1、研 究 生 毕 业 论 文(申请硕士专业学位)论文题目: 宁波银行直销银行战略研究 作者姓名: 专业名称: 高级工商管理(EMBA) 研 究 方 向: 指导教师: 年 月 日独 创 性 声 明本人声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得南京大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 签 名: 日 期: 关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解南京大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学
2、校有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。签 名: 导师签名: 日 期: 摘 要近年来随着社会科技的不断发展,互联网技术已经成为了我们生活中的重要部分,并且其也朝着日益成熟的方向发展着。互联网技术的出现让我们的生活变得更加的便利,并且互联网金融成为了人们习以为常的交易方式。互联网时代的到来是不可逆转的,我们必须要具备一定的互联网思维方式并且积极融入到互联网金融的生活中,去更好地方便我们的生活。根据当前我国互联网信息中心在去年八月的时候所发布的的中国互联网络发展统计报告限制,我国网民的数量在2016年6月的时候就
6、AbstractIn recent years, with the continuous development of social science and technology, Internet technology has become an important part of our lives, and it is also moving in the increasingly mature direction. The emergence of Internet technology to make our lives more convenient, and Internet f
7、inance has become a common way of dealing with people. The arrival of the Internet era is irreversible, we must have a certain degree of Internet thinking and actively integrate into the Internet financial life, to better facilitate our lives. According to the current China Internet Information Cent
8、er in August last year when the release of the China Internet Development Statistics Report restrictions, the number of Internet users in China in June 2016 has reached 710 million, and mobile Internet users accounted for one of them Of the vast majority, reaching 656 million, and Chinas Internet pe
9、netration ratio also increased significantly, reaching 51.7%, compared to 2015 data increased by 1.3 percentage points and exceeded the global average. With the continuous development of Internet finance, we open to see the Internet lending also ushered in its strong demand for the market, and now m
10、ore and more people are beginning to understand the Internet lending, recognition of Internet lending, and the use of Internet lending.At present, in the face of the challenges brought about by Internet lending, traditional commercial banks must be prepared accordingly and take positive measures to
11、deal with them. Internet borrowing, the traditional commercial banks to how to carry out marketing, marketing is the current we have to think about the problem. Bank of Ningbo direct marketing bank is a multi-year development history of commercial banks, its development in the process has made some
12、achievements. We will be the bank of Ningbo Bank direct sales for the case analysis, to explore the context of Internet lending under the meaning of marketing, and for its effective marketing strategy.The basic idea of this paper is to understand the current situation of Chinas Internet lending and
13、the relevant theories of marketing through the literature collection. To grasp the marketing of Chinas Internet banking for the development of Chinas commercial banks, and point out that Chinas commercial banks are important for marketing Sex. Followed by this article will be a direct bank in Ningbo
14、 Bank as a case for analysis. Through the analysis of the direct bank of Ningbo Bank, we can understand the problems encountered in the marketing of our commercial banks under the Internet loan, and put forward reasonable countermeasures to guide our commercial banks to do marketing work better.Spec
15、ific structure, the main content of this article is divided into four parts:The first part analyzes the background of the research on the marketing of Internet lending in China, analyzes the meaning of the research, and expounds the contents and objectives of the research, and points out the specifi
16、c research methods and ideas.The second part is from the theoretical point of view, first of all, for the current Internet research in China to collect the relevant literature collection, in order to grasp the development of Chinas Internet lending, better for the subsequent study to lay a good foun
17、dation. Followed by the relevant theory of marketing to collect and organize, as the commercial bank marketing strategy research an important reference.This paper analyzes the status quo and problems encountered in the marketing work of Ningbo Bank under the Internet loan, and analyzes the actual si
18、tuation, and puts forward some reasonable countermeasures.The fourth part is the combination of the current bank of Ningbo Bank direct development of the problems encountered in the effective solution, put forward specific countermeasures and suggestions for reference and reference for the relevant
19、enterprises.Keywords: Internet lending, marketing, Ningbo Bank direct sales bank目 录第一章 绪 论1第一节 研究背景1第二节 研究意义3第三节 文献综述3一、国内外互联网借贷的研究3二、我国互联网借贷发展挑战分析6三、互联网借贷对银行发展影响研究8四、互联网借贷背景下商业银行发展战略9五、总结与述评10第四节 研究方法和框架11一、研究方法11二、研究框架11三、研究的创新点12第二章 互联网借贷背景下宁波银行直销银行借贷营销现状分析13第一节 互联网借贷背景分析13第二节 宁波银行直销银行贷款业务介绍16第三节
20、 互联网借贷对宁波银行直销银行营销的影响23一、正面23二、负面24第四节 互联网借贷背景下的宁波银行借贷营销环境分析25一、挑战25二、优势25三、劣势26四、机会26第四章 互联网借贷背景下宁波银行借贷4P营销营销策略27第一节 互联网借贷背景下宁波银行借贷业务策略概述27第二节 互联网借贷背景下宁波银行借贷业务策略分析28一、产品策略28二、价格策略30三、渠道策略31四、促销策略33第四章 改善宁波银行直销银行营销问题及对策34第一节 宁波银行直销银行存在问题分析34一、营销人才缺乏34二、诚信体系缺失35三、营销风险较大35第二节 宁波银行直销银行存在问题分析36一、 培养专业互联网
21、营销人才36二、 加强信用体系建设37三、 加强风险防控体系建设39参考文献39致谢46第一章 绪 论第一节 研究背景近年来随着社会科技的不断发展,互联网技术已经成为了我们生活中的重要部分,并且其也朝着日益成熟的方向发展着。互联网技术的出现让我们的生活变得更加的便利,并且互联网金融成为了人们习以为常的交易方式。互联网时代的到来是不可逆转的,我们必须要具备一定的互联网思维方式并且积极融入到互联网金融的生活中,去更好地方便我们的生活。根据当前我国互联网信息中心在去年八月的时候所发布的的中国互联网络发展统计报告限制,我国网民的数量在2016年6月的时候就已经达到了7.10亿,并且手机网民占到了其中的
22、绝大对数,达到了6.56亿,并且我国的互联网普及比率也大幅度上升,达到了51.7%,相对2015年的数据提高了1.3个百分点并且超过了全球的平均水平。随着互联网金融的不断发展,我们开看到互联网借贷也随之迎来了其强大的需求市场,现在越来越多的人都开始认识互联网借贷,认可互联网借贷,并且运用互联网借贷。互联网技术的出现让我们的生活变得更加的便利,并且互联网金融成为了人们习以为常的交易方式 Alexander Bachmann,Alexander Becker,Daniel Buerckner,et al. Online Peer-to-Peer Lending:A Literature Revie
23、wJ.Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce,2011,16(2)。互联网时代的到来是不可逆转的,我们必须要具备一定的互联网思维方式并且积极融入到互联网金融的生活中,去更好地方便我们的生活。根据当前我国互联网信息中心在去年八月的时候所发布的的中国互联网络发展统计报告限制,我国网民的数量在2016年6月的时候就已经达到了7.10亿,并且手机网民占到了其中的绝大对数,达到了6.56亿,并且我国的互联网普及比率也大幅度上升,达到了51.7%,相对2015年的数据提高了1.3个百分点并且超过了全球的平均水平。当前,网贷平台的出现让人们更多了选择并且更加方便人们
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- 关 键 词:
- 宁波 银行 直销 战略研究
