1、丽景温泉度假酒店管理模式与标准Management Model and Standard of Regency Hot Spring Holiday Hotel 第一版First Edition 总 序丽景温泉度假酒店管理模式与标准是由马鞍山丽景温泉度假酒店管理公司组织编写的一套具有丽景温泉度假酒店特色的管理模式与标准体系,是酒店经营管理的基本指导规范。丽景温泉度假酒店管理模式与标准体系划分为人力资源、市场营销、餐饮、财务、前厅、管家、工程、安全、采购和温泉康乐等职能模块。各职能模块包括职务说明书(JD)、政策与制度(PS)、工作流程(WF)和运营表单(OF)等四大基本单元。丽景温泉度假酒店管
3、准属城丽景温泉度假酒店管理公司资产,发放的对象是公司所属酒店总经理、酒店相应部门总监(经理),未经酒店总经理书面批准不得向任何酒店以外的第三方泄漏。上述文本保管人员根据工作需要有权扩大发放范围,但需做好发放及回收记录。 丽景温泉度假酒店管理模式与标准经酒店领导层核准,同意颁布实施。丽景温泉度假酒店总经理二0一二 年九月二十日PrefaceCompiled by Regency Hot Spring Holiday Hotel (RHSH) Co., Ltd, “RHSH Hotel Management Model and Standards” is a set of management m
4、odel and standard system with a specifically RHSH character, should be taken as guidance norm for RHSH hotel operation and management.“RHSH Hotel Management Model and Standards” consist of such functional divisions as Human Resources, Marketing & Sales, Food & Beverage, Finance, Front Office, Housek
5、eeping, Engineering, Security, Purchasing, Recreational Club and etc. Each functional division includes four parts: Job Description (JD), Policy and System (PS), Workflow Standards (WF) and Operation Forms (OF). “RHSH Hotel Management Model and Standards”, at the standardization and normalization le
6、vel, presents an overview of the basic qualification requirements, rights and responsibilities of all departments workers in a comprehensive way, introduces operating procedures and operating practice of related functional division in detail, put forward a set of systematic and integrated working st
7、andards and operating procedures with a large number of normative system templates and practical forms.As the guidance norm for RHSH hotel operation, except for the articles referring to policy, system, minimum standards as well as job description of department managers above, each hotel dept. could
8、 make alteration over job description, work flow and operation forms in accordance with actual hotel needs to make the management model meet the management practice in specific hotel operation.The company should annually organize related departments to conduct a comprehensive examination and amendme
9、nt over “RHSH Hotel Management Model and Standards” in order to achieve a balance among macro guidance and concrete applicability. As assets of RHSH Hotel Co., Ltd, “RHSH Hotel Management Model and Standards” is issued to General Managers of affiliated hotels and directors (managers) of related depa
10、rtments. it could not be leaked to the third party beyond hotel scope without the written approval from hotel General Manager. Person in charge of keep the text mentioned above has the rights to enlarge issuing scope, but he should make issuing and collecting record.After reviewing and verifying the
11、 “RHSH Hotel Management and Standards”, RHSH Co., Ltd approve to carry it out. RHSH hotel GMSeptember 20, 2012管理模式与标准文件编码说明范例:FN JD 001职能部门(模块)代码(两位英文字母)所属部门职务说明书/政策与制度/工作流程/运营表单 编码(两位英文字母)文件/表单 序号 (3位),编号自001起 职能部门代码表:部门名称English Name代码(Code)人力资源部HR DivisionHR市场营销部Marketing &Sales DivisionMS财务部Fina
12、nce DivisionFN餐饮部Food & Beverage DivisionFB安全部Security Dept.SC公关部Public Relation Dept.PR前厅部Front Office Dept.FO管家部Housekeeping Dept.HK工程部Engineering Dept.EN房务部Rooms DivisionRD采购部Purchasing Dept.PU康乐部Recreation Dept.RC 四大基本单元代码:单元名称English Name代码(Code)职务说明书Job DescriptionJD政策与制度Policy and SystemPS工作流
13、程Work FlowWF运营表单Operation FormOF阻止结构图ORGAHIZATION CHART工程部组织结构图编号REF.NO.RHSH /EN201201版制定人PREPARED BY审批人APPROVED BY执行日期EFFECTIVE2012年9 月 工程部组织结构图 ORGANIZATION CHART OF ENGINEERING DEPT.丽景温泉度假酒店工程部管理模式与标准Management Modle and Standard ON F&B丽景温泉度假酒店工程部管理模式与标准RHSH Hotel Management Modle and Standard ON
14、 F&B 目 录第一章职务说明书job descriptionEN-JD-001工程部经理 Engineering Dept. Manager1EN-JD-002值班工程师 Duty Engineer3EN-JD-003锅炉机管领班 Boiler Tube Unit Captain 4EN-JD-004 强电班领班Electrician Unit Captain5EN-JD-005空调班领班 Air Conditioning Unit Captain6EN-JD-006弱电班领班Weak Current Unit Captain7EN-JD-007装修班领班 Decoration Unit C
15、aptain 8EN-JD-008 强电技工 Mechanic Technician9EN-JD-009 弱电音响工Electrician Technician-Electricai Technician10EN-JD-010 装修技工 Decoration Technician11EN-JD-011 空调技工Air Conditioning Mechanic12EN-JD-012 工程部文员 Engineering Dept. Clerk13第二章政策与制度 policy and systemEN-PS-001 奖惩制度Rewards and Punishment System14EN-PS
16、-002 卫生制度 Sanitation System15EN-PS-003 机房钥匙管理制度 Machinery Room Key Management System16EN-PS-004 交接班制度 Duty Roster System17EN-PS-005 消防制度 Fire-fighting System18EN-PS-006 工程部安全管理制度 Engineering Dept. Security Management System20EN-PS-007 相关法规Safety regulations22第三章工作流程标准 workflow standardsEn-WS-001 日常维
17、修管理 Routine Maintenance Management23En-WS-002 维修工具管理规程 Maintenance Tools Management Regulation25En-WS-003 维修材料管理规程 Maintenance Materials Management Regulation26En-WS-004 设备技术档案管理规程 Equipments & Technology Archive Management Regulations28En-WS-005 冷水机组运行维护管理规程 Water Chilling Unit Operation, Maintenan
18、ce and Management Regulations29En-WS-006 热水锅炉运行维护管理规程 Hot Water Boiler Operation, Maintenance and Management Regulations31En-WS-007 空调系统管理规程 Air-conditioning System Management Regulations33En-WS-008 供水系统维护管理规程 Water Supply System Maintenance Regulations35En-WS-009 供电系统维护管理规程 Power Supply System Main
19、tenance and Management Regulations36En-WS-010 电梯维护管理规程 Elevator Maintenance and Management Regulations39En-WS-011 日常能耗管理规程 Daily Energy Consumption Management Regulations40En-WS-012 物资的领用和报损管理规程 Material Application and Damage Report Management Regulations41En-WS-013 公共区域照明及温湿度管理规程 Public Area Light
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 温泉 度假 酒店 管理模式 标准
