1、Welcome To:,语言学概论,Course Introduction,1.Course Book,戴炜栋,何兆熊,2002,新编简明英语语言教程上海:上海外语教育出版社。,Course Introduction,2.Reference Books,胡壮麟,等 2001,语言学教程(第二版)北京:北京大学出版社,胡壮麟,等 2007,语言学教程(第三版)北京:北京大学出版社,2.Reference Books,Course Introduction,刘润清,文旭,2006,新编语言学教程 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,G.Yule on,2000,语言研究北京:外语教学与研究出版社,3.Ge
2、neral description1.Difficult2.Uninteresting3.Important,Course Introduction,4.AssessmentFormative assessment 30%1.Attendance 2.Classroom Performance 3.Homework B.Final Assessment 70%,Course Introduction,Chapter 1,Introduction,1.1 What Is Linguistics?,1.1.1Definition of linguistics,Linguistics is the
3、scientific study of language or the science of languageObject:language in generalMethod:systematic investigation,What is the Significance of Linguistics?,思考:1.一个人如果没有有关某一语言的语言学知识,她/他能够流利地讲这一语言吗?答:可以。2.刘翔是因为具有了跨栏和跑步的运动力学知识,所以才成为奥运冠军的吗?答:应该不是。,1.1 What Is Linguistics?,1.语言是人的一部分。研究语言,人门不得不把焦点瞄准自己,到自己的
4、大脑中去寻找答案。研究与人形影不离的语言,能帮助人类进一步认识自己。(熊学亮 2003:1),What is the Significance of Linguistics?,1.1 What Is Linguistics?,2.语言既是社会现象,是人们相互联系的纽带,但它本身的发生、传递和接受的机制又属于自然现象。语言的这种特殊的性质决定了语言学在科学体系中的特殊地位,即它既是社会科学,又与自然科学有密切的联系,可以说,语言学是介于社会科学和自然科学之间的一门特殊的学科。正由于此,语言学善于从自然科学的发展中吸取相关的理论和方法,推动语言学的发展,而其他人文社会科学又从语言学中吸取相关的理论
5、和方法。语言学是联系社会科学和自然科学的纽带和桥梁。语言学的理论和方法在人文社会科学中处于领先的地位。(徐通锵 2001:6-7),What is the Significance of Linguistics?,1.1 What Is Linguistics?,3.每一语言都包含着一种独特的世界观,个人更多地通过语言形成世界观(洪堡特 1936:70-72)。也就是说,每一具体语言都是源出于人,反过来又作用于人,制约着人的思维和行动(姚小平 1999:48)。语言 思维 现实/科学现代科学的世界观是根据西方印欧语言的基本语法特征概括而成的。(沃尔夫 1940:221),What is the
6、 Significance of Linguistics?,1.1 What Is Linguistics?,4.语言学理论对语言学习和语言教学具有方法论上的指导意义。,What is the Significance of Linguistics?,1.1 What Is Linguistics?,the scope of Linguistics,思考:语言可以分为哪些层次?,1.1 What Is Linguistics?,The Core of Linguistics,1.Sound phonetics2.Sounds phonology3.Word morphology4.Words/
7、sentence syntax5.Meaning semantics6.Meaning in a context pragmatics,1.1 What Is Linguistics?,Some important distinctions in linguistics,1.2 Important distinctions in linguistics,1.Prescriptive vs.descriptive“描写式”和“规定式”,1.If a linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually
8、 use,it is said to be descriptive.2.If the linguistic study aims to lay down rules for correct and standard behavior in using language,i.e.to tell people what they should say and what they should not say,it sis said to be prescriptive.,1.2 Important distinctions in linguistics,2.Synchronic vs.diachr
9、onic“共时”和“历时”,1.The description of a language at some point of time in history is a synchronic study.2.The description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.,1.2 Important distinctions in linguistics,Page 20,3.langue&parole“语言”和“言语”The distinction was made by the Swiss lingu
10、ist Saussure in the early 20th century.Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community,and parole refers to the realization of language in actual use.What linguists should do is to abstract langue from parole,i.e.to discover the regularities governing the
11、actual use of language and make them the subjects of study of linguistics.A Sociological View,1.2 Important distinctions in linguistics,Page 21,4.Competence and performance 语言能力和语言运用The distinction is discussed by the American linguist N.Chomsky in the late 1950s.Competence-the ideal users knowledge
12、 of the rules of his language.Performance-the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.A Psychological View,1.2 Important distinctions in linguistics,5.Speech vs.writing 语言/口语和文字,Speech is regarded as the primary medium of human language for the following reasons:A.historyB.f
13、unctionC.acquisition order 如果说语言符号是人类走出动物界的里程碑,那么文字的产生,则是人类由野蛮社会进入文明社会的一个重要标志。(陈宗明 2004:109),1.2 Important distinctions in linguistics,1.3.Definition of Language,Question:Whats language?,Webster s New World Dictionary(Pp.759),(a)human speech;(b)the ability to communicate by this means;(c)a system of
14、 vocal sounds and combinations of such sounds to which meaning is attributed,used for the expression or communication of thoughts and feelings;(d)the written representation of such a system;,1.3.Definition of Language,Webster s New World Dictionary(Pp.759),(e)any means of expressing or communicating
15、,as gestures,signs,or animal sounds;(f)a special set of symbols;letters,numerals,rules etc.used for the transmission of information,as in a computer;.,1.3.Definition of Language,A Generally Accepted Definition,Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.,1.3.Definiti
16、on of Language,Understanding the Definition,QS:1.Why a system?2.Why arbitrary?3.Why vocal?4.Why symbols?5.Why human?6.Why communication?,1.3.Definition of Language,Page 28,Language is a systemelements in it are not arranged and combined randomly,but according to some rules and principles.Language is
17、 arbitrary there is no intrinsic connection between the word(e.g.pen)and the thing(e.g.what we write with).Language is vocalthe primary medium for all languages is sound.Language is used for human communication-it is human-specific,very different from systems of animal communication.,1.3.Definition
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