1、习语等的翻译,迢迢牵牛星,皎皎河汉女。 纤纤擢素手,札札弄机杼。 终日不成章,泣涕零如雨。 河汉清且浅,相去复几许? 盈盈一水间,脉脉不得语。,I love my love with an E, because shes enticing; I hate her with an E, because shes engaged; I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her names Emily, and she lives in the east. (David Copperfi
2、eld),迢迢牵牛星,皎皎河汉女。Far, far away resides the Cowherd Star,Fair, fair the Weaver Maiden Star.纤纤擢素手,札札弄机杼。Slim and soft are her tender hands,Click and clack sounds the loom that stands.终日不成章,泣涕零如雨。She stops and drops the shuttle time and again,Shedding tears like pouring rain.,河汉清且浅,相去复几许。Clear and shal
3、low is the Milky Way,That keeps them miles and miles away.盈盈一水间,脉脉不得语。Surge and surge the waters from north to south;She loves and loves but has to shut her mouth.,习语互译,习语:成语、俗语、谚语等;特点翻译原则翻译方法:直译、意译、直译加意译、套译、直译加注忌:望文生义、生搬硬套、民族色彩过于强烈,直译,浑水摸鱼to fish in troubled water火上浇油 to add fuel to the flame 空中楼阁c
4、astles in the air沧海一粟a drop in the ocean倾国倾城to overthrow cities and kingdoms,直译,悬崖勒马to hold ones rein on the brink of the precipice吃着碗里的看着锅里的one eye on the dish and the other on the saucepan浪子回头金不换A prodigal who returns is more precious than gold.,意译,有口皆碑to win universal praise/ to be universally ac
5、claimed各人自扫门前雪,休管他人瓦上霜Leave others business alone.忠言逆耳,良药苦口。Honest opinions go against your ears while the good medicine taste bitter.,意译,木已成舟,也只好如此了。What done is done, and cant be undone.打开天窗说亮话 To be frank with you/ lets speak frankly.这位乡村老太太说,“为啥脱了裤子放屁呢?”The old woman villager said, “why take the
6、 trouble to do that?”她怕碰一鼻子灰,话到了嘴边,又把它咽了下去。She was afraid of being snubbed, so she swallowed the words that came to her lips.,直译加意译,她一个单身人,无亲无故 (曹禺雷雨)But Miss Mei was all by herself and far from home, without a single relative or friend to help her out.他原想她会同意嫁给他,现在他明白,那是竹篮子打水一场空。He had thought she
7、would agree to marry him. But now he saw that he had been drawing water with a bamboo basket all in vain.,直译加意译,他是不到黄河心不死。He would not stop until he reached the Yellow River to give up until his hope has gone.近水楼台先得月A waterside pavilion gets the moonlight first a person in a favorable position gains
8、 special advantages.,直译加意译,他这人有奶便是娘。Whoever suckles him is his mother licking the hand of anyone who throws a few crumbles.这真是图穷匕首见。This was really the case where, when the map was unrolled, the dagger was revealed force came to the fore when deception wore thin.,套译,浪子回头金不换Broken bones well set beco
9、me stronger.说曹操,曹操到。 Talk of the devil and he will appear.未雨绸缪Make hay while the sun shines.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。An idle youth, a needy age.大智若愚。Still waters run deep.,套译,一言既出,驷马难追。A word spoken is past recalling.巧妇难为无米之炊。One cant make bricks without straw.智者千虑,必有一失。Homer sometimes nods.笑里藏刀A fair face may h
10、ide a foul heart.,套译,有理走遍天下,无理寸步难行。An empty sack cannot stand upright.五十步笑百步。The pot calls the kettle black.You are teaching your grandmother to suck eggs.你这是在班门弄斧。,直译加注,司马昭之心,路人皆知。This Sima Zhao trick is obvious to every man in the street.Note: Sima Zhao was a prime minister of Wei (220-260) who nu
11、rsed a secret ambition to usurp the throne. The emperor once remarked: “Sima Zhaos intention is obvious to every man in the street.,直译加注,叶公好龙 Lord Shehs love of dragonsNote: Lord Sheh was so fond of dragons that he adorned his whole palace with drawings and carvings of them. But when a real dragon h
12、eard of his infatuation and paid him a visit, he was frightened out of his wits.,忌望文生义,The longest day must have an end.苦难终有尽头。Pull somebodys leg 愚弄某人、开玩笑Move heaven and earth竭尽全力、不遗余力Childs play 简单容易Eat ones words承认说错了话Beggars cannot be choosers只好给什么就要什么,忌望文生义,dog-eat-dog1.This is an imperialist do
13、g-eat-dog type of war.2. Capitalism has carried over and greatly intensified this feudalistic dog-eat-dog element in social relationship.3. In some early frontier towns it was dog-eat-dog.,民族性,Give somebody an inch and he will take an ell.得陇望蜀Blow hot and cold朝秦暮楚Speak of the angles and you will hea
14、r their wings.说曹操,曹操到。,More Examples,Draw cakes to allay hunger.Fish for a needle in the oceanGentlemans agreementUntil my heart stops beatingNew problems crop up unexpectedly.Truth will come to light sooner or later.Like awakening from a dreamUntil all is over, ambition never dies.Braving the wind
15、and dew,More Examples,put the cart before the horserob Peter to pay Paulsit on the fenceDo unto him as he does unto others.Her beauty would put the flowers to shame.break a butterfly on the wheeltwist and turnNo discord, no concord.,More Examples,A watched flower never blooms, while a carelessly pla
16、nted willow grows.Many kiss the baby for the nurses sake.Strike while the iron is hot.Cry up wine and sell vinegar.What hurts us instructs us.the same substance in a different formsto make an unnecessary move,汉语叠词,无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。 (杜甫 登高) The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by shower, The e
17、ndless River rolls its waves hour after hour. (许渊冲 译),汉语叠词,青青河畔草,郁郁园中柳。 Green grows the grass upon the bank, the willow-shoots are long and lank. (Herbert A. Giles)爱情在他们心里噗噗地跳。 Love pit-a-patted in their heart.,汉语叠词,熙熙攘攘 hustle and bustle亲亲密密 near and dear辛辛苦苦 toil and moil零零碎碎 odds and ends兢兢业业 cau
18、tious and conscientious健健康康 hale and hearty弯弯曲曲 twists and turns哭哭啼啼 weep and wail丁丁当当 jingle-jangle,汉语叠词,鬼鬼祟祟 hole and corner犹犹豫豫 hum and haw平平安安 safe and sound说说笑笑 chatting and laughing 暖烘烘 good and warm凉凉爽爽 nice and cool要么就一点也不相信我,要么就完完全全相信我。And trust me not at all or all in all.,Alliteration,I l
19、ove my love with an E, because shes enticing; I hate her with an E, because shes engaged; I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her names Emily, and she lives in the east. (David Copperfield),1. 我爱我的爱人为了一个E,因为她是Enticing (迷人的);我恨我的爱人为了一个E, 因为她是Engaged (订了婚了)。我用我的爱人象征Exquisite (美妙),我劝我的爱人从事Elopement(私奔),她的名字是Emily(爱弥丽),她的住处在East(东方)。(张谷若译),2. 我爱我的那个伊。因为她的美貌让我依恋不已。我恨我的那个伊,因为她又依顺投奔他人门第。我们曾经依计而行乘风比翼,到过那依山傍水的秀美之地。我说的那位名字叫做伊米丽,她的府上依稀可记在东方某地。 (丁衡祁 译)3. 我爱我的那个“丽”,可爱迷人有魅力;我恨我的那个“丽”,要和他人结伉俪;她文雅大方又美丽,和我出逃去游历;她芳名就叫艾米丽,家住东方人俏丽。 (马红军 译),机床防护罩 http:/ 练嘉淑澬,