1、National Chiao Tung UniversityDepartment of Management ScienceDeFinal ExaminationTerm: Fall Year: 2009Student Name (Chinese Characters): 關樂生 Student ID Number:9531049 Student Name (Chinese Characters): 許育凡 Student ID Number:9632035 Student Name (Chinese Characters): 吳東陽 Student ID Number:9631051 Cou
2、rse Abbreviation and NumberDMS4633Course Title零售學, RetailingInstructor張力元老師, Professor TrappeyFinal ProjectFinal ProjectDue DateJanuary 7, 2010Number of Homework Pages25Homework TypeGroup, typed, class hand-in, e3 logAdditional Materials AllowedTextbookMarking Scheme:Grade:Table of ContentIntroducti
3、on1Literature Review1Section I: Family Mart2Research Background2Research Objects2Types of Merchandise2Variety and Assortment3Services Offered4Prices and the Cost of Offering Breadth and Depth of Merchandise and Services4Customer Buying Behavior4Retail Market Strategy4Section II: Bellavita5Research B
4、ackground5Research Objects5Types of Merchandise5Variety and Assortment5Services Offered6Prices and the Cost of Offering Breadth and Depth of Merchandise and Services6Customer Buying Behavior7Retail Market Strategy7Section III: H&M Location7Introduction7Products Categories & Markets8Supply Chain8Why
5、no H&M in Taiwan?9ECFA9The Economic and Political condition9Competition10Comparison10Locations in Hong Kong and Taiwan11Trade area12i Taipei Q square12ZhongXiao DunHua TongLin Department Store and Breeze ZhongXiao13Hankyu Department Store13Huff Gravity Model14Transportation Categories15Section IV: C
6、ostco15Introduction15Membership Warehouse Club15History16Retail Market Strategy16Target Market Strategy16Products16Promotions17Price17Presentation18Layout18Personnel and Customer Service19Human Resource Management19Human Resource19Objectives19Organizational Structure and Plan20Information System20Cu
7、stomer Relationship Management20Merchandise Management20Managing Merchandise Assortments20Warehouse21Conclusion21References22IntroductionTo realize the whole concept of retailing, we try to analyze four retailers-Family Mart, Bellavita, H&M and Costco-in Taiwan Market. From different manners of reta
8、il concepts-such as types of retailers, customer buying behavior, retail market strategy, retail locations, human resource management, information systems and supply chain management, customer relationship management, merchandise management and customer service- we realize the basic knowledge of ret
9、ailing. We discussed the four store through the semester and then make some survey to apply the retailing concept.Literature ReviewRetailing is the set of business activities that adds value to the products and service sold to consumers for their personal or family use.* In the retailing world, reta
10、iling managers need to know the environment in which they operate before they can develop and implement effective strategies. So what they do first is to realize the customers buying behavior, from observing customers daily buying behavior. Then they make retailing strategies based on these observat
11、ions. Finally, they implement the effective strategies.Variety is the number of merchandise categories a retailer offers. Assortment is the number of different items in a merchandise category.* Different kinds of retailers have different combinations of these two characteristics. Specific kind of co
12、mbinations will attract different kinds of customers. How to choose proper products and services combinations and variety becomes an important thing to the retailing managers.Customers usually have their own buying behavior based on the following process: need recognition, information research, eval
13、uation, choice, visit and loyalty.* An effective retail strategy satisfies customer needs better than do competitors strategies. Use the information of customer buying behavior, we know about how consumers can be grouped into market segments. How individual customers evaluate and select stores and m
14、erchandise, the factors affecting their decision making and retail market segment are three important manners for retailers.A retail strategy is a statement identifying: the retailers target market, the format the retailer plans to use to satisfy the target markets needs, and the bases upon which th
15、e retailer plans to build a sustainable competitive advantage.* The growing intensity of retail competitiondue to the emergence of new competitors, formats, and technologies, as well as shifts in customer needsis forcing retailers to devote more attention to long-term strategic planning. The retail
16、strategy provides the direction retailers need to deal effectively with their environment, customers and competitors. Three important elements of retail strategythe target market segment, retail format, and sustainable competitive advantagecertainly influence the direction of the retailer to face an
17、d grow.Section I: Family MartResearch Background Family Mart was introduced from Japan in 1988 and the company was founded on August 18 with NTD$0.2 billion capital. In the same year, the first store “Taipei Main Station Branch” opened in the Taipei train station area. Until Sep. 2009, there are alr
18、eady 2,387 Family Mart branches opened in Taiwan.* Family Mart, being a convenience store, offers useful things in the daily life in a very convenient way. The object we chose in this report is located near the Dormitory Thirteen in National Chiao-Tung University (NCTU). The surrounding in this stor
19、e is bright and clean. The estimated floor space is 81 square meters ( 10.8 * 7.5 ). Research ObjectsTypes of Merchandise The types of merchandise in Family Mart are described in Table.1. They can firstly be divided into cigarettes, fast food, cold drinks, drinks, frozen foods, snacks, instant foods
20、, media goods, household, prepared goods, and health and beauty items. During the merchandises, we can obviously realize that there are no really major brands in the category Media goods, Household, Health and Beauty items, which is marked “balanced” in the tree diagram. But for the categories of ot
21、hers, especially for the fast food and prepared foods, there are major brands and most for Family Mart itself as listed in Table 1 below.Table 1 Types of Merchandise in Family MartCategoryTypeMajor BrandCigaretteCigaretteMild SevenFast FoodRice BallsFamily MartLunch BoxesSandwichesFruitNoodlesJelly
22、and PuddingsCold DrinksMilkKuang ChuanDrinksTeaUni-PresidentCoffeeUni-PresidentJuiceUni-PresidentDrinksCocaColaCigaretteMild SevenFrozen FoodsMicrowave FoodsFamily MartSnacksChipsLaysChewing GumsAirwavesBreadFamily MartInstant FoodsInstant NoodlesUni-PresidentInstant CoffeesKing CarInstant TeaUni-Pr
23、esidentHouseholdHouseholdPrepared FoodsPrepared FoodsFamily MartHealthy and BeautyHealthy and BeautyVariety and Assortment For a convenience store, Family Mart plays a good role on this. They have different kinds of products for people daily lives. With a huge variety, you can find various kinds of
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- 关 键 词:
- 现代 零售 论文 英文
