1、,2018.11.16,Dendritic cells,Dendritic cells(DCs)are professional antigen-presenting cells that inform the fight against invasive pathogens while enforcing tolerance to self-and harmless environmental antigens.They capture pathogens and receive signals from pathogens that influence the outcome of imm
2、une responses.On the basis of these signals,DCs orchestrate antigen-specific T-cell differentiation toward Th1,Th2,Th17,or Tfh pathways.They can silence self-reactive T cells by inducing deletion,anergy,or active regulation(via regulatory T Treg cells).This chapter will focus on the function and dev
3、elopment of DCs,and the mechanisms by which they link innate immunity to adaptive immunity.,DISCOVERY,DCs were discovered as part of an effort to understand the initiation of immunity.The mouse as an experimental animal was critical because of a system,developed by Mishell and Dutton,in which mouse
4、spleen cell suspensions could be stimulated to generate antibody responses in culture.,小鼠脾脏悬浮细胞,刺激,产生抗体,One of the early observations was that lymphocytes alone were not sufficient to induce antibody-forming cell responses and that an adherent accessory cell was required.The search for the accessory
5、 cell led to the discovery of DCs.,WhatsTheaccessory cell?,单独的淋巴细胞,刺激,无抗体产生,Identification and Isolation,DCs were discovered by Steinman and Cohn when they examined spleen adherent cells by phase contrast microscopy.(相差显微镜)They then employed physical techniques to fractionate spleencells and purify
6、DCs.These cells were found to adhere to plastic or glass,had low buoyant density,and did not bind to erythrocytes coated with antibody.(粘附性),Sequential steps of density centrifugation(密度梯度离心)in bovine serum albumin gradients and adherence to glass were originally used to purify DCs.,At the time,macr
7、ophages were thought to be the key accessory cell because they composed a major population of adherent cells and also because their role in innate immunity had been long appreciated.,key accessory cell,purified antigen loaded macrophages induced immune responses when reinjected into their hosts.,ant
8、igen loaded,免疫反应,But,macrophages failed to show robust activity in induction of antibody responses in vitro,and they rapidly degraded ingested antigens suggesting that they would be unable to present it to lymphocytes.,体外,无免疫反应,At the time,the precise function of the MHC in antigen presentation was
9、not known,but it was already clear that the MHC was a key genetic determinant of immune responses and that it encoded many of the antigens involved in graft rejection.The mixed leukocyte reaction(MLR)was considered an in vitro model system to study graft rejection and was used by Steinman and Cohn t
10、o examine the function of DCs.混合白血球反应mixed leucocyte reaction 缩写为MLR。将同种动物两个个体的白血球或淋巴细胞混合一起,培养数日,则这些细胞的成细胞化,DNA的合成变得旺盛。将此反应称混合白血球反应或混合淋巴细胞反应(mixed lymphocyte reaction),They found that DCs were nearly two orders of magnitude more potent than unfractionated spleen cells,B cells,or macrophages in stimu
11、lating allogeneic T cells in the MLR.On the basis of these experiments,they speculated that DCs were the accessory cells that present antigen to T cells to initiate immune responses.However,their conclusions were not widely accepted by immunologists because unlike traditional immune responses,the ML
12、R did not require priming.,DC刺激能力强,accessory cell,Proof that DCs are antigen-presenting cells came from experiments performed by Nussenzweig and Steinman who cocultured DCs with responding T cells and hapten modified thymocytes.They showed that DCs induced MHC-restricted cytotoxic T cellsspecific to
13、 the hapten and that macrophages and other purified populations of lymphoid cells were nearly inactive as accessory cells.,DC,反应性T细胞,半抗原修饰胸腺细胞,Monoclonal Antibodies to Dendritic Cells,A series of mouse DC-restricted monoclonal antibodies were produced by Steinman and others starting in 1980s,includi
14、ng 33D1(specific for the cell surface receptor DCIR2/Clec4a4).NLDC-145(specific for the adsorptive endocytosis receptor).DEC205/cluster of differentiationCD205).N418(specific for the CD11c integrin整合素).These monoclonal antibodies were used to establish the unique functions of DCs within heterogeneou
15、s mixtures of leukocytes and to identify DCs in situ.,Dendritic Cell Subsets,In the mouse,three major groups of DCs exist in the steadystate:plasmacytoid DCs(pDCs),conventional DCs(cDCs),and migratory DCs(mDCs)(1)pDCs are important mediators of antiviral immunity through their ability to produce lar
16、ge amounts of type I interferons(IFNs)upon viral infection(2)cDCs are composed of two major subsets,namely CD8+and CD8-,Both can process and present antigens to T cells and also secrete cytokines such as interleukin(IL)-12,which can influence the ultimate polarization of the T-cell response to patho
17、gens.(3)mDCs are present in nonlymphoid tissues such as the liver,gut,skin,lung,and aorta(主动脉),and they are composed of two main subsets CD103+and CD103-,pDC,cDC,mDC,cDCs(CD8+and CD8-),two subsets have unique functions in vivo and are not redundant Some of the differences in cDC subset function may
18、be accounted for differential expression of toll-like receptors(TLRs)or other mediators of cDC activation.Spleen CD8+cDC express TLR3(recognizing doublestranded ribonucleic acid RNA)but lack TLR5(recognizing flagellin(鞭毛蛋白)and TLR7(recognizing single-stranded RNA),whereas CD8-cDCs express TLR5 and T
19、LR7 but have low levels of TLR3.,cDC,CD8+TLR3 dRNA,CD8-TLR5 flagellin/TLR7 sRNA,cDCs(CD8+and CD8-),antigen processing capacity of the two cDCs types CD8+cDC are specialized for MHCI cross-presentation,and enriched in Tap1,Tap2,calreticulin(钙网织蛋白),calnexin(钙联接蛋白),Sec61,ERp57,ERAAP,as well as cystatin
20、(胱抑素)B and C,all of which are involved in MHCI presentation or inhibition of enzymes that process peptides for MHCII presentation.CD8-cDC,which are biased for MHCII presentation,were enriched in cathepsins C(组织蛋白酶类 c),H,and Z,asparagine endopeptidase(天冬酰胺内切酶),GILT,and H2-Mbeta 1,all of which are imp
21、licated in the MHCII antigen-processing pathway.,ANATOMIC DISTRIBUTION,Lymphoid Organs Peripheral lymphoid organs(ie,spleen,lymph nodes,and mucosal associated lymphoid tissues)are the sites where primary immune responses develop,including activation of helper,killer,and antibody-forming cells.T-cell
22、 area also contains large interdigitating cells(指突状细胞)that were initially thought to be macrophages.However,cytologic and functional studies of spleen and lymph nodes in rat and mice revealed that interdigitating cells lack phagosomes(吞噬体)and lysosomes(溶酶体),and are poorly phagocytic.Mouse interdigit
23、ating cells were later proven to be cDC based on immunohistochemistry using DC-specific monoclonal antibodies.In human lymphoid organs,interdigitating cells in the T-cell area express CD83,a member of immunoglobulin superfamily.,Nonlymphoid Organs DCs are also found in most nonlymphoid organs and in
24、 all epithelial surfaces that contact the environment.In organs such as heart,lung,kidney,the dermal layer of skin,and meninges and choroid plexus in the brain,they are found in interstitial spaces that are drained by lymphatics.Interstitial DCs(间隙DC)can be distinguished from macrophages by abundant
25、 expression of MHCII and low levels of lysosomal hydrolases(水解酶),Afferent Lymphatics(输入淋巴管)Afferent lymphatics in rats,rabbits,guinea pigs,sheep,and humans contain cells with motile processes that were named veiled cells(面纱细胞)because of their large membrane protrusions.In the healthy individual,thes
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