1、1,气候变化对草地畜牧业的影响,中国农业大学 潘学标,中国适应气候变化项目会议,The impact of Climate Change on Pasture Husbandry in China,Pan XuebiaoChina Agricultural University,2,提纲 Outline,1 气候变化对北方草地畜牧业地区边界有影响 Impacts of Climate change(CC)on regional border of grassland and pasture husbandry2 气候年际变化牧草生物量的影响 CC on grass biomass3 气候对牧草
2、物候期的影响与动态模拟 CC on pasture and grass phenological period 4 基于SPACSYS模型的牧草生育模拟与情景分析 CC on feed crop development and growth with SPACSYS model5 结论 Conclusion,3,1气候变化对北方草地畜牧业地区边界有影响 Impacts of Climate change(CC)on regional border of grassland and pasture husbandry,总体上变暖变干,中东部降水减少 Warmer and dryer,lower
3、precipitation in middle east农牧交错中段西部南界南移 The border of farming-pastoral ecotone moves southwards,4,内蒙古1961-1990年T0积温分布图Distribution of accumulative degree day in Inner Mongolia1961-1990 T0,全区有气候变暖趋势,5,内蒙古1991-2005年T0积温分布图,全区有气候变暖趋势,内蒙古1991-2005年T0积温分布图Distribution of accumulative degree day in Inner
4、 Mongolia1991-2005 T0,6,内蒙古1961-1990年T0期间降水量分布图Distribution of precipitation during T0 in Inner Mongolia1961-1990,7,东部降水减少,干旱带东移,内蒙古1991-2005年T0期间降水量分布图Distribution of precipitation during T0 in Inner Mongolia1991-2005,8,内蒙古1961-1990年湿润系数分布图Distribution of Coefficient of Humidity in Inner Mongolia19
5、61-1990,9,全区中东部变干,西部有所缓解,内蒙古1991-2005年湿润系数分布图Distribution of Coefficient of Humidity in Inner Mongolia1991-2005,10,图3-7 1971-2000年北方农牧交错带边界移动情况,北方农牧交错带地区边界移动情况 The moving of border of farming-pastoral ecotone,图3-8 1976-2005年北方农牧交错带边界移动情况,该分析中以1961-1990年划定的边界为基准,分别讨论1971-2000年与1976-2005年北方农牧交错带的边界移动情
6、况。,11,2 气候年际变化对牧草生物量的影响 Impact of CC on pasture and grass biomass,12,野外考察结果:Field Survey over 3years样地草地生物量年际差异大Biomass was very different,XilinhotSonid ZuoqiDarhan Muminggan qi,biomass,13,3 气候对牧草物候期的影响与动态模拟 Impacts of CC on phenological period of grass and its simulation,14,额尔古纳羊草和贝加尔针茅的返青期和枯黄期的相关性
7、 correlation of the period of seedling establishment and the brown period in two species(China Leymus and Needlegrass),Date of Leymus beginning growth,Date of Needlegrass beginning growth,Needlegrass,Leymus,Date of grass scorch,15,巴雅尔吐胡硕地区羊草、冰草和萎陵菜1995-2007年返青期和枯黄期的变化趋势 Change of the period of seedl
8、ing establishment and the brown period from 1995 to 2007 in three grass species,China Leymus,Wheatgrass,Cinquefoil,the brown period,period of seedling establishment,16,察右后旗羊草和克氏针茅的物候期变化趋势 Change of the phenological period in two grass species,China Leymus Needlegrass,China Leymus Needlegrass,China L
9、eymus,China Leymus,Needlegrass,Needlegrass,Maturity date,Flowering date,seedling establishment,the brown period,17,镶黄旗冰草返青期与温度、开花期与和降水的相关关系 correlation of the period of seedling establishment and temperature in spring(a);correlation of the period of flowering and precipitation(b)of Wheatgrass at Xia
10、nghuang Qi,Spring Temperature,Precipitation in July,18,冷蒿、糙隐子草和芦苇物候期与气候因子相关性分析 Correlation analysis of climatic factor and phenological period in three grass species,*:P0.05*:P0.01,19,建立天然草地模型,可分别对羊草,针茅进行模拟Development Grass simulation model To simulate development of Leymus and needlgrass et al,20,牧
11、草物候阶段划分及其形态指标 Phenological stage index system,21,天然牧草物候期基本模型Phenological period model,22,即每天的发育时期指数等于前一天的发育速率与当天发育速率的和,当发育时期指数累加到DSI时,则表示生育阶段模拟完成,得到的该生育阶段的天数。此时,牧草即将进入下一个生育阶段。并以此类推,即可模拟牧草整个物候期的变化。,每日发育时期指数可以表述为:,牧草物候模型的计算机模拟原理,23,温度和光照对发育的影响Impact of temperature and light on grass development,24,模型的
12、参数 Parameters,典型牧草物候模型主要参数列表,25,牧草不同物候阶段的温光指标范围 Range of index value for each phenological period,26,模型参数调试 Modelling test,不同牧草各物候阶段的模型参数及参数调试结果统计检验,27,牧草物候模型验证 Validation of Phenological period simulation,Observation,Observation,needlgrass,Leymus,Simulation,Simulation,28,察右后旗和鄂温克旗针茅返青期模拟值与实测值的比较 Co
13、mparison of simulated phenological period and measured phenological period,29,呼伦贝尔牧业试验站羊草产量变化(gm-2)Change of Chinese wildrye production in Hulunber trial station,30,呼伦贝尔牧业试验站牧草总产量变化(gm-2)Change of pasture production in Hulunber trial station,31,呼伦贝尔9月30日生物量与年降水量的关系Correlation of biomass production o
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- 关 键 词:
- 气候变化 草地 畜牧业 影响
