1、密 级: 学校代码:10075分类号: 学 号:20120817新闻与传播硕士学位论文探析江苏卫视非诚勿扰的营销策略学位申请人:崔婧指 导 教 师:张雅明 教授学 位 类 别:新闻与传播硕士学 科 专 业:新闻与传播授 予 单 位:河北大学答 辩 日 期: ClassifiedIndex: Code: 10075U.D.C.: No. 20120817A Dissertation for the Degree of M.Journalism and CommunicationAnalyse the marketing strategy of Jiangsu TVs IF YOU ARE THE
2、 ONE Candidate:Cui JingSupervisor:Zhang Yaming ProfessorAcademic Degree Applied for:Master of Journalism and CommunicationSpecialty:Journalism and CommunicationUniversity:Hebei UniversityDate of Oral Examination:摘要探析江苏卫视非诚勿扰的营销策略 摘 要随着中国经济的取得突飞猛进的发展,人民生活水平和收入水平的日益提高及我国产品市场的不断兴旺,电视节目,特别是综艺节目的专业化成为我国电
5、文献综述、研究内容与研究方法及创新之处等方面进行说明;第二部分的研究内容是江苏卫视综艺节目非诚勿扰概述,主要从非诚勿扰简介、主持人及嘉宾情况、非诚勿扰海外专场及非诚勿扰风波应对等四个方面进行阐述;第三部分的研究内容是江苏卫视综艺节目非诚勿扰的营销环境,主要就非诚勿扰的宏观环境分析、非诚勿扰的竞争环境分析、非诚勿扰的需求分析及非诚勿扰的SWOT 分析等四个方面展开说明;第四部分的研究内容是非诚勿扰的营销策略,主要从非诚勿扰的营销组合策略和非诚勿扰的传播策略等方面进行说明;第五部分的研究内容是非诚勿扰的成功启示,主要由节目创新、品牌成长及对非诚勿扰未来的营销建议等三方面进行论证;最后的研究内容是结
6、语,主要总结全文并展望未来。关键词:综艺节目;非诚勿扰;营销环境;营销策略45目录AbstractWith the development of economy make a spurt of progress made Chinese, increasingly improving the peoples living level and income level and our products market continues to thrive, TV programs, especially a variety show specialization has become China
7、s television variety show after the new development after the integration of resources, and the variety show, especially of the service life TV variety show, as a professional TV program is closely related to the life of ordinary people, has been widespread concern. Chinas variety show in into the s
8、tage of rapid development, accelerating development, shows all the TV production of the continuous improvement of the strength and market competition, the variety shows have become the main program in our country each big TV programs and support, but also makes the production and development of vari
9、ety show relatively standardized and mature.Since the reform and opening up, the development of synthesis skill program led the development direction of Chinas TV program, it is our country each big TV growth scale development and economic benefits of the engine. According to the survey report shows
10、, China TV industry in the past 10 years is the biggest winner, the entire industry to increase the value of quantity and scale in the world, but because it shows the market increasingly high demand, market access is relatively low, and because the variety show profit rate began to decrease, resulti
11、ng in entertainment industry competition is more and more cruel. In this form of cruel, Chinese variety show must think of ways to improve their economic efficiency in order to guarantee the sustainable development of enterprises. In order to improve the synthesis skill program making and management
12、 level, each big TV must improve their marketing strategy for the management level of variety shows, in order to improve the TV program production and management level, to ultimately improve the major TV economic benefit and profit. Therefore, to study the major TV variety show of the marketing stra
13、tegy, hoping to provide the beneficial reference for practice, to our country each big TV variety show of the marketing strategy design and decision making.In this study, Jiangsu satellite TVs large life service program if you are the one as the object of study, a comprehensive analysis of if you ar
14、e the one marketing strategy, the main content of this paper is divided into six parts, the first part of the research content is the introduction, mainly explained the research purpose, significance, literature review, research the research contents and methods and the innovation and so on; the sec
15、ond part is the Jiangsu TV variety show if you are the one overview, mainly from the if you are the one introduction, host and guests, if you are the one and if you are the one special overseas storm to deal with four aspects; the third part is the Jiangsu satellite TV variety show if you are the on
16、e marketing environment, mainly on if you are the one the macro environment analysis, if you are the one competitive environment analysis, if you are the one if you are the one demand analysis and SWOT analysis in four aspects; the fourth part is if you are the one marketing strategy, mainly from th
17、e marketing mix strategy if you are the one and if you are the one Communication strategies and so on; the content of the fifth part is the Enlightenment of success if you are the one, mainly by the program innovation, brand development and demonstration of if you are the one future marketing sugges
18、tions in three aspects such as research content; last is the conclusion, summarizes the full text and prospect the future.Keywords: if you are the one variety show; marketing strategy;marketing environment;目录摘 要IAbstractIII第一章 绪论11.1 研究目的11.2 研究意义11.3 文献综述21.3.1 国内外市场营销研究文献综述21.3.2 国内非诚勿扰研究综述51.4 研究
19、内容与研究方法71.4.1研究内容71.4.2研究方法71.5 创新之处8第二章 江苏卫视综艺节目非诚勿扰概述92.1 非诚勿扰简介92.2 主持人及嘉宾情况122.2.1孟非情况122.2.2乐嘉情况132.2.3黄菡情况142.2.4宁财神情况142.3 非诚勿扰海外专场142.4 非诚勿扰风波应对162.4.1吴子恩事件162.4.2“农民歧视论”事件162.4.3造假事件17第三章 江苏卫视综艺节目非诚勿扰的营销环境183.1非诚勿扰的宏观环境分析183.1.1政策环境分析183.1.2 经济、社会环境分析193.1.3 技术环境分析203.2 非诚勿扰的竞争环境分析203.2.1相亲
20、类节目火爆203.2.2我们约会吧的竞对手分析213.3 非诚勿扰的需求分析233.3.1 社会需求分析233.3.2 男女嘉宾的需求分析233.3.3 观众需求分析243.4 非诚勿扰的SWOT 分析243.4.1 优势分析253.4.2 劣势分析263.4.3 机会与威胁分析26第四章 非诚勿扰的营销策略284.1 非诚勿扰的营销组合策略284.1.1 产品策略284.1.2 价格策略294.1.3 渠道策略314.1.4 促销策略324.2 非诚勿扰的传播策略344.2.1 非诚勿扰的话题营销344.2.2 非诚勿扰的互动营销354.2.3 非诚勿扰的品牌营销364.2.4 非诚勿扰的微
21、信营销374.2.5 非诚勿扰的微博营销37第五章 非诚勿扰的成功启示395.1 节目创新395.1.1非诚勿扰节目环节设置的创新395.1.2非诚勿扰节目主持模式的创新395.1.3非诚勿扰节目名牌效应的充分运用405.2 品牌成长405.3 对非诚勿扰未来的营销建议405.3.1突破创新 减少同质化竞争405.3.2 加强自身道德伦理建设 去除低俗415.3.3 重视对观众的收视心理和行为研究415.3.4提高诚信41结语43参考文献:44第1章 绪论第一章 绪论随着综艺节目市场竞争的日益激烈,综艺节目要想生存下去就必需进一步提高企业的核心竞争力,不断加强企业综艺节目的营销策略管理水平。综
22、艺节目的营销策略作为综艺节目的主要销售手段和方向,对综艺节目的发展起着至关重要的作用,只有高水平的综艺节目的营销策略才能不断提高综艺节目的营销能力和营销水平,才能有效促进综艺节目的长远发展,才能有利于当前及今后一个时间综艺节目的发展需要。1.1 研究目的开展综艺节目营销策略研究,是进一步明确综艺节目综艺节目的营销策略管理的概念,抓住综艺节目营销策略管理的本质特征,找出适合综艺节目营销策略管理的一般方法,是当前综艺节目营销策略管理的首要任务,是适应当前综艺节目提高管理水平的重要工作内容之一。经济增长速度的放缓、发展方式的转变对综艺节目来说是机遇又是挑战,如果说初始时期综艺节目之间竞争比拼的是品牌
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