1、商务英语口语,商务英语口语,表示随声附和的句式,Youre right.Thats it.Thats right.Quite right.Absolutely.Certainly.Sure.,Definitely.Of course.Exactly.Great.Fine.No problem.,表示随声附和的句式Youre right.Definit,给自己争取思考时间或进行解释的表达法,As everybody knows,As we all know As far as I am concerned,When it comes to(career plans),You know,Well,
2、let me see,I mean,What I mean is thatThats to say,给自己争取思考时间或进行解释的表达法As everybod,要求对方重复的表达,Pardon,could you repeat the question?Sorry,I didnt catch what you said.Would you please say it again?I missed your point.Sorry,I dont quite follow you.I dont quite see what you mean.Do you mean?,要求对方重复的表达Pardon
3、,could you rep,(1)开始谈话,When it comes to doing sth.,is undoubtedly the most important.I have several reasons:1)When doing,different people have different choices.Some people will say,but,as far as Im concerned,.If you ask me what is important when doing,the first thing that crosses my mind is.We have
4、 several ways to do.The first,(1)开始谈话When it comes to doing,How to becomes a popular topic in our daily lives.As to this question,I have several suggestions.Firstly,In order to do well,some things should be considered,for example,or something else.As far as I am concerned,is important to consider wh
5、en doing.When a lot of factors should be taken into consideration,-.But considering,is the most important thing to consider.,How to becomes a popular to,(2)发表观点,as far as be concerned,in ones opinion/eyes/mind,from ones point of view,as for sb./as to sb.,when it comes to,it seems to sb.that,I am of
6、the opinion that,(2)发表观点as far as be concerne,I suppose/I think,according to,as regards to,concerning,in regard to,in relation to,regarding to,I suppose/I think,with regard to,with respect to,My points are as follows:,I have the following consideration.I have the following points.There are 3 things
7、to consider.I think we need to consider 2 aspects.There are 4 points I want to say.,with regard to,(3)有条不紊,In the first place,.In the second place,.In the third place,.To begin with,.Moreover,.Finally,.For one thing,.For another,.Firstly,.Secondly,.Thirdly,.The first.The second.The third First of al
8、l in the second place last but not least,(3)有条不紊In the first place,.,(4)因果关系,because,then,therefore,hence,so,accordingly,since,consequently,thus as a result,as for,due to,because of,for the reason,owing to,thanks to,now that,result in,contribute to,lead to,on account of(the fact that),(4)因果关系because
9、,then,therefor,(5)比较关系,similarly,likewise,equally important,in comparison with,despite,unlike,whereas,while,still,otherwise,instead,at the same time,in the same way,the same as,compared to/with,similar to,on the contrary,on the other hand,in/by contrast,differ from,different from,in contrast to,and
10、yet,but yet conversely,even so,not only but also,(5)比较关系similarly,likewise,eq,(6)转折关系,but,yet,however,unless,instead,unlike,though,although,despite,nevertheless,otherwise,after all,as a matter of fact,different from,in spite of,on the contrary,on(the)one hand,on the other hand,except for,in contrast
11、,even so/though,(6)转折关系but,yet,however,unle,(7)表示列举,namely,for example/instance,take for example,such as,for one thing,for another,on one hand,on the other hand,to illustrate,to give another example,a case in point,that is,(7)表示列举namely,for example/ins,(8)表示解释,that is,that means,it means that,what I
12、 mean is that,(8)表示解释that is,that means,(9)结束话题,therefore,finally,accordingly,so,consequently,thus,hence,briefly,above all,as a result,in short,in a word,in brief,to be brief,in conclusion,as a result,in general,on the whole,all in all,in all,by and large,generally speaking,in summary,to conclude,to
13、 sum up,to summarize,(9)结束话题therefore,finally,acc,All in all,is of great importance when doing.Anyway,is essential when doing.Only after we do,can we To sum up,should be put at the first place when doing.Before I close,let me just summarize the main points.,All in all,is of great impo,(1)开始讨论的常用句式,S
14、hall we make a start?Wed better start/begin.Right,lets begin.So,the first item we have to discuss is,(1)开始讨论的常用句式Shall we make a s,(2)结束讨论的常用句式,I think that just covers everythingBefore we close,let me just summarize the main points.It looks that weve covered all the main points.To sum up,In one wor
15、d,.To draw a conclusion,In short,(2)结束讨论的常用句式I think that just,开始一个论题,Shall we begin with would you like to introduce this item?When we talk about/mention,开始一个论题Shall we begin with,结束一个论题,Right,I think that covers the first item.Shall we leave the item?Lets move on to the next item Now,we come to th
16、e question of,结束一个论题Right,I think that cove,(3)打断对方时常用的句式,Can I say something here?Sorry to interrupt you,but I thinkExcuse me,may I interrupt?Just a moment,but,(3)打断对方时常用的句式Can I say someth,(4)评论对方观点常用的句式,Thats(very)interesting.Thats a good/excellent/important point/idea.I see what you mean.Sounds
17、reasonable.Im sure wed all agree with that.,(4)评论对方观点常用的句式Thats(very)i,(5)表示赞同的常用句式,I totally agree.I couldnt agree more.Thats just how I feel.Thats exactly my opinion.Thats just what I was thinking.Thats absolutely true.I couldnt have put it better myself.You are right.Thats true.Im 100%behind you.
18、,(5)表示赞同的常用句式I totally agree.,(6)表示不赞同的常用句式,Im afraid I couldnt agree with you.You must be joking.I dont think so.I see your point/what you mean,but in my opinionWell,it dependsPerhaps,but dont you think that I suppose thats true in a way,but I guess you could be right,but dont you think?,(6)表示不赞同的常
19、用句式Im afraid I cou,(7)要求对方重复的常用句式,I dont see what you are getting at.I am not sure what you are saying.Would you please repeat it?Would you mind saying it again?,(7)要求对方重复的常用句式I dont see wha,(8)转移话题常用的句式,Lets move on to the next item.The next question on the topic card isNow lets come to the questio
20、n ofLets stop talking about,(8)转移话题常用的句式Lets move on to,(9)发表个人意见常用的句式,In my opinion,we shouldIn my view,As far as I am concernedFrom my point of view.It seems to me thatI hold the opinion thatTo my knowledgePersonally,I believeAs I see it,(9)发表个人意见常用的句式In my opinion,(10)表示犹豫常用的句式,Er,let me see.Well
21、,just let me think about it.Its like this,you seeHow can I put it,.Thats a/an interesting/difficult/big question,(10)表示犹豫常用的句式Er,let me see.,(11)询问对方意见常用的句式,Whats your opinion of?Whats your position on?What are your views on?How do you feel about?What do you think of/about,(11)询问对方意见常用的句式Whats your
22、op,迎接外宾,迎接外宾,Picking up the guest,Picking up the guest Welco,Welcoming,On behalf of,Im very glad to welcome you here.Its a pleasure to see you here.Welcome toThank you for coming all this way.,Welcoming,Introduction,Self Introduction Please let me introduce myself.ImHow do you do?My name isMay I int
23、roduce myself?ImIts a pleasure to make your acquaintance.My name is,Introduction,Introduction,Third-party IntroductionIts my pleasure to introduce you to Id like to introduce you to A,let me introduce you to A,Id like you to meet This is Hes in charge of He looks after Hes our Director/Manager.,Intr
24、oduction,Introduction,ResponsesI have heard a great deal/so much about you.I have been looking forward to seeing you in person.Seeing is believing.Would you mind exchanging your business card with me?,Introduction,初次见面How do you do?Very nice to meet you.Its nice to have you here.,Greetings,Greetings
25、,遇到熟人Long time no see.Great to see you again.Havent seen you for ages/some time.How have you been(doing)?Hey,man.Hows it going?How are you getting on/making out?Whats up?,Greetings,Greetings,正面回答Quite well/Pretty good/All right,thank you!Im doing great/good.How about you?Couldnt be better!What about
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