1、,Artificial intelligence,?,Artificial intelligence means , make,computers able to do jobs which till now ,only human brains can do, such as,learning and problem solving. Let,computers become an extension of the,human brain.,What is AI?,AI,Search engines,Labor,Appliances,Science,What else?,AI,?,Honda
2、 Humanoid Robot,Walk,Turn,Stairs,Turing test (1936),?,Alan turing,(,1912-1954,),?,Computers can,fool people,people who,believe it is not,the machine,then it should be,called intelligent.,1956, the American scholar,McCarthy who is considered,the father of artificial,intelligence organized a,Society.M
3、any experts and,scholars gathered together for,a discussion of up to two,months. Inviting them to,participate in the Summer,Dartmouth,Artificial Intelligence,Research Society. Since then,this field is named artificial,intelligence,McCarthy,Birth of AI,McCarthy,Minsky,Shannon,Birth of AI,1956,Birth,E
4、nthusiasm,1966,Difficulties,Neural Networks Reborn,1986,Computational Intelligence,1969 IJCAI was held,1970,AI was launched,Knowledge Engineering,1977,Present,The History of AI,May 1997, the U.S.,IBMs “Deep Blue”,supercomputer,beat the world,chess champion,Garry Kasparov,The great achievements of,ar
5、tificial intelligence,Google Alpha Go defeated lee sedol in 2016,In the past, human believes that broad game,go is too hard for machines to play because it,requires way too much computing power and,logical thought processes.,This was the Elo rating way back in 2016 .AlphaGo defeated Ke,Jie in April 2017 , Ke Jie,said that AlphaGos Elo maybe 5000 or,more , which means no human brain cant compete with it,anymore.,Thank you!,