1、空间大地测量学主讲:李征航 教授助教:刘万科 博士武汉大学测绘学院卫星应用工程研究所2008年09月,空间大地测量学,原子钟(Atomic Clock)甚长基线干涉测量(VLBI)激光测卫(SLR)卫星测高(Satellite Altimetry)多普勒技术(Doppler Technique)卫星跟踪卫星(SST),内 容 提 要,Part 1.Atomic Clock,The National Physics Laboratory in England developed the first accurate caesium atomic clock in 1955,In 1967 the
2、 International Bureau of Weights and Measures(BIPM)adopted the atomic definition for an SI second,Definition of Atomic Second:地面状态的铯133原子对应于两个超精细能级跃迁 9 192 631 770个辐射周期的持续时间。科学家当前正在研制更高精度的原子钟:1 second in 10 billion years,Atomic Fountains(原子喷泉钟),15 fountains in operation at SYRTE,PTB,NIST,USNO,Penn S
3、t,INRIM,NPL,ON,JPL.6 with accuracy at 1 10-15.More than 10 under construction,A Brief History of Atomic Clocks at NISThttp:/tf.nist.gov/cesium/atomichistory.htm,1945-Isidor Rabi,a physics professor at Columbia University,suggests a clock could be made from a technique he developed in the 1930s calle
4、d atomic beam magnetic resonance.1949-Using Rabis technique,NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technology)announces the worlds first atomic clock using the ammonia molecule as the source of vibrations.1952-NIST completes the first accurate measurement of the frequency of the cesium clock reson
5、ance.The apparatus for this measurement is named NBS-1.,NBS-1,1954-NBS-1 is moved to NISTs new laboratories in Boulder,Colorado.1955-The National Physical Laboratory in England builds the first cesium-beam(铯原子束)clock used as a calibration source.1958-Commercial cesium clocks become available,costing
6、$20,000 each.1959-NBS-1 goes into regular service as NISTs primary frequency standard.1960-NBS-2 is inaugurated in Boulder;it can run for long periods unattended and is used to calibrate secondary standards.,NBS-2,1963-The search for a clock with improved accuracy and stability results in NBS-3.,NBS
7、-3,1967-The 13th General Conference on Weights and Measures defines the second on the basis of vibrations of the cesium atom;the worlds timekeeping system no longer has an astronomical basis.,1968-NBS-4,the worlds most stable cesium clock,is completed.This clock was used into the 1990s as part of th
8、e NIST time system.,1972-NBS-5,an advanced cesium beam device,is completed and serves as the primary standard,NBS-5,1975-NBS-6 begins operation;an outgrowth of NBS-5,it is one of the worlds most accurate atomic clocks,neither gaining nor losing one second in 300,000 years.,1993-NIST-7 comes on line;
9、eventually,it achieves an uncertainty of 5 x 10-15,or 20 times more accurate than NBS-6.,1999-NIST-F1 begins operation with an uncertainty of 1.7 x 10-15,or accuracy to about one second in 20 million years,making it one of the most accurate clocks ever made(a distinction shared with similar standard
10、s in France and Germany).,喷泉原子钟内部构造图,Video Demonstration of How a Cesium Fountain Works(喷泉钟的动画演示,请用鼠标点击上述画面),NIST-F1 Cesium Fountain Atomic ClockThe Primary Time and Frequency Standard for the United States,The uncertainty of NIST-F1 is continually improving.In 2000 the uncertainty was about 1 x 10-
11、15,but as of the summer of 2005,the uncertainty has been reduced to about 5 x 10-16,which means it would neither gain nor lose a second in more than 60 million years!It is now approximately ten times more accurate than NIST-7,a cesium beam atomic clock that served as the United States primary time a
12、nd frequency standard from 1993-1999.,Galileo atomic clocks,Rubidium clock,Hydrogen maser clock,Galileo satellites:rubidium atomic frequency standards and passive hydrogen masers.The stability of the rubidium clock is so good that it would lose only three seconds in one million years,while the passi
13、ve hydrogen maser is even more stable and it would lose only one second in three million years.,Office of Naval Research-matchbox atomic clock,one second every 10,000 years Ultra-miniature Rubidium(Rb)Atomic Clock,40 cm3,NIST Chip-Scale Atomic Clock,On Aug.30,2004about the size of a grain of rice(1.
14、5 millimeters on a side and 4 millimeters high),consume less than 75 thousandths of a watt(enabling the clock to be operated on batteries)and are stable to one part in 10-10,equivalent to gaining or losing just one second every 300 years.,the physics package will be integrated with an external oscil
15、lator and control circuitry into a finished clock about 1 cm3 in size.,Part 2.VLBI-Very Long Baseline Interferometry,河外射电源(河外类星体),射电望远镜,射电望远镜 射电望远镜是一种能接收和处理来自太空的无线电信号的装置,由巨大的抛物面天线,高精度的原子钟,数据接收和处理设备等组成。,灵敏度 是指射电望远镜“最低可测”的能量值,此值 越低灵敏度越高。为提高灵敏度常用的办法有降低接收机本身的固有噪声、增大天线接收面积、延长观测积分时间等。,1)射电干涉测量,分辨率 指区分两个彼此
16、靠近射电源的能力,分辨率越高就能将越近的两个射电源分开。利用射电望远镜进行观测时其角分辨率可用下列公式来估算:式中 为角分辨率,为射电望远镜所接收的无线电信号的波长,通常为13cm和3.6cm,为射电望远镜接收天线的口径。,(2-1),那么,怎样提高射电望远镜的分辨率呢?对单天线射电望远镜来说,天线的直径越大分辨率越高。但是天线的直径难于作得很大,目前单天线的最大直径小于300米,对于波长较长的射电波段分辨率仍然很低,因此就提出了使用两架射电望远镜构成的射电干涉仪。对射电干涉仪来说,两个天线的最大间距越大分辨率越高。另外,在天线的直径或者两天线的间距一定时,接收的无线电波长越短分辨率越高。,阿
17、雷西博(Arecibo)天文台,波多黎各(西印度群岛),USA,直径:305m、51米深、1974年建成占地大约20英亩,40000块铝制面板组成,900吨的接收平台射线频率:50 MHz(6 m)10,000 MHz(3 cm).,The Arecibo Observatory is part of the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center(NAIC),a national research center operated by Cornell University under a cooperative agreement with the
18、National Science Foundation(NSF).,Arecibo Observatory,National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center http:/www.naic.edu/,世界上最大的钢结构的射电望远镜,直径100米,实际尺寸 100 110 m,Green Bank Telescope,National Radio Astronomy Observatory,West Virginia,USA,National Radio Astronomy Observator http:/www.gb.nrao.edu/gbt,1997年2 月,
19、日本空间科学研究所成功地发射了一颗VLBI空间观测研究卫星(VSOP),它可从东京分辨出悉尼的1颗米粒大小的东西,能在揭开黑洞结构等发挥重要的作用。,联线干涉测量,为较大幅度的提高角分辨率,有人提出了联线干涉测量的方法(见右图)。通过此方法我们就组成了一台虚拟的口径为D的大射电望远镜。此时D即为两台射电望远镜的距离。,VLA:Very Large Array Socorro,New Mexico,USAhttp:/www.vla.nrao.edu/,提高角分辨率,VLA由27个射电天线组成一个Y字型,每个天线的直径是25m,MERLIN,operated by Jodrell Bank Obs
20、ervatory,is the Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network,with separations of up to 217km.It operates at frequencies ranging from 151 MHz to 24 GHz.At 5GHz,the resolution of MERLIN is better than 50 milliarcseconds,http:/www.merlin.ac.uk/,http:/www.jb.man.ac.uk,Jodrell Bank Observatory,Unive
21、rsity of Manchester.,Jodrell Bank的 Lovell 望远镜,1957年开始运行,跟踪了世界第一颗人造卫星 Sputnik 1,其直径为76m,由于下列原因:电缆价格较贵,且铺设电缆的工作量也较大。由于温度和外界环境的不同,两根电缆所产生的热 胀冷缩及介电系数的变化也不相同,从而使A,B 两个射电望远镜所接收的信号在送往相关器的过程 中所花费的传送时间也不严格相同,从而影响结果 的精度。这种误差会随着距离的增加而变大。所以联线干涉测量的距离一般被限制在几十公里以内,至今为止,最长的间距为217公里。,甚长基线干涉测量示意图,VLBI,VLBI现状及前景 目前全球约
22、有4050个VLBI站 IVS(International VLBI Service for Geodesy&Astrometry)EVN FAST&SKA,The objectives of IVS areto provide a service to support geodetic,geophysical,and astrometric research and operational activities;to promote research and development activities in all aspects of the geodetic and astrometr
23、ic VLBI technique;and to interact with the community of users of VLBI products and to integrate VLBI into a global Earth observing system.,IVS(International VLBI Service for Geodesy&Astrometry)is an international collaboration of organizations which operate or support Very Long Baseline Interferomet
24、ry(VLB I)components.,IVS(International VLBI Service for Geodesy&Astrometryhttp:/ivscc.gsfc.nasa.gov/,IVS provides data and products for the scientific community.Some of the products area terrestrial reference frame(TRF),the international celestial reference frame(ICRF),and Earth orientation paramete
25、rs(EOP).,All IVS data and products are archived in data centers and are publically available for research in related areas of geodesy,geophysics and astrometry.,IVS Network Station,空间大地测量方法VLBI,http:/ivscc.gsfc.nasa.gov/,The European VLBI Network(EVN)was formed in 1980 by five of the major radio ast
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