1、编 号 MBA专业学位论文四川联通差异化营销策略研究学 科、专 业 名 称: MBA研 究 方 向: 市场营销2014年 8 月 20 日编 号 MBA专业学位论文四川联通差异化营销策略研究学 科、专 业 名 称: MBA研 究 方 向: 市场营销2014年 8 月 20 日The Studies of Differentiation Marketing Tactics OfChina Unicom Sichuan Branch Major : MBASubject : Marketing July 20th . 2014 目 录摘 要iABSTRACTiii1 绪论11.1 研究背景及对象1
2、1.2 国内外研究现状11.2.1 国外研究现状11.2.2 国内研究现状41.3 文献评述51.4 研究目的、方法和论文结构61.4.1 研究目的及意义61.4.2 研究重点与难点61.4.3 研究方法71.4.4 本文结构81.4.5 创新点82 相关理论基础92.1 市场细分理论概述92.1.1 市场细分原则92.1.2 市场细分依据102.2 差异化营销理论112.3 本章小结133 四川联通营销策略现状分析133.1四川联通现有业务情况分析133.1.1 四川联通收入构成分析153.1.2 四川联通现有用户与业务构成分析163.1.3 四川联通公司SWOT分析173.2 四川联通现有
3、竞争能力分析213.2.1 现有电信市场占有份额数据分析213.2.2 用户新增、流失构成数据分析233.2.3四川联通策反用户效果数据分析253.3 四川联通现有营销策略313.4 四川联通现有营销问题分析323.4.1 与竞争运营商套餐同质化严重323.4.2 客户需求把握不准确343.4.3 难以挖掘新入网用户需求353.4.4 营销策略难以满足客户差异化需求363.4.5 服务与市场信息反馈采集有待完善373.5 用户决策因素分析383.5.1用户流失因素分析383.5.2用户新增入网因素分析403.5.3 与竞争运营商套餐同质化因素分析403.6 本章小结414 四川联通差异化营销策
4、略方案研究424.1 四川联通市场定位424.1.1 四川联通用户细分424.1.2 四川联通目标市场选择444.2 四川联通差异化营销策略方案454.2.1 价格差异化454.2.2 通讯终端差异化474.2.3 渠道差异化484.2.4 服务差异化504.3 四川联通差异化营销策略保障514.3.1 提高用户需求挖掘能力514.3.2 提升客服对市场信息反馈及采集能力514.3.3 提升客户售后服务能力524.4 四川联通差异化营销策略效果预估524.5 本章小结545 结论与研究存在的不足545.1 研究结论545.2 研究存在的不足555.3未来研究展望56参考文献57图 表 目 录图
5、 1-1 文章结构8图3-1 2013年1月四川联通业务收入占比图15图3-2 2013年1月四川联通用户入占比图17图3-3 2013年上半年四川联通用户新增情况趋势图25图3-4 2013年1月四川移动市场活跃用户估算分布图26图3-5 2013年1月四川移动市场过网用户估算拟合图27图3-6 2013年1月四川联通策反成本估算演示图28图3-7 四川联通策反用户ROI值演示图29图3-8 四川联通策反潜在用户定位示意图30图3-9 2011-2012年四川联通IPHONE新增用户趋势、收入图34表3-1中国联通四川分公司业务情况14表3-2 2013年1月 中国联通四川分公司业务情况14
6、表3-3 2013年1月四川联通业务收入情况表15表3-4 2013年四川联通业务移动网络收入情况表16表3-5 2013年1月四川联通业务主要业务用户在网数量统计表16表3-6 四川联通SWOT分析结果20表3-7 2013年1月四川电信市场固定电话市场用户占有情况统计表22表3-8 2013年1月四川电信市场3G用户市场用户占有情况统计表23表3-9 2013年1月至2013年6月四川联通用户新增流失情况统计表24表3- 10 2013年1月四川移动市场活跃用户估算表25表3-11 2012年四川联通全年策反用户分群占比表30表3-12 四川联通IPHONE新增用户统计表33表 4-1 四
7、川联通细分市场用户定位匹配需求表45表 4-2 四川联通语音业务区域价格差异化策略47表 4-3 四川联通语音业务区域价格差异化策略47表 4-4 四川联通不同档次通讯终端价格差异化营销策略47表 4-5 四川联通服务差异化营销策略50IV摘 要摘要:本文主要以四川联通市场差异化营销策略为研究对象,依据差异化营销理论,通过对四川联通收入、用户发展流失、市场份额等数据进行分析,进而对四川联通目标子市场容量、盈利前景及市场竞争能力进行描述,联系四川联通营销过程中实际存在的问题,对四川联通差异化营销策略提出了改进建议以及保障措施。本文一共分为五个章节。第一章节通过差异化营销理论进行梳理与分类,确立了
11、营销策略进行了探讨与研究,能为电信市场营销策略制度提供实际参考建议。电信运营商营销部门可以通过这些方法提高市场响应能力,快速准确地确定市场竞争策略。关键字:差异化营销 同质化 营销策略 客户行为ABSTRACTAbstract:The differentiation marketing tactics of CUSB China Unicom Sichuan Branches is the main study object in this study. The methods and proposals that are how to improve differentiation tact
12、ics and establish marketing safeguard are given thought the description of marketing capacity and profits by analyzing revenue, customer appending, and market shares of CUSB based on the theories about marketing differentiation.There are five chapters in the study.The theories of marketing different
13、iation are classified, and a summary of the theories is made in first chapter. This study is by the sequence of this way: researching on marketing differentiation for the theoretical theory basis of the study, then analyzing the business data and mining the marketing questions based on the theories,
14、 next making recommendations for improvement and guarantee measures according these marketing problems, so that the instructive conclusions could be available for the telecom company.In chapter two of the study, the theories of segmentation and differentiation are studied to provide a theoretical ba
15、sis for differentiation marketing tactics of CUSB. The basis and theories of segmentation is the theoretical basis for the segmentation of CUSB, and that of differentiation marketing is the theoretical basis to make marketing combination strategy for the company.In chapter three, the capacity and pr
16、ofits of the target market of CUSB segments is analyzed, and the marketing problems are mined. The analysis of the target market profits is based on analyzing customer choice preference and customer behavior. And the capacity of that is based on collecting data of user appended and lost to reckon th
17、e capacity of the segments, so that the abilities and balks of market access could be evaluated. The result of SWOT is recommended with the business data, and the strategic recommendations are supposed by the result of SWOT. The market competitiveness of CUSB is discussed by analyzing the data of ma
18、rket share, reasons of users appended and lost, and the procedure of luring users for the rivals. These analysis results are the basis for the market positioning and segments.In chapter four, the recommendations are made to improve differentiation marketing tactics of CUSB, and the marketing safegua
19、rds are established by evaluating CUSBs internal environment such as competitiveness and market positioning. The market console is estimated after the recommendations. And the improvement method presents in terms of price, cellphone products, service, and sales channel to meet the customer needs of
20、the target market. While considering the market combination strategies, that is must to analyze the customer needs accurately to offer the target customers product (package) and sales plan. The purpose of collecting the needs from rivals customers is to lure the rivals users effectively or efficient
21、ly, and to keep the customer size. In order to keep customer, the cellphone maintenances of customers and measurable offering should be done. CUSB would archive such competitive advantage as luring customers more effectively and efficiently, promoting customer renewal rate, and increasing customer r
22、eliance customers through the differentiation marketing ways. CUSB could create long-term growth in the ways.The study is focused on the tactics of price differentiation, channel differentiation, terminal differentiation and service differentiation with analyzing the data of the customer behaviors,
23、and it would be practical advice for the marketing tactics strategy of telecommunication systems. The market responsiveness can be promoted and the market competition tactics can be determined quickly and accurately by these methods.Key words: differentiation marketing, homogenization, marketing tac
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- 四川 联通 异化 营销 策略 研究
