1、奇瑞汽车自建营销渠道研究作 者 姓 名 学 位 类 型 专 业 硕 士 学 科、专 业 工 商 管 理 研 究 方 向 汽车营销渠道 导 师 及 职 称 合 肥 工 业 大 学本论文经答辩委员会全体委员审查,确认符合合肥工业大学硕士学位论文质量要求。答辩委员会签名:(工作单位、职称) 主 席:委 员:导 师: 独 创 性 声 明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标志和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得 合肥工业大学 或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的
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3、我经历了难忘三年MBA的学习生涯。感谢三年来孜孜不倦的授课老师,XXXXXXXXX作者:XXX20XX年XX月于合肥工业大学奇瑞汽车自建营销渠道研究摘 要 改革开放以来,随着国民经济的发展和国家的政策支持,我国汽车产业得到了突飞猛进的发展,汽车已经成为拉动国民经济增长的支柱力量,到2009年我国汽车产业已经成为世界第一的产销大国。然而随着竞争的加剧和供需的不平衡,从2004年开始,汽车市场已经开始从卖方市场向买方市场转变,结构性产能过剩日益明显,加之自2008年以来以美国次贷危机为导火索的国际金融危机迅速蔓延,国内汽车行业也受到了波及,国家及时出台了鼓励汽车消费的汽车下乡、购置税优惠及节能补贴
5、制渠道资源,使渠道更有竞争力,成为摆在汽车制造商面前迫在眉睫的问题。基于以上原因,以本人所在的奇瑞汽车股份有限公司为例,说明奇瑞汽车的渠道策略和目前存在的困境,分析了其中的原因,指出了汽车渠道发展的方向和途径。为了帮助汽车厂家更好的规划渠道,控制渠道和提高渠道的效率,寻找渠道发展的方向,本文首先通过分析渠道建设的影响因素和国内外汽车销售模式发展的历史,环境,现状以及国内目前的主要汽车渠道模式,指出营销渠道的建设随着市场的发展而不断的发展变化的。 其次,说明了渠道创新的驱动因素,按照营销渠道设计策略,提出了奇瑞公司可以采用自建营销渠道的策略,进行渠道创新,通过各种方案的评估,得出采用与社会力量和
6、经销商联营合股的渠道模式,是比较符合奇瑞渠道变革的战略选择。最后根据上述理论,通过实际执行,奇瑞汽车专门组建了直营公司和机构,通过其运营和效果评价,说明汽车厂家自建渠道的可行性,为汽车厂家营销渠道创新提供一定的参考和借鉴。关键词:汽车营销 营销渠道 渠道创新 自营渠道Chery-Auto Self Marketing Channel Theory and PracticeABSTRACTSince the reform and opening up, with the national economic development and national policy support, Chin
7、as auto industry has been rapid development of the automobile has become a pillar of strength for stimulating national economic growth to 2009, Chinas automobile industry has become the worlds first production and marketing . However, with increased competition and supply and demand imbalance, since
8、 2004, the automotive market has begun from a seller to a buyers market changes, structural overcapacity has become increasingly evident, in addition to the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis since 2008 for the fuse the rapid spread of the international financial crisis, the domestic auto industry has al
9、so been affected, the State timely introduction of the car to the countryside to encourage automobile consumption, the purchase of tax benefits and energy subsidies and other policies to ensure the steady growth of the automotive market in the short term, but the car have become increasingly promine
10、nt industry oversupply, competition has been the product, brand, go to the all-round competition in the channels. With the continuous development of Chinas auto market and the changing demand structure, foreign auto giants have the same time to enter China, but also continue to launch the joint vent
11、ure its own brand, extrusion control by its own brand of low-end car market. Past two years, such as the concept of Guangzhou Honda Automobile, Dongfeng Nissan, Kai Chen, its own car brand market share by 35% in 2009 to 29 percent in 2011, living space is getting smaller and smaller, while also caus
12、ed the financial difficulties of some distributors, the net return events happen frequently, and further deterioration of its own brand of competitiveness. Due to increased competition brought about the homogenization of automotive products as well as the diversification of consumer demand, the need
13、 of the traditional marketing channels have been unable to meet the new situation. How to seize market advantage, control channel resources to make the channel more competitive, become placed in front of the car manufacturers around the corner. For these reasons, I Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., for ex
14、ample, the Chery Automobiles channel strategy and present the plight of the reason, pointing out the direction and means of development of the automotive channel. In order to help car manufacturers to better planning channels, control channels and improve the efficiency of the channels, looking for
15、the direction of channel development, firstly through the analysis of the history of the channel construction of the influencing factors and the development of domestic and foreign car sales model, the environment, the status quo and domestic current major automotive channel model, that the construc
16、tion of the marketing channels and continuous development with the development of the market changes. Secondly, the channel innovation drivers, in accordance with the design strategy of marketing channels, Chery company can adopt the strategy of self marketing channels, and innovation in the channel
17、, obtained using the social forces and dealer associates through a variety of program evaluation The partnership of the channel model, is more in line with the strategic choice of the the Chery channel change. Finally, according to the above theory, the practical implementation of Chery Automobile s
18、et up a special direct marketing companies and institutions, through its operations and evaluation of effects, indicating the feasibility of the automobile manufacturers to self-built channels to provide some reference for car manufacturers marketing channel innovation.Key Words: Automotive Marketin
19、g; marketing Channels; Channels Innovative; Self-Channel目 录第一章 绪论11.1论文研究的背景11.2论文研究的现实意义21.3论文研究的方法2第二章:企业营销渠道理论综述32.1营销渠道概述32.1.1营销渠道的定义32.1.2营销渠道的作用32.2营销渠道的结构42.2.1长度结构42.2.2宽度结构52.2.3广度结构62.3营销渠道的设计策略62.3.1对客户的需要进行分析62.3.2明确渠道的目标和任务62.3.3确定渠道的结构方案72.3.4营销渠道结构的限制因素72.35选择最优渠道模式72.3.6营销渠道的评价82.4汽
20、车营销渠道82.4.1汽车营销渠道的概念和作用82.4.2汽车营销渠道的影响因素92.4.3国外汽车营销渠道模式简介102.4.4中国汽车营销渠道的主要模式13第三章:奇瑞汽车销售渠道现状163.1中国汽车工作发展回顾及奇瑞汽车简介163.1.1中国汽车工业发展概述163.1.2奇瑞汽车发展历程173.2奇瑞汽车渠道建设模式193.2.1奇瑞汽车渠道建设现状193.2.2奇瑞渠道建设的不足之处203.2.3奇瑞营销渠道不稳定的原因分析223.3奇瑞汽车营销渠道变革的方向和途径233.3.1变革的方向233.32渠道创新的途径24第四章 自建销售渠道的设计及选择274.1、奇瑞汽车销售渠道变革的
21、动因和意义274.1.2奇瑞直营的意义284.2奇瑞汽车自建销售渠道的设计方案294.3奇瑞汽车自建销售渠道的评价标准294.4奇瑞汽车自建销售渠道的战略选择30第五章 自建销售渠道实施效果与改进策略建议325.1自建渠道的实施325.1.1 自建渠道的建立325.2自建渠道实施效果及存在的问题335.2.1 自建渠道预期的实施效果335.2.2 自建渠道存在的主要问题分析345.3提高自建营销渠道实施效果的策略分析34第六章 结论36特别声明39插图清单图1- 1中美日三国历年汽车销售对比1图2- 1各级销售渠道示意图5图2- 2 美国汽车营销渠道模式11图2- 3 欧盟汽车营销渠道模式12
22、图2- 4日本汽车营销渠道模式12图3- 1奇瑞汽车现行营销渠道21 表格清单表4- 1奇瑞汽车四种自营渠道方式对比表30第一章 绪论1.1论文研究的背景 自进入二十一世纪以来,随着我国加入WTO的逐步深入以及消费能力的提高,我国已经成为汽车生产和消费的大国,汽车出口也从2万辆增加到现在的70万辆,出现了奇瑞、吉利、比亚迪、中华和长城等一批知名汽车厂家。到2009年,我国的汽车销量突破1300万辆,成为世界第一的产销大国。各厂家纷纷在产能和产品方面进行扩张,以奇瑞汽车为例,现在有两个发动机厂、6条生产线、24款车型,并致力于由低端品牌向中高端品牌和产品延伸。但由于核心技术的缺失和品牌打造时间较
23、短,我们还远未达到一个汽车强国的水平,这些使自主品牌在竞争中处于劣势。据统计,目前中国市场上有近500多款车型,市场供需不平衡的矛盾逐渐加深。图1- 1中美日三国历年汽车销售对比(注:图中纵轴为年销售量,横轴为年份) 由于大量的竞争者陆续进入中国,尤其以大众,福特,丰田,通用、现代等国际汽车巨头为代表的汽车大颚在中国的战略投入和发展,使得中国国内的汽车竞争环境日益残酷。虽然汽车型号不断丰富,产品功能日趋完善,但产品功能差异不明显,出现了同质化的倾向,尤其是中低端汽车市场。因此,汽车广告铺天盖地,促销活动应接不暇,新车不断首发,服务承诺不断提高,4S店越建越豪华,汽车厂商愈演愈烈的短兵相接,使得
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- 汽车 自建 营销 渠道 研究
