1、ADWORDS破解营销密码Google Adwords Advertising SECRETS REVEALED作者:般若联系方式Q Q:82142034 Q Q群:113178565 官方网站: 旗下网址: 谷歌AdWords广告-致胜秘诀 Search engine advertising, also referred to as “pay per click” advertising is the fastest growing promotional medium in the last 25 years and is now rivaling the development of T
2、V advertising.搜索引擎广告,也被称为“按每次点击付费”的广告模式。 What is the best information “finding” tool on the internet?你知道在互联网上寻找信息最好的工具是什么吗? You guessed itsearch engine你猜对了,是搜索引擎。 Search engine advertising grew out of these series of developments.When a person goes on the internet to “find” information, or “find” a
3、company that offers what product or service they want, the consumer has already made the DECISION TO BUY! They may be doing research to compare different companies, but nevertheless they have made that decision.当一个人在互联网上“找”信息,或“查找”它们所需求的产品时,他们可能是在搜索引擎里对比不同公司提供的产品,希望寻找到性价比最高的公司。实际上这个时候消费者已作出购买的决定! 所以
4、很多Companies that advertise on the “right side” of the search page at Google, known as sponsored links, are putting themselves in the best position to attract the attention of those consumers who have already made the “buying decision”.公司都希望把广告投放在右侧赞助商栏目最醒目的位置,以吸引那些已经作出的“购买决定的消费者”关注自己的产品广告。 全面提高广告系列的
6、号如何分组,如何撰写广告,如何提高质量得分,如何选择关键字,如何投放,如何制作广告宣传页面。另一部分是如何跟踪广告的效果,使得投资获得最大化的回报。,“60%的广告费都浪费掉了。更可惜的是,很多企业也知道浪费却不知道浪费在哪里”。主要技术包括如何跟踪每个投放的广告所带来的利润,每个关键字的投资与回报收益的比率。在ADWORDS广告投放里有一个规律:那就是80%的业务来自20%。How do you get smarter? You learn from people who USE search engine advertising all the time, who do it 24/7.H
7、ere is the good news.Our company provides search engine advertising services to clients big and small.在ADWORDS破解营销密码Google Adwords Advertising SECRETS REVEALED 课程中,你可以通过ADWORDS高效启动你的互联网生意,全面掌握了营销的密码。因此你可以通过跟踪技术,把你之前广告投放中的60%浪费掉的广告费用节省下来。加大那些可以帮你带来更多订单的关键字的广告投资。我们We have made a series of breakthrough
8、s and discoveries that allow us to do the following for our clients: Get them ranked higher than their competitors.通过一系列突破、研究介绍和实战分析,将使你快速的掌握以下技术和获得更好的广告效果:1. 使它们以最低的价格获得比竞争对手更高网站排名。 2. dramatically Increase their clicks.大幅度增加网站点击量。3. drastically lower the rate they pay per click (as much as 80%).大大
9、降低他们每次点击率(高达80)的广告支付费用。 4. 强化营销计划并提高网站的转化率。5. And finally, dramatically improving the performance of your site so that all those clicks MEAN SOMETHING, namely, more sales and leads.最后,极大地提高您的网站性能,所有这些点击意味着一个道理,即带来更多的销售额和销售机会。 YOU CAN BECOME AN EXPERT EASILY如何快速成为adwords广告专家ADWORDS破解营销密码Google Adword
10、s Advertising SECRETS REVEALED里将介绍In Touch Media Group has now taken all of this experience and placed this information into a three part series of multi-media training videos along with custom research and a marketing plan specifically made for YOUR SITE, that will give you all the knowledge you ne
11、ed to be your own SEARCH ENGINE ADVERTISING EXPERT! This can be combined with full service set up of your account if you wish.我们已经整个adwords帐户如何启动投放设置和如何跟踪广告效果,如何快速的使广告获得更高的回报,这些资料将提供帮助你自己快速成为一个搜索引擎广告专家所需要的知识! 整个完整的课程培训计划就像有个人导师手把手的演示和操作给你看,并显示你到底怎么做,一步一步的操作,这将让你获得快速掌握ADWORDS技巧的信心。The first set of tr
12、aining videos teaches you all about the acknowledged leader of the search engine worldGoogle.在第一节的培训视频里将教你所有关于搜索引擎ADWORDS竞价的基本知识,精心指导你掌握Adwords广告服务的每一方面内容。 Here are the descriptions of the videos built to make you a Google Adwords expert :下面是让你快速成为谷歌ADWORDS破解营销密码的视频的描述: ADWORDS TRAINING BASICAdWords
13、的注册和基本设置 There is nothing like having a personal tutor take you to his computer and show you EXACTLY how to do it, step by step, so that you gain confidence and mastery of Google AdwordsVideo 1- Introduction to Google Adword视频1 -介绍谷歌的Adwords: Google Adwords can be intimidating, especially for people
14、 without a lot of experience with computers and online advertising.谷歌的Adwords广告后台进去后看起来好象很复杂,特别是没有使用电脑和网络广告的经验的新手。 但是通过视频的介绍后This first introductory video is made to take the stress out of learning and show how basically simple it is.但通过,可以很快的熟悉和掌握ADWORDS后台的功能管理和运作原理,甚至连几乎没有电脑经验的人,都可以快速的建立起对ADWORDS使
15、用的信心。 Video 3- Getting around in Adwords: Video 4- Starting a new campaign视频2 -开始建立第一个广告: - The basics 帐号注册和启动的基础知识 What is the single thing that you can do when you start a new campaign that will lose you THOUSANDS of dollars?当您启动一个新的广告 ,几点基本的设置如果没有设置好或者设置错了, 将会让你损失上千元的广告费用? How do you avoid gettin
16、g crushed before you even start? 你应该如何避免损失,甚至如何开始呢? Most advertisers end up with their accounts with poorly performing results just with this common mistake alone.大多数广告客户只因为这个常见的错误最终获得很差的效果,结果他们为之付出很大的金钱代价。很多人出现了这么一种情况,那就是帐号开通后充值了,但第二天不知不觉的发现自己帐户里几千块的帐户广告金额不见了? This video includes the steps you shou
17、ld take to get around this problem and avoid wasting money, and keep yourself on track for maximum results.此影片包含了如何解决这个问题,避免浪费金钱,保持广告的投放获得最大的效益。 Learning this by trial and error cost us over a thousand dollars in experiments, and our learning curve is pretty fast.This video tells you the all importa
18、nt insider data you need to avoid此课程告诉你所有你需要注意的设置技巧。 10分钟快速完成Adwords帐号的注册很多人可能会说可能现在根本没有产品要做广告,或者根本不知道adwords是用来做广告的,或者不知道注册完了以后应该怎么使用。但我们一直推荐新用户马上建立新帐号,因为你以后需要时,你可以马上用到它。GOOGLE作为全球最大的广告发布机构,你充进去的钱不会过期更不会贬值。第一步:注册adwords帐号,打开 进入注册页面后你可以看到 点击这里开始推广 选项。第二步:按以上图的红色标示选项。第三步:输入你的EMAIL地址和设置你的密码。点击创建帐户。第四步
19、:设置时区和支付币种。第五步:系统会发送一个确认信到你的EMAIL,查收邮件并确定。至此,你的帐号已经完成了。恭喜! 你现在离成功又靠进了一步。Video 5- How to set up your campaigns: 视频3 - 如何设置广告系列: Google has many options and ways to organize all the keywords and ads you are going to put into their system.谷歌有很多的选项需要合理的设置,包括如何设置所有的关键字和广告。 If you do it right, you are on
20、track to getting your ads shown more and more, but if you do it wrong, you are about to waste all of your valuable time and money and get frustrated beyond belief.如果你操作正确了,你可以获得非常好的的广告效果,但如果你操作错误了,你将浪费宝贵的时间和金钱,并导致广告投放失败。 Almost every beginner (including us) does it wrong in the beginning, which slow
21、s your account and makes it almost impossible to get a decent number of clicks to your site, and sometimes results in total failure of the account, and the person quitting adwords for good.几乎每个初学者(包括我们),它在开始的时候错误的操作了ADWORDS帐号,它会降低您的帐户质量得分,并使其几乎不可能得到高质量的用户访问你的网站,在总的帐户,有时会导致广告投放的失败。 我们发现There are 2 ba
22、sic ways we have found of doing it correctly, no matter what you are advertising, and one thing you absolutely must do.有两个基本的方法,不管你投放什么样的广告,有一件事你绝对必须做的。 This one key makes all the difference in your results.这一个关键决定了你投放广告后效果的差异。 Without this data in this video alone literally thousands of advertisers
23、 have failed.很多客户单从文字的介绍去操作而没有观看视频教程的详细操作,百分之九十的人都会设置错误的。 Dont let this happen to you.不要认为这种情况不会发生在你身上。 With correctly set up campaigns and ad groups you will be well on your way to trouncing your competition!有了正确设置的广告系列和广告组的方式,这将帮助你在广告方面快速打败你的竞争对手! 当你建立广告时.第一件事情就是把内容发布的删去.原因就是内容发布的广告的商品的销售率很低!它的确能带
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