1、2013 ACC/AHA 降低成人动脉粥样硬化性心血管风险胆固醇治疗指南,余丹青广东省人民医院 广东省心血管病研究所,2013 AHA/ACC 新指南推荐大部分4类他汀获益人群使用高强度他汀,Stone NJ,et al.JACC(2013),doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2013.11.002.,已存在ASCVD 如无禁忌症或年龄75岁,启动高强度他汀LDLC 190 mg/dL 如无禁忌症,启动高强度他汀糖尿病,年龄40-75岁,LDL-C 70-189 mg/dL 如无禁忌症,启动中等-高强度他汀无ASCVD或糖尿病,年龄40-75岁,LDL-C 70-189 mg/dL,10年
2、ASCVD风险7.5%如无禁忌症,启动中等-高强度他汀,临床如何权衡高强度他汀治疗的风险获益比?,新指南对他汀安全性的推荐,RCTs&RCTs的荟萃分析常常确定重要安全性问题允许评估他汀治疗的净获益ASCVD风险的降低 vs.不良事件专家对他汀相关不良事件的管理进行了指导,包括肌肉症状建议使用其他信息,包括药剂师提供的信息、处方信息&复杂病例药物信息中心的信息,新指南针对他汀安全性的推荐,Stone NJ,et al.JACC(2013),doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2013.11.002.,2.Safety Recommendations for Statins,2.1.Selec
3、tion of the appropriate statin and dose.Characteristics predisposing individuals to statin adverse effects:不良反应风险高:Multiple or serious comorbidities,including impaired renal or hepatic function.存在严重并发症或并存多种疾病(肝功能或肾功能受损)History of previous statin intolerance or muscle disorders.既往不能耐受他汀类药物或有肌肉损害史Unex
4、plained ALT elevations 3 times ULN.无法解释的谷氨酸转氨酶(ALT)升高正常上限的3倍;Patient characteristics or concomitant use of drugs affecting statin metabolism.同时使用影响他汀类药物代谢的其他药物。75 years of age 年龄75岁,Safety Recommendations for Statins,2.2a.CK should not be routinely measured in individuals receiving statin therapy.II
5、IA 不建议常规监测肌酸激酶(CK)水平2.2b.Baseline measurement of CK is reasonable for individuals believed to be at increased risk for adverse muscle events.IIaC 肌肉不良事件风险高者监测CK基线水平2.2c.It is reasonable to measure CK in individuals with muscle symptoms.IIaC 出现肌肉症状须监测CK,Safety Recommendations for Statins,2.8.to evalu
6、ate and treat muscle symptoms in statin-treated patients according to the following management algorithm:评估及治疗肌肉症状obtain a history of prior or current muscle symptoms to establish a baseline before initiating statin therapy.起始他汀类药物治疗之前应详细询问既往或目前肌肉症状病史,避免不必要的停药。If unexplained severe muscle symptoms o
7、r fatigue develop,promptly discontinue the statin and address the possibility of rhabdomyolysis by evaluating CK,creatinine,and a urinalysis for myoglobinuria.若出现无法解释的严重的肌肉症状或疲劳症状加重,则立即停药,并检测CK、肌酐水平,查尿液分析有无肌红蛋白尿以明确是否存在横纹肌溶解。,If mild to moderate muscle symptoms develop 轻中度肌肉症状加重Discontinue the statin
8、 until the symptoms can be evaluated.停药Evaluate the patient for other conditions that might increase the risk for muscle symptoms检查加重肌肉症状的其他疾病If muscle symptoms resolve,and if no contraindication exists,give the patient the original or a lower dose of the same statin to establish a causal relationsh
9、ip between the muscle symptoms and statin therapy.停药后若肌肉症状消失,且无明确禁忌,则给予低剂量相同他汀类药物,以明确是否存在因果关系。If a causal relationship exists,discontinue the original statin.Once muscle symptoms resolve,use a low dose of a different statin.若因果关系存在,则停药,待肌肉症状缓解后换用低剂量其他种类他汀,Once a low dose of a statin is tolerated,gra
10、dually increase the dose as tolerated.若因果关系不存在,患者可耐受低剂量他汀类药物,则逐渐加量至所能耐受的最大剂量。If,after 2 months without statin treatment,muscle symptoms or elevated CK levels do not resolve completely,consider other causes of muscle symptoms.停药2个月后肌肉症状未完全缓解,CK水平未降至正常,则需考虑其他引起肌肉症状的原因。If persistent muscle symptoms are
11、 determined to arise from a condition unrelated to statin therapy,or if the predisposing condition has been treated,resume statin therapy at the original dose.确定肌肉症状与他汀类药物无关或增加肌肉症状风险的疾病已被治疗后,继续服用初始剂量他汀类药物,Safety Recommendations for Statins,2.9.A confusional state or memory impairment,to evaluate the
12、 patient for nonstatin causes,as well as for systemic and neuropsychiatric causes,possibility of adverse effects associated with statin drug therapy.IIb C 出现精神混乱或记忆障碍,须排除他汀类药物不良反应的可能及非他汀类药物原因,是否存在全身及神经系统疾病等,Nonstatin Safety Recommendations,3.4.Safety of Cholesterol-Absorption Inhibitors胆固醇吸收抑制剂3.4.1
13、.It is reasonable to obtain baseline hepatic transaminases before initiating ezetimibe.When ezetimibe is coadministered with a statin,monitor transaminase levels as clinically indicated,and discontinue ezetimibe if persistent ALT elevations 3 times ULN occur.IIa,B服用依折麦布前需检测肝脏ALT基础水平。若与他汀类药物联用时密切监测AL
14、T变化。当ALT升至正常上限3倍时停用依折麦布3.5.Safety of Omega-3 Fatty Acids-3脂肪酸3.5.1.If EPA and/or DHA are used for the management of severe hypertriglyceridemia,defined as triglycerides 500 mg/dL,it is reasonable to evaluate the patient for gastrointestinal disturbances,skin changes,and bleeding.IIa,B 重度高TG血症(TG 500
15、 mg/dL)患者应用二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和/或二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)时应注意胃肠功能紊乱、皮肤改变及出血。,3.6.Safety of Fibrates 贝特类3.6.1.Gemfibrozil should not be initiated in patients on statin therapy because of an increased risk for muscle symptoms and rhabdomyolysis.III,B不建议吉非罗齐与他汀类药物联用3.6.2.Fenofibrate may be considered concomitantly with a
16、low-or moderate-intensity statin only if the benefits from ASCVD risk reduction or triglyceride lowering when triglycerides are 500 mg/dL,are judged to outweigh the potential risk for adverse effects.IIb,C只有当TG5.6mmol/L或在降低ASCVD事件方面的获益超过潜在风险时,可考虑非诺贝特与中-低强度他汀类药物联用,Nonstatin Safety Recommendations,Non
17、statin Safety Recommendations,3.6.3.Renal status evaluated before fenofibrate initiation,within 3 months after initiation,and every 6 months thereafter.非诺贝特使用前及3个月后复查肾功能,此后每6个月复查1次 eGFR 30 mL/min per 1.73 m2:Fenofibrate should not be used eGFR 30-59 mL/min per 1.73 m2,the dose of fenofibrate=54 mg/d
18、ay.If,during follow-up,the eGFR decreases persistently to 30 mL/min per 1.73 m2,fenofibrate should be discontinued,血脂监测管理的推荐,RCT证据支持:起始及调整剂量后4-12周复查空腹血脂水平,此后每3-12个月评估一次LDL-C的监测是为了观察患者对药物的依从性、对他汀生物反应的变异性一般来说,高强度他汀会从未经治疗的基线水平平均降低LDL-C50%一般来说,中等强度他汀会从未经治疗的基线水平平均降低LDL-C30%-50%,Stone NJ,et al.JACC(2013),
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