1、,最强萌宠大熊猫,大熊猫巡展火热来袭,大熊猫已在地球上生存了至少800万年,被誉为“活化石”和“中国国宝”,世界自然基金会的形象大使,是世界生物多样性保护的旗舰物种。据第三次全国大熊猫野外种群调查,全世界野生大熊猫不足1600只,属于中国国家一级保护动物。截止2011年10月,全国圈养大熊猫数量为333只。,Pandas have been on earth for at least 8,million years, known as the living fossil andChinese national treasure, the image of theworlds natural f
2、oundation, is the worldsflagship species of biodiversity conservation.According to the third national giant pandawild population survey, the worlds wild,pandas less than 1600, belong to the Chinesenational level to protect animals. As of October2011, the number of pandas in captivity inChina was 333
3、.,最强萌宠给世界各地人们带,来的欢乐,The most adorable pet to bringjoy to people around the world,大熊猫主题活动带来的全国热议,Panda theme activities brought about by theNational hot,以熊猫乖乖调皮捣蛋,离家出,走为背景,对这个世界充满好奇的乖乖会,有什么样的奇遇呢?在旅途上又会结识到多少好朋友?,熊猫乖乖历险记,项目介绍,大熊猫在国内外广泛受到关注,而有关熊猫的话题无一例外都受到人们的热议。,品牌链接:功夫熊猫3,在全国各大影院上映,是功夫熊猫系列的第三部电影,由吕寅荣、亚
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