1、诗仙李白,Sujie LiSchool of English,BISU2016-12-7,1,PPT课件,懒歌一曲,要是能重来 我要选李白几百年前做的好坏没那么多人猜要是能重来 我要选李白至少我还能写写诗来澎湃逗逗女孩要是能重来 我要选李白创作也能到那么高端被那么多人崇拜要是能重来,2,PPT课件,Why do you think the singer wants to become Li Bai?,3,PPT课件,FreedomPassion CreativityIngenuityImaginationOptimism,4,PPT课件,两小无猜、青梅竹马、竹马之交、浮生若梦天伦之乐、刻骨铭心
2、、一泻千里、杀人如麻仙风道骨、桃花流水、扬眉吐气、九天揽月难于上青天、一夫当关,万夫莫开、抽刀断水直上青云、天生我才必有用不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人Do you know where these idioms come from?Are you aware that they derive from Li Bai when you use these idioms?,5,PPT课件,Cite poems that you know of written by Li Bai.,6,PPT课件,古人关于李白的评价,杜甫:“李白斗酒诗百篇,长安市上酒家眠。天子呼来不上船,自称臣是酒中仙。
3、”(饮中八仙歌)杜甫在春日忆李白诗中写道:“白诗也无敌,飘然思不群。清新庾开府,俊逸鲍参军。渭北春天树,江东日暮云。何时一樽酒,重与细论文。”杜甫称李白诗作清新、俊逸、飘纵不同一般,诗坛中无人可与匹敌。白居易李白墓:“可怜荒冢穷泉骨,曾有惊天动地文。”,7,PPT课件,贺知章誉之为“谪仙”,称“公非人世之人,可不是太白星精耶?”(本事诗)。韩愈云:“李杜文章在,光焰万丈长。”(调张籍)唐朝文宗御封李白的诗歌、裴旻的剑舞、张旭的草书为“三绝”。“Three Wonders”refers to Li Bais poetry,Pei Mins swordplay,and Zhang Xus call
4、igraphy.,8,PPT课件,李白何许人也?,9,PPT课件,Li Bai(701-762),Birth place:Courtesy name Taibai(字太白),a native of Chengji,Longxi(陇西成纪)(todays Tianshui,Gansu).His ancestors migrated to Suiye City in Central Asia(中亚碎叶,今吉尔吉斯坦托克马克附近),at the end of the Sui Dynasty.五岁时,随父迁居到彰明青莲乡(今属四川江油),因此自号青莲居士(alias Qinglian Jushi)。I
5、n his youth,while studying,practicing sword play and exploring,he also began to write poems.As a young man,he wandered,broadening his vision,and wrote more and more poems.,10,PPT课件,In the Tianbao Period,he became a member of the Imperial Academy(Hanlin Academy)and was treated with courtesy by Empero
6、r Xuanzong,but he soon fell foul of influential officials and resigned.Later,after social unrest such as the An-shi Rebellion,he suffered further bad luck and frustrations;he wandered and eventually died in Dangtu,Anhui(当涂,安徽).,11,PPT课件,Li Bais poetry,Around 1000 poems attributed to Li Bai are extan
7、t.His poems have been collected into the most important Tang dynasty poetry anthology Heyue yingling ji,(河岳英灵集)compiled in 753 by Yin Fan(殷璠),and thirty-four of his poems are included in the anthology Three Hundred Tang Poems(唐诗三百首),which was first published in the 18th century.In the same century,t
8、ranslations of his poems began to appear in Europe.The poems were models for celebrating the pleasures of friendship,the depth of nature,solitude,and the joys of drinking wine.Among the most famous are Waking from Drunkenness on a Spring Day,The Hard Road to Shu,and Quiet Night Thought,which still a
9、ppear in school texts in China.In the West,multi-lingual translations of Lis poems continue to be made.His life has even taken on a legendary aspect,including tales of drunkenness,chivalry,and the well-known fable that Li drowned when he reached from his boat to grasp the moons reflection in the riv
10、er.,12,PPT课件,Types of Poetry,山水诗:望天门山,望庐山瀑布田园诗:宿五松山下荀云媪家边塞诗:塞下曲,蜀道难,关山月赠别诗:送孟浩然之广陵,赠汪伦咏物诗:把酒问月游仙诗:梦游天姥吟留别 游侠诗:侠客行,白马篇咏史诗:古风闺怨诗:长干行饮酒诗:将进酒,月下独酌,13,PPT课件,Themes&Style,1.Strong sense of the continuity of poetic tradition:Of all the poems attributed to Li Bai,about one sixth are in the form of yuefu,or,
11、in other words,reworked lyrics from traditional folk ballads.建安七子、陈思王、谢朓2.Rapt with wine and moon:John C.H.Wu observed that“while some may have drunk more wine than Li Bai,no-one has written more poems about wine.“the Eight Immortals”,春日醉起言志、月下独酌、3.Skillful use of persona:Li Bai also wrote a number
12、of poems from various viewpoints,including thepersonaeof women.妾,长相思4.Fantastic extremes of imagery 白发三千丈,14,PPT课件,5.Mastery of formal poetic rules:登金陵凤凰台6.Boldness in breaking rules:蜀道难、将进酒7.Marvelous ability to combine all of these with a seemingly effortless virtuosity in order to produce inimita
13、ble poetry(蒋勋只可生气;课堂上多讲杜甫,因李白不可学)8.Sympathy for the common folks and antipathy towards needless wars(even when conducted by the emperor himself)-20th cent.new interest,15,PPT课件,李白诗风,感情强烈奔放、想象丰富瑰丽,诗风雄奇豪放,语言清新活泼、流转自然,音律和谐多变,善于从民歌、神话中吸取营养和素材,构成其特有的瑰玮绚烂的色彩,富有积极浪漫主义精神。,16,PPT课件,Poetry Appreciation,17,PPT
14、课件,长干行,妾发初覆额,折花门前剧。郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅。同居长干里,两小无嫌猜,十四为君妇,羞颜未尝开。低头向暗壁,千唤不一回。十五始展眉,愿同尘与灰。常存抱柱信,岂上望夫台。十六君远行,瞿塘滟滪堆。五月不可触,猿声天上哀。门前迟行迹,一一生绿苔。苔深不能扫,落叶秋风早。八月蝴蝶黄,双飞西园草。感此伤妾心,坐愁红颜老。早晚下三巴,预将书报家。相迎不道远,直至长风沙。,18,PPT课件,The River-Merchants Wife:A Letter by Ezra Pound,While my hair was still cut straight across my forehead
15、 I played about the front gate,pulling flowers.You came by on bamboo stilts,playing horse,You walked about my seat,playing with blue plums.And we went on living in the village of Chokan:Two small people,without dislike or suspicion.At fourteen I married My Lord you.I never laughed,being bashful.Lowe
16、ring my head,I looked at the wall.Called to,a thousand times,I never looked back.At fifteen I stopped scowling,I desired my dust to be mingled with yours Forever and forever and forever.Why should I climb the look out?At sixteen you departed,You went into far Ku-to-yen,by the river of swirling eddie
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