1、手针与电针调制边缘叶-旁边缘叶-新皮层网络,手针与电针调制边缘叶-旁边缘叶-新皮层网络,传统望诊技术-Traditional Inspection,传统望诊技术-Traditional Inspection,Telescope 望远镜,Microscope 显微镜,X-Ray Body 人体透视,现代望诊技术-Modern Tech for Inspection,Telescope 望远镜Microscope 显微,The transparent image of Body,4,The transparent image of Body6,RADIOLOGY TOOLS-Instruments
2、,5,X-RAY DSA CT gamma camera MRI,RADIOLOGY TOOLS-Instruments7,Modern Imaging Techniques in TCM Clinical practice and Research现代影像技术在针刺机制研究中的应用,针刺为具有3000年历史的我国传统体表刺激治疗方法,其脑效应不清,适合fMRI研究。1994-2009,共发表各种文章700余篇,主要在中国、美国、韩国、德国、日本;SCI论文140余篇,40篇左右有较高的学术价值。Huang W.J.,park K.et al Plos One 2012,6,Modern Im
3、aging Techniques in T,针刺穴位fMRI脑效应研究,经过近二十年的国内外fMRI针刺研究探索,对针灸脑机理产生了新的认识,初步形成了新的多学科边缘研究领域。SCI 论文 140余篇:HBM,NeuroImage,Journal of Neuroscience PNAS-Hui et al HBM 2000 Neuroimage 2005-Cho et al PNAS 1998,2006-Wu et al Radiology 1999-Kong et al Journal of Neuroscience 2009,针刺穴位fMRI脑效应研究,Basic Questions 基
4、本问题,Do Manual and Electro acupuncture modulate the relative specific brain network?手针、电针脑效应有何特点,有何不同?,8,Basic Questions 基本问题 Do Ma,Hypothesis 假说,The Salient Characteristics of the Central Effects of Acupuncture Needling:Limbic-Paralimbic-Neocortical Network Modulation 针刺捻针的显著特征:调制边缘叶-旁边缘叶-新皮层网络 Manu
5、al and Electro acupuncture modulating the relative specific brain network 电针和手针各有特点,9,Hypothesis 假说The Sali,First experiment-Manual acupuncture 实 验 一-手针脑效应研究,10,First experiment,The Salient Characteristics of the Central Effectsof Acupuncture Needling:Limbic-Paralimbic-Neocortical Network Modulation
6、 捻针的显著特征:调制边缘叶-旁边缘叶-新皮层网络,Fang Jiliang,Hui KKS et al.Human Brain mapping 2009,The Salient Characteristics of,Methods,Subjects:Healthy adult volunteers,right-handed,N=10Acupoints:LV3,LV2,ST44,Sham 3rd metatarsal spaceManual acu:needle rotation,even motion,160/minParadigm:Block Design R1,2,3,4 Needle
7、in place Current Off,S1,2,3 EA Current On 30s.6 min fMRI:1.5 T GE Signa MRI EPI:TE 30ms,TR 2500ms,slice thickness 3.0/0.5 mm,41 Slices,paralleled by AC-PC line Data analysis:SPM2Interview for sensations after each procedure,MethodsSubjects:Heal,Needling sensation Intensity 四穴位 捻针针感强度比较,T-test Aching
8、*LV3 vs.LV2 p 0.05,Needling sensation I,Results,1.General Response for LV3,LV2,ST44&Sham pointActivation areas,激活脑区:Thalamus 丘脑 SII 体感二区 Insula 岛叶 Antero-middle cingulate cortex(aMCC)中扣带回前部Deactivation areas,负激活脑区:Anterior medial prefrontal cortex 前内侧前额叶皮层 Mesial temporal lobe 内侧颞叶 Posterior medial
9、parietal cortex 后内侧顶叶皮层,Results,Activation Network n=10,p=0.001,Activation Network n=10,Deactivation network n=10 p=0.001,Deactivation network n=10 p=0.,Published paper,17,Published paper19,Second experiment-Electro acu 实 验 二-电针研究,18,Second experiment,METHODS,Subjects:21 healthy adults,acupuncture-n
10、ave,F/M,20-55 y.o.Acupuncture:Electro acupuncture at CV4,CV12 separately.Paradigms:Block Design R1,2,3,4 Needle in place Current Off,S1,2,3 EA Current On 30s.fMRI:1.5 T GE Signa MRI EPI:TE 30ms,TR 2500ms,slice thickness 3.0/0.5 mm,41 Slices,paralleled by AC-PC line Interview for sensations after eac
11、h procedure.,ME,20,任脉:关元穴(CV4),中脘穴(CV12),22任脉:关元穴(CV4),中脘穴(CV12),Data Processing,SPM 2 for GLM analysis:activation and deactivation areas.SPM2分析脑激活及负激活区。Network analysis:local and distance functional connectivity:Degree centrality(or degree)is a network measure that quantifies the number of links or
12、 edges connected to a node.短程和长程“中心度”方法。对全脑内所有体素与其12mm半径内的球形邻域内的其他体素时间强度变化曲线作相关分析,相关系数超过0.25 的所有体素为短程中心度值。通过Z变换标准化,行个体和组平均及比较。Sepulcre J,Liu H,PLoS Computational Biology 2010,21,Data Processing SPM 2 for,Electroacupuncture Sensations 电针针感研究,22,fullness was stronger in CV4 than CV12(P=0.02).,Electroa
13、cupuncture Sensations,Activated and Deactivated Areas by EA at CV4、CV12 电针关元、中脘穴的激活、负激活脑区图,23,CV4(n=20)versus CV12(n=18),P=0.05,corrected 5 voxel,MNI coordinates.Strong and prevalent deactivation in ventral medial prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex was observed for both conditions.No di
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- 关 键 词:
- 电针 调制 边缘 皮层 网络
