1、V5品牌介绍V5 Brand Presentation,目录 Content,车型概述Overview,品牌定位Brand position,车型概述Introduction,V5 车型概述-Overview,The life habit in USA requires the housewives to use a kind of vehicle that meets their demand much more.The vehicle must have favorable sports function,higher driving position to ensure the driv
2、er(passenger)a better driving outlook as well as enough space to facilitate their loading and unloading the comparatively bulky goods-for example,the equipment that their children will use in the football team.Under drive of this demand,设计故事-Design Short Story,欧美的生活习惯使主妇们需要有一种更符合她们需求的车来供她们使用,这样的车要有良
3、好的运动功能、较高的驾驶位置让司机(乘客)可以有一种更好的驾驶视野,同时还要有足够的空间来供她们可以方便的装载相对笨重的货物例如孩子在足球队里用的器材;在这种需求的推动下,2003年很多供应商都在推出一个由轿车,小型货车以及运动功能车所混合而成的新的品种,而且他们都很难将这新品种划分到任何的类别中去。,in 2003,many suppliers all pushed out a new variety of vehicle that combines functionsof sedan,light-van and sports,but they are difficult to divide
4、 this new variety into any sort.,V5 车型概述-Overview,Definition of New Crossover:it is a Crossover Vehicle from freewill crossover combination of model characteristics of SD,MPV,SUV,Pickup and Station Wagon etc.,which has appearance and operating control performance of SUV together with versatility bro
5、ught by space of MPV and comfortability brought by configuration of sedan as well as fashionable appearance characteristics and the essential feature of high safety.,设计理念-Design Concept,New Crossover定义:是跨越SD、MPV、SUV、皮卡、旅行车等车型特征的“跨越车”,同时具备SUV的外形及操控性、MPV空间带来的多功能性以及轿车配置带来的舒适性,并具有时尚的外观特征与高安全性的基本特点。,V5 车
6、型概述-Overview,设计者定位V5为多功能轿车。根据用途,V5主要定位为商务用车,同时兼有家用和休旅车的功能。V5结合了MPV、SUV和轿车的优点,2800mm的轴距,4662mm的车长保证了舒适空间。ACTECO发动机在降低油耗、保护环境方面卓有成效。安全气囊、ABS、EBD、TCS以及高位刹车灯的等装备使V5达到四星级安全标准。,产品定位 Product Position,V5 车型概述-Overview,The designers position the V5 as a all-round vehicle.In terms of purpose,it is mainly posi
7、tioned as a commercial vehicle,but also given with both family and travel purposes.Accordingly,the designers combine the features of the MPV,the SUV and the sedan.Its bright exterior and comfortable space are interpreted by a 2800 mm wheelbase,a 4662 mm vehicle length,as well as light color interior
8、 trimmings.The application of the ACTECO engine reduces the fuel consumption and enhances its environmental protection performance.The safety features like air bags,ABS,EBD,TCS and high-mounted brake lights make it meet with the 4-star safety standard.,Designed with unique exterior,flexible space co
9、mbination,outstanding comfortable and handling performance,it is indeed an all-round vehicle.,产品定位 Product Position,V5 车型概述-Overview,大事记-Milestone,2003年4月1日,项目正式启动;Apr 1st 2004,B14 project started;2007年6月2日,东方之子Cross在深圳车展上市;Jun 2nd 2007,Eastar Cross released to the market in Shenzhen Auto Show.2007年
10、6月2日,东方之子/东方之子Cross“千里一箱油”挑战车队从北京抵达安徽,东方之子Cross创下一箱油行驶11739公里的好成绩,百公里耗油6.12L;Jun 2nd 2007,“one-box of fuel for one-thousand kilometer”challenge was held from Beijing to Anhui,with oil consumption for 100 kilometer of 6.12L;2007年7月19日至9月1日,“今日希望学子,明日东方之子”东方之子Cross浙江百万助学活动浙江举行,资助100名品学兼优的贫困学子圆了大学梦;Jul
11、 19th to Sep 1st 2007,a donation in the name of V5 helped 100 students to fulfill their dreams to go to university;2007年11月12日,五座版东方之子Cross供市;Oct 12th 2007,five-seat V5 released into market;2007年11月20日至12月2日,爱心勾勒美好未来东方之子Cross爱心嘉年华活动在广东成功举办,奇瑞公司、广东各经销商及东方之子Cross车主共同将爱心善款捐赠给了江西省定南县富田小学。Oct 20th to Dec
12、 2nd 2007,Chery and Guangdong distributors made a donation to a primary school in Jiangxi Province.,V5 品牌定位 V5 Brand Position,品牌六要素 6 Elements for Brand,将每个车型拟人化之后,运用到以下六个代表元素中,然后在每个元素的各自范围内找出最适合该人(车)的典型代表Embody the idea of“personification of each model”upon the following 6 representative factors,th
13、en try to find out which match the person(model)most in the sphere of each factors.,有威 powerful,可信赖 reliable,正式的 not casual,安全 safe,大气 generous,功成名就 success,志向远大 ambitious,勤勉的 diligent,可信赖 reliable,舒适 comfortable,非正式 casual,有活力 dynamic,安全 safe,多才多艺 versatile快乐 happy,商用 Commercial Use,家用 Family Use,V
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