1、The Facebook Marketing Bible33+ Ways to Market Your Brand, Company, Product, or Service Inside FacebookBy Justin SmithjustinxinsidefacebookxEditor, Inside FacebookxinsidefacebookxVersion 1.04May 11, 2008Facebook营销圣经33种以上的方法助你在Facebook上营销你的品牌、公司、产品及服务简介目录I. Tools for Guerilla MarketersFor the aggress
2、ive guerilla marketer, Facebook offers a bevy of viral channels to get the word out to your friends and creatively reach your target audience. The best part about these guerilla tactics is their cost: free. Everyone on Facebook can use these strategies to recruit and to evangelize their causes.Strat
3、egy: If you build it, will they come?Marketers often wonder whether it makes sense to attempt to build their own social network around their product, company, brand or service. Some hire development shops to build a custom web site, others use white label products, and still others use hosted servic
4、es like Ning. The problem with this approach, however, is that its extremely expensive to bring a significant enough number of users onto your own service to make it worth the expense (which can often run in the tens of thousands of dollars). In most cases, it makes much more sense to craft your str
5、ategies targeting the social networks in which people already “live” onlineonce someone builds their profile and friend list on a popular platform like Facebook, its awfully hard to get them to move.1、游击营销人员的好工具为了迎合雄心勃勃的市场人员,Facebook提供了大量渠道方便了信息的病毒式传播,你的话语不仅可以传给你的朋友,还可以最终接触到目标人群。这些策略最大的好处在于完全免费。Face
6、book上的任何人都可以运用这些策略招贤纳士或布道推广。策略:如果你这么做了,人们真的会来吗?市场人员经常会怀疑围绕自己的产品、公司、品牌或服务构建社交网络是否合理。有些把网站(常规的那种)包给别人做,有些采取贴牌销售,有些选择了托管服务,托管给Ning这类的社交网络。然而,采用这种渠道的问题在于引入大量的用户的成本太高,动辄上万美元的花费是否值得?绝大多数情况下,瞄准已经有大量活跃用户的sns平台制定策略是比较合理的。因为一旦人们在Facebook这种平台上创建了自己的资料和建立了关系网后,想让他们换地是很困难的。1. Profile PageThe starting point for y
7、our presence on Facebook is your profile page. Your profile page is basically a landing page that you design in order to convert your friends to engage with certain parts of your identity.Not only is your profile the page that you have the most control over, its the place where you can most deeply a
8、nd authentically express your passion for the brand, company, or product you want to promote. Your profile page is an opportunity to craft a credible real-world story around the reasons your products or services are so valuable. Take advantage of Personal Info, Work Info, Photos, and applications to
9、 tellbits and pieces of your narrative as it relates to your brand. If youre not buying your own stuff, why should anyone else? If you dont want to associate your personal identity with the product or service youre trying to promote, Facebook is not for you. Inherent in the current state of Facebook
10、 is a culture of transparency that devalues and ignores inauthenticity. If youre afraid to show the real people behind your campaign, thats okay-but save your time and money and go somewhere beside Facebook.1、资料页最开始进入Facebook时,你身处的地方就是你的资料页。每次登陆你都会最先出现在这里,你要做的是设计这个页面,让你的好友与你互动,成为你身份的一部分。资料页不仅是你最常停留的
11、地方,也是你要为你的品牌、公司或你要推出的产品挥洒激情的地方。资料页给了你一个绝好的机会,去打造一个真实可信的故事说明你的产品和服务是如此的有价值。个人信息、产品信息、照片和一些与你品牌相关的故事片段都值得好好利用。如果你自己都不买自己的产品,别人怎么可能买呢?如果你不愿意把要推广的这些和你个人联系起来,那么Facebook不适合你。Facebook的文化就是去伪存真,你要继承这种文化。如果你不愿意让消费者看到你们这些幕后工作者,就别留在Facebook,去别的地方吧。Finally, most people dont realize how many page views profile p
12、ages receive. One of the most common habits of Facebook users is browsing the profile pages of friends and stalking the profile pages of people they want to learn more about. By connecting to hundreds of partners, customers, associates, and friends on Facebook, youll drive a TON of traffic to your p
13、rofile page. Take advantage of that huge opportunity.绝大多数人并没有意识到自己浏览的资料页在浏览总页面中占多少比重。但最普遍的一个现象就是Facebook用户喜欢浏览自己朋友的资料页,访问他们感兴趣的人的资料页。通过和数以百计的合作者,顾客,合作伙伴等在Facebook上成为好友,你的资料页上会有成吨的信息,好好利用这巨大的良机吧。2. Facebook GroupsGroups are oldest and simplest way to build community around your brand or company on Fa
14、cebook. By starting a group, you create a central place for customers, partners, and friends to participate in conversations around your brand. Facebook groups come with boards for posting discussion topics, photos, videos, and links right out of the box. You can also easily send news and updates to
15、 your group members as often as you like - messages arrive in their Facebook Inbox. And the best part about Groups is you can create as many as you like for free. 2、Facebook群组如果你要围绕你的品牌或企业在Facebook上建立社区,群组是最古老也是最简单的方式。建立一个群组,你和消费者、合作者和你的朋友的所有对话将可以围绕你的品牌展开。群组的内容包含话题讨论、照片视频和链接分享。你也可以随心所欲地给小组成员发消息,他们会在
16、收件箱里看到。而最大的好处是这些都是免费的。Groups are one of the simplest ways to do viral marketing on Facebook. Once members have joined your group, they can easily invite their friends to join the group via a built-in Invite feature. If your members are excited about your group, it can grow really quickly. (The group
17、 1,000,000 Strong for Stephen Colbert grew from zero to one million members in 9 days!) Additionally, your group name will usually appear on your members personal profile pages until they leave the group. Many people view groups as “Bumper Stickers” for their profile page in this regard. Because pro
18、file pages are highly trafficked, these links can generate a lot of clicks to your group page.群组也是在Facebook上进行病毒式营销最简单的途径之一。人们一旦成为组员,他们会用群组附加的邀请功能邀请他们的好友也加入小组。如果他们的好友也感兴趣的话,你的群组人数增长将会很迅猛(据测算“1,000,000 Strong for Stephen Colbert”小组的人数从0到100万也只用了9天时间)。在群组成员离开之前,他的资料页上会一直显示他所在的群组。Of course, groups do h
19、ave their problems. First and foremost, Facebook removes your ability to blast messages to your group once it surpasses a certain size. While Facebook is working on removing this limit, group owners are still currently experiencing this restriction at 1000-一五00 members. However, Facebook has said pu
20、blicly that this limit will go away soon. Second, if your group becomes popular, it can become a target for spammers. If you want to keep your group clean, be prepared to spend time deleting spam wall posts and reporting users that spam your group to Facebook. This can take a lot of time. Finally, w
21、hile Groups do offer a reasonably robust feature set with no setup, youre not able to extend their functionality with Facebook applications. In order to use those, youll need to get a Facebook Page.当然群组也存在问题。首先如果群组人数超过了一定限制,你就无法群发消息了。Facebook目前正致力于移除这种限制,很多人数在1000-一五00的小组正深受其苦。Facebook也公开宣布这个限制将很快被移
22、除。其次,如果你的小组很受欢迎,会成为垃圾信息发布者的目标。想保持组内环境清洁的话就得花时间删除垃圾信息,向Facebook举报那些发垃圾信息的家伙。Strategy: What about spamming existing Groups?Many marketers choose to post links in existing Facebook Groups to their own Facebook Group or website. While this tactic may work on a small scale, Facebooks automated systems wi
23、ll shut down accounts that post links in many groups. A better approach would be to approach existing group owners and ask to set up a reciprocal link exchange between your groups, just as you would on the open web.策略:那些现在已经遍布垃圾信息的群组呢?很多营销人员倾向于在别的Facebook群组上直接发布链接,链到他们的网站或Facebook上的群组。发的少的话可能还可以。但Fa
24、cebook的系统会自动匹配,如果某个账号在多个群组发布链接会被其自动关闭。较好的方法是直接联系那些群组的创建者,群组之间互相交换个链接,就像网站交换链接一样。3. Facebook PagesPages were launched by Facebook in November 2007 as a way for businesses of many types toeasily establish a brand presence on Facebook. Pages are a lot like groups, with some important differences: Pages
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