1,145,816 Domestically listed foreign shares1,017,797 Domestically listed foreign shares1,011,753 Domestically listed foreign sha
13、res808,800 Domestically listed foreign shares789,800 Domestically listed foreign shares,3 Significant Events3.1 Particular about large-margin change of main accounting statement item andfinancial index and its reason,Applicable,Inapplicable,Explanations on items with an over-30%movement:Unit:RMB Yua
14、n,Items in the balancesheetMonetary fundsAccounts receivable,30 Sept.20116,621,98529,882,296,31 Dec.201030,095,39860,384,108,Movement(%)-78.00-50.51,ExplanationRepayment of loans to China ConstructionBankReceivables from Rieys Paper werecollected.,Prepayment for the construction of real,Prepayments,
15、99,849,740,69,492,605,43.68,estate development projects launched by,Hengda Real Estate,Short-termborrowingsOther payablesOperating revenuesOperating costsOperating expenses,93,999,96089,010,42975,393,285.3859,292,969.884,968,826.02,158,500,00034,590,357116,408,282.0786,610,473.319,780,506.27,-40.691
16、57.33-35.23-31.54-49.20,Loans granted by China ConstructionBank were repaid.A borrowing of RMB 63.70 million froma related partyLess exportLess exportLess export,3.2 Progress and influence of significant events,as well as the analysis on solutions3.2.1 Non-standard audit opinion,Applicable,Inapplica
17、ble,Asia(Group)Accounting Firm issued an unqualified audit report with pinpointedmatters for the 2010 Annual Financial Report of the Company.The said pinpointedmatters were stated as,“We warn the users of financial statements to pay attention tothe content of Notes to the Financial Statements X(10),
18、which is in the year 2010,netprofit attributable to owners of the parent company stood at RMB-41,187,000 and atRMB-42,204,000 after deducting non-recurring gains and losses.In 2010,the mainbusiness scope of the Company was transformed from garments to both garments andreal estate development.The rea
19、l estate projects have been started but not pre-sold,there still existed uncertainty whether the real estate business would generate a profitor not.The Company had disclosed in detail improvement measures to be taken in thenotes to the financial statements,but there still existed a significant uncer
20、tainty aboutthe going-concern ability of the Company.The statements above will not affect the2,unqualified audit opinion that has been issued.”The Board of Directors is of the opinion that the biggest obstacle to the Companysdevelopment has been removed through the asset exchange at the end of 2009,
21、whichgreatly improves its asset quality.Although the Company is still in loss in thereporting period,a loss reduction about RMB 4.20 million has been achieved ascompared with the loss about RMB 14.61 million in the same period of last year.As isshown,the loss is decreasing.The real estate projects i
22、n Puning currently developedby the Company are on smooth progress with about RMB 40 million being input inthe projects accumulatively during the first half year of 2011,thus the construction ofthe projects can be implemented as schedule basically.Meanwhile,the target ofnational macro control on real
23、 estate indicates that the demands in real estate marketare large in cities like Puning.To sum up,the Companys business is beginning to turnin a positive direction and its continual operation ability is fully guaranteed.3.2.2 Whether the Company provided funds to the controlling shareholder or itsre
24、lated parties or provided guarantees to external parties in violation of the prescribedproceduresApplicable Inapplicable3.2.3 Signing and execution of significant contracts concerning routine operationsApplicable Inapplicable3.2.4 OthersApplicable Inapplicable3.3 Fulfillment of commitments made by t
25、he Company,shareholders and the actualcontrollerCommitments made by the Company,its directors,supervisors,senior executives,shareholders with an over 5%shareholding,actual controller and other stakeholdersduring the reporting period,or such commitments carried down into the reportingperiod:Applicabl
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