1、1,MBTI,Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,麦尔碧瑞斯类型指标,2,MBTI 是由Katherine C Briggs和她的女儿Isabel Briggs Myers 共同开发的 The MBTI was developed by Katherine C Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers,Myers Briggs Type Indicator,3,MBTI 的应用,麦尔碧瑞斯类型指标(MBTI)是一种自我报告的调查. 是为了使容格的心理类型理论成为日常生活中能够懂又能够用的理论而设计的. 经过 五十多年的研究和发展
2、, 现代MBTI已成为认识正常的个人之间的差异使用最广泛的手段. MBTI 被用于以下几项调查:,自我发展 职业发展与开拓 人际关系评估 学术评估 组织的发展,团队建设 问题的解决 管理人员培训 教育和教学大纲制定 其它及多元文化的培训,4,用类型不能衡量以下几个方面Type does not measure,智力 Intelligence财富 Affluence成熟 Maturity情绪 Emotions运气 Fate,疾病 Illness压力 Stress心理疾病 Psychiatric Disturbances,正常的行为 normal behavior,5,Have it your w
3、ayWhich room do you like to stay mostly in this working building ?,6,About Your Stay at MBTI House,1. What does MBTI stand for? Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(麦尔碧瑞斯类型指标) Made up of 8 preferences in 4 categories(16types)2. What does the MBTI offer its visitors? A room where you can appreciate and unders
4、tand yourself and other3. Who built the MBTI House? Katherine Briggs & Isabel Myers based on Carl Jung psychological type.,7,About Your Stay at MBTI House,4. What year was the MBTI house built? 19425. How many visitors does the MBTI house have each year? 2-3 million6. How old do you have to be to st
5、ay at the MBTI house? 15,8,C. Jung发现:“不同的人对事物的认识和判断方式是不同的”People look at the world and make decisions about things in very different ways,9,偏好 Preferences,10,MBTI 是由Katherine C Briggs和她的女儿Isabel Briggs Myers 共同开发的 The MBTI was developed by Katherine C Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers,Myer
6、s Briggs Type Indicator,11,4种偏好 Preferences,explain prefererce,12,外向与内向 Extraversion or Introversion,E,I,指你偏爱把注意力集中在哪些方面 The direction we focus our attention and energy,Energy Bay,13,外向型的人 Extraverted外部世界 outwardly,内向型的人 Introverted 内部世界 inwardly,14,Site Seeing Tour #1 MBTI Preferences,Energy Bay,15
7、,Site Seeing Tour #1 MBTI Preferences,Energy Bay,16,Site Seeing Tour #1 MBTI Preferences,Energy Bay,17,Site Seeing Tour #1 MBTI Preferences,Energy Bay,18,Site Seeing Tour #1 MBTI Preferences,Energy Bay,19,Site Seeing Tour #1 MBTI Preferences,Energy Bay,20,Site Seeing Tour #1 MBTI Preferences,Energy
8、Bay,21,Site Seeing Tour #1 MBTI Preferences,Energy Bay,22,E与 I的差别 differences,E易被外部吸引 the outer world感知身边的事 what is around them喜欢结交朋友 make friends友善、善于言辞、易被了解 friendly, verbal, easy to know,I关注内在 inner world感知内在反应 inner reactions不容易交朋友 hard to make friends内省,传统,不易被了解 quiet, reserved, hard to know,23
9、,E爱热闹 not like to be alone先做再想 act first追求宽度 give breadth to life,I爱独处 like to be alone三思而后行 think first追求深度 give depth to life,E与 I的差别 differences,24,关键词汇 key words,外向 Extraversion行动 Action外部世界 Outward大众 People 互相作用 Interaction许多 Many善表达 Expressive做想做 Do-Think-Do,内向 Introversion 反应 Reflection内在世界 I
10、nward私人 Privacy专心 Concentration少数 Few安静 Quiet想做想 Think-Do-Think,25,感觉与知觉 Sensing or iNtuition,S,N,我们获取信息,认识世界的方式The way we look at the world and take in information,Perception Museum,26,偏好感觉的人 Sensing通过5种感官获得信息using their 5 senses,偏好知觉的人 iNtuition注重于内涵,联系与意义focus on meaning, associations and relatio
11、nships,Perception Museum,27,Site Seeing Tour #2,Perception Museum,28,Site Seeing Tour #2,Perception Museum,29,Site Seeing Tour #2,Perception Museum,30,Site Seeing Tour #2,Perception Museum,31,Site Seeing Tour #2,Perception Museum,32,Site Seeing Tour #2,Perception Museum,33,Site Seeing Tour #2,Percep
12、tion Museum,34,Site Seeing Tour #2,Perception Museum,35,S与 N 的差别 differences,S观察与收集事实see and collect facts 实际的,现实的practical, realistic 按步就班 step-by-step字面上的 literal生活在现实中now and here,N注重规律与可能性 patterns, possibilities想象力,创造性 imaginative, inventive跳跃性 leap概要、抽象general, abstract注重未来 future,Perception M
13、useum,36,S与 N 的差别 differences,S偏好实际reality具体细节parts习惯程序,遵循惯例 set procedure, guide routines喜欢实用,具体的问题 practical, concrete,N偏好幻想fantasy着眼宏观 study overall design喜爱变化与差异 difference, variety有创造性的解决办法 imaginative solutions,Perception Museum,37,关键词汇 key words,感觉 Sensing事实 Facts实际的 Realistic特别的 Specific现在 P
14、resent坚持 Keep实用 Practical是什么 What is,知觉 iNtuition理念 Ideas创造性 Imaginative概要的 General未来 Future变化 Change理论 Theoretical将会是什么 What could be,38,思考与情感 Thinking or Feeling,T,F,这是我们作决定的方式The way we make decisions,Decision Theater,39,偏好思考的人 Thinking注重逻辑性 logic,偏好情感的人 Feeling以人为中心, 以人的价值为依据 person-centered, va
15、lue-based,40,Site Seeing Tour #3 MBTI Preferences,Decision Theater,41,Site Seeing Tour #3 MBTI Preferences,Decision Theater,42,Site Seeing Tour #3 MBTI Preferences,Decision Theater,43,Site Seeing Tour #3 MBTI Preferences,Decision Theater,44,Site Seeing Tour #3 MBTI Preferences,Decision Theater,45,Si
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