1、Electriccurrentsinmodern art 现代艺术中的电流,current1.n.水流;气流;电流water/air/electric currenta stream of water 一股水流a cold flow of air 一股寒流a cold current 寒流 of air rushed through the open door.2.n.思潮,潮流;趋势,倾向the great current of events 天下大势。go with/against the current of the times 顺应/违反时势,current adj.当前的,通用的,流
2、行的current affairs/news 当前时事current fashioncurrent account 活期存款thw current animal year 本命年the current price/rate 时价,成交价currently adv.普遍地,通常地,现在,当前currency n.货币hard currency 硬通货,sculpture n.雕塑a piece of sculpture a marble sculpture of Venusice carving 冰雕(carve 阳刻)engraving n.阴刻(把图案镂刻进去)be engraved in
3、your memory/mind/heart铭刻在心sculptural sklptrl adj.雕塑的,雕刻般的sculptor sklpt(r)n.雕刻家 sculpt sklpt v.雕刻,造型,mistaken adj.弄错的,误解的 incorrect;wrong;misunderstood You are mistaken.你(弄)错了。You couldnt be more mistaken.你简直大错特错。mistaken identity 认错人Theteacherhasmistakenopinionofhispupil.mis-wrong or wrongly misuse
4、 misspell bad or badly misfortune 不幸,mistake n.错误,过失 makeamistake 犯错bymistake 弄错了 Hetookmyumbrellabymistake.他错拿了我的伞。andnomistake 确实如此;毫无疑问 Heishonestandnomistake.他这个人确实很诚实。vt.把.误认为,弄错,误解 mistakesb for 把某人误认为 YesterdayImistookhimformyclassmate.,gallery n.美术馆,(教堂,议院等的)边座;旁听席;大批观众the distinguished gues
5、ts gallery贵宾席 the press gallery 记者席the public gallery 旁听席 the National Gallery 国家美术馆 bring down the gallery 博得满场喝彩 play to the gallery 哗众取宠,exhibit gzbt n.展品,陈列品=something that showinpublicexhibition eksbn n.展览会 Wewenttoanexhibitiontovisitexhibits.世博会the World Expo(Expositionekspzn),oddly adv.古怪地odd
6、 adj.古怪的(因为少见而奇怪)The odd thing is.说来古怪的是.odd number奇数-even number 偶数strange adj.陌生的,奇怪的(因为陌生而奇怪)queer kw(r)adj.奇特的(因为不同于其它而奇怪)Look,heiswearingaqueerhat.weird adj.离奇古怪的weird hair-do 发型eccentric ksentrk adj.怪癖的Heisaneccentricperson.,attach vt.系、拴、粘上、贴上 Heattachedthelambtoatree.Attach a recent photogra
7、ph to your application form.attachtosb forsth 因为某事而把加再某人身上Wedidntattachblametohimforhisfailure.attachimportancetosth 对某事非常重视-Weattachimportancetoeducation.beattachedtosth 喜欢,喜爱-Imveryattachedtoher.attachment n.附属物,固定物,爱慕,友情,attach a wire to a radio 给收音机接线。No blame is attached to his act.他的行为无可非议。The
8、 tourist attached labels to all his bags.旅游者把他的行李都系上标签。The hospital is attached to that university.这医院附属于那所大学。,sphere 球体,引申为范围、领域,hemisphere 半球 the sphere of her interest/power 兴趣/权利范围the geometrydimtri of spheres 球面几何学。I take up a second foreign language to widen my sphere of knowledge.我选修一种第二外语来扩大
9、我的知识面。be out of/in ones sphere 在本人的(某种)范围外/内。globe n.地球仪;世界global fortune forum 全球财富论坛GPS=global positioning system 全球定位系统,magnetize v.使磁化,吸引Theironwasmagnetized.Hisspeechmagnetizedthelisteners.His dark flashing eyes magnetized all the girls around him.magnetic adj.磁性的magnetic force 磁力magnetic field
10、 磁场magnetic pole 磁极magnetic tape 磁带magnet mgnt n.磁铁(石)Funfair is like a magnet for little children.,Repel v.排斥,使厌恶,击退=todriveback,causefeelingsofdislikeThedifferentsexesattracteachotherandthesamesexesrepelonthecontrary.同性向吸,异性相斥。Letmegoatonce,yourepelme.你使我厌恶repel the enemy 击退敌军Water and oil repel e
11、ach other.水排斥油fire repels water.水火不容repellent rpelnt adj.令人厌恶的;相斥的;,fl-移动的光flicker 摇曳 to shine with unstready lightThe candle flickered in the wind.flash 闪光 to shine suddenly and brightly for a short timeflash on and off 忽明忽暗a flash of hope 一线希望 flash of lightning 闪电 flash of wit 灵机一动,突然出现的机智。a flas
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