1、恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,流行病学趋势,2005 (US) 18,500* 12,760Incidence 11.47 per 100,000 (annual rate)Adjusted 5 yr survival rate (1995-2000)33% adults73% children 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths in persons 39 years (US in 2002)Jemal et al CA: a cancer journal for clinicians 55:10-30, 2005.,new cases dea
2、ths (estimated),2,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,流行病学趋势2005 (US) 18,流行病学趋势,每年以1.2%的速度在增加,3,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,流行病学趋势每年以1.2%的速度在增加3恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,4,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,4恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,CNS原发肿瘤发病率,Brain Tumor Facts & Statistics 2007 Brain Tumor Society,5,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,CNS原发肿瘤发病率Brain Tumor Facts &,CNS原发肿瘤五年生存率,http:/www.cbtrus.org/factsheet/factshee
3、t.html.,6,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,Five Year Survival Rates by Ag,转移性脑肿瘤 (Brain Metastases BM),定义:源自CNS以外组织的肿瘤发生播散,累及脑组织是成年人群最常见的颅内肿瘤,随全身肿瘤整体治疗水平提高和生存延长,脑转移瘤发生率不断上升,实体瘤患者15%-20%最终会发生脑转移。,Brain Tumor Facts & Statistics,7,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,转移性脑肿瘤定义:源自CNS以外组织的肿瘤发生播散,累及脑组,不同肿瘤发生闹转移的比例,肺癌,乳腺癌,恶黑,大肠,肾,原发灶不明,小细胞 非小细胞,50% 33% 2
4、0% 50% 5% 5% 15% 多发性 多发性 多发性 单发 单发 混合,8,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,不同肿瘤发生闹转移的比例肺癌乳腺癌恶黑大肠 肾原发灶不明小细,脑转移性肿瘤的发生率,Varies according to primary siteLung - 18-64%Breast - 2-21%Colo-rectal - 2-12%Melanoma - 4-16%Renal - 1-8%Thyroid - 1-10%Prostate, skin, oropharyngeal - rarelyOverall incidence 6-24%,9,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,脑转移性肿瘤的发生率V
5、aries according to,CNS转移性肿瘤发生率(10倍于原发肿瘤),原发肿瘤例数 %肺270 48乳腺 82 15黑色素瘤 50 9结肠 26 5其他已知原发瘤 72 13未知原发瘤 61 10合计 561 100,10,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,CNS转移性肿瘤发生率原发肿瘤例数 %10恶性,脑转移常见的部位,Brain mets may occur in several positionsMeninges/leptomeningesBrain parenchyma (more common)80% in cerebrum, mostly in grey-white matter
6、interface15% in cerebellum5% in brainstemResult of haematogenous spreadMedian survival 1-2 months if untreated,11,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,脑转移常见的部位11恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,ASCO 2009 Abstract文2068,全脑放疗转移性脑肿瘤的生存率,12,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,ASCO 2009 Abstract文2068全脑放疗转移,不同治疗模式转移性脑肿瘤的生存时间,13,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,Procedure Local Recur.Distant,在尽可能保全重要神
7、经功能的前提下, 最大限度地手术切除肿瘤 而肿瘤位于重要脑功能区, 手术极度困难而风险又极大者,应尽可能进行立体定向活组织检查术。对每位病人依据肿瘤的病理分类和分级以及肿瘤的分子生物学特征和病人的免疫状态再辅以放疗化疗。而手术、放疗、化疗三大常规治疗以外的许多新疗法, 只能作为临床研究在一些有条件的单位施行, 而不能作为一线治疗手段。,CNS 肿瘤治疗原则,14,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,在尽可能保全重要神经功能的前提下, 最大限度地手术切除肿瘤,胶质瘤的规范化疗,15,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,胶质瘤的规范化疗15恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,Annals of Oncology 9:589-600, 19
8、98,Assessment of more than 20 years of chemotherapy trials is discouraging despite a few areas of modest success. Only patients with specific histology (oligodendroglioma, anaplastic astrocytoma) and good prognostic factors (young age, good performance status) may benefit from chemotherapy。,16,恶性脑肿瘤
9、的化疗方案,Annals of Oncology 9:589-600,Chemotherapy in GBM,Meta-analysis Lancet 359:1011, 2002MRC 2001 J Clin Onc 19:509, 2001Large randomized trial (n=674) in grade 3 and 4 astrocytoma-first line comparing radiation alone versus radiation followed by PCV q 6 wk x up to 12 cycles. (1988-97) No differenc
10、es in survival,17,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,Chemotherapy in GBM Meta-analy,Chemotherapy in adult high-grade glioma: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data from 12 randomised trials,Lancet 2002;359(9311):1011-8.,18,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,Chemotherapy in adult high-gra,胶质瘤的化疗原则,对高级别胶质瘤(WHO - 级) 应该常规给予化
11、疗低级别胶质瘤(WHO- 级) 可以根据手术切除程度、病理类型和基因缺失情况考虑是否化疗选择能通过血脑屏障的脂溶性、小分子药物(安全-高效),19,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,胶质瘤的化疗原则对高级别胶质瘤(WHO - 级) 应该常,Ino et al CCR 2001,20,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,Ino et al CCR 200120恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方,存在于血一脑,血一脑脊液及脑一脑脊液之间选择性控制进入脑脊液和脑的物质,作为血与CNS之间的调节界面, 对维持CNS内环境恒定有至关重要的作用主要形式: 脑毛细血管内皮细胞紧密连接细胞之间无孔隙, “条焊状”连接,甚至某种程度重叠基底部尚有一层连
12、续的基底膜内皮细胞内: 细胞器, 与物质转运有关的酶类结构为脂性基架, 对大于3968(40KD)物质限制通过药物要求分子量小脂溶性正常PH时不电离不与蛋白结合,血脑屏障(BBB),21,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,存在于血一脑,血一脑脊液及脑一脑脊液之间血脑屏障(BBB)2,血脑屏障(BBB),22,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,血脑屏障(BBB)22恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,脑胶质瘤理想化疗药物的特点,有效穿透血脑屏障脑胶质瘤细胞敏感脑肿瘤内维持长时间有效浓度骨髓抑制尽量低,毒副作用小可长期使用,CNS肿瘤的化学治疗,亚硝脲类药物较容易通过血脑屏障,故被视为治疗脑肿瘤的首选药物。,23,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案
13、,脑胶质瘤理想化疗药物的特点有效穿透血脑屏障CNS肿瘤的化学治,Temozolomide (TMZ) development for glioma,Novel oral cytotoxic agent (imidazotetrazine-related to dacarbazine).Rapid absorption with 100% bioavailability.Good CSF penetration (20-40%)Well tolerated with good safety profile1999 FDA approval for anaplastic astrocytoma (
14、second line) refractory to nitrosourea and procarbazine. Ref: J Clin Onc 17:2762, 19992005 FDA approval for GBM (first line)Stupp et al. Phase III trial NEJM 352:987, 2005Athanassiou et al Phase III trial ASCO 2005Stupp et al. Phase II trial J Clin Onc 20:1375, 2002Lanzetta et al. Phase II trial Ant
15、icancer Res 23:5159, 2003,Clin Cancer Res 11:6767, 2005,24,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,Temozolomide (TMZ) development,能通过BBB的药物,亚硝脲类:BCNU,Me-CCNU,ACNU甲基苄肼(Procarbazine)VM-26,TeniposideMTX/CFAra-C,Liposomal Ara-cDoxil,IdarubicinDocetaxelTemozolomide,Tamodal,25,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,能通过BBB的药物亚硝脲类:BCNU,Me-CCNU,ACN,CNS肿瘤的化学治疗,化疗方式
16、:1,全身化疗:IV;IA2,椎管内化疗:穿刺化疗;置泵3,间质化疗:Ommaya, Wafer,26,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,CNS肿瘤的化学治疗化疗方式:26恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,CNS肿瘤的常用化学治疗方案,27,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,CNS肿瘤的常用化学治疗方案27恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,间质内化疗: 可避开BBB机理: 提高肿瘤局部药物浓度 减少全身用药毒副作用方法:术中术后,避开BBB的方式,28,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,间质内化疗: 可避开BBB避开BBB的方式28恶性脑肿瘤的,BBBD治疗,Osmotic opening of the blood-brain barrier. Whe
17、n endothelial cells that line capillary walls are exposed to a concentrated sugar solution, the cells shrink, thus opening the tight junctions between them. (Adapted from: SI Rapoport, Blood-Brain Barrier in Physiology and Medicine. Raven Press, 1976.),Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption (BBBD)治疗,29,恶性脑肿
18、瘤的化疗方案,BBBD治疗Osmotic opening of the,A/E: 颈动脉灌注高渗溶液, 迅速改变BBB 通透性20%甘露醇150-250ml, 5-10ml/secBBB血管内皮细胞收缩胞间紧密联接增宽脑组织含水量增加1.0%-1.5%4hr恢复正常20世纪80年代用于临床尚未期研究证实近年研究: BBB开放无选择性, 内皮细胞破坏: 正常脑组织肿瘤,正常脑组织暴露化疗药物,高渗性BBB开放,30,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,A/E: 颈动脉灌注高渗溶液, 迅速改变BBB 通透性高渗性,31,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,31恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,Blood brain barrier di
19、sruption (BBBD) and intra-arterial methotrexate based therapy for newly diagnosed primary CNS lymphoma: The BBBD Consortium Experience.,2007 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings Part I. Vol 25, No. 18S,4 institutions: 1982-2005, 177 PCNSL,BBBD/IA MTX ;2,469 procedures,PtsCRPRORRM OS(y)MPFS(y)PFS-5(y),177
20、1014180.2%3.11.640%,32,恶性脑肿瘤的化疗方案,Blood brain barrier disruption,A Phase II Trial Involving Patients with Recurrent PCNSL Treated with Carboplatin/BBBD, by Adding Rituxan (Rituximab), an anti CD-20 Antibody, to the Treatment RegimenPhase I/II Study of Carboplatin, Melphalan and Etoposide Phosphate i
21、n Conjunction with Osmotic Opening of the Blood-Brain Barrier and Delayed Intravenous Sodium Thiosulfate Chemoprotection, in Subjects with Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma or OligoastrocytomaPhase II Clinical Trial of Patients with High-Grade Glioma Treated with Intra-arterial Carboplatin-based Chemothe
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