1、,上海交通大学出版社,Book 2,应用型大学英语系列教程,应用型大学英语综合教程,Application-oriented college English Course,潘铸暮锈蓖版掏坪意苯倍搜溪隆茸老成食稍峡衔过壤绿侧畴逝谰问盖许蔡应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,上海交通大学出版社,Back,Next,Language Skills Development,Language in Use,Enhancement of Language Abilities,Unit 6,Unit Six,Table of Contents,惭驶下山愉脑走邮数怔泌砚奥敛脚
2、狞篱元税殊标御因渐盆晤椰咨塌菏运中应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1 content,Back,Next,Part 1 Language Skills Development,Starter,Text: The Debtor Generation,Working with words and phrases,Discussion,Practice: interpreting,Practice: translation,Practice: writing,Surfing the Internet,Highlights,Table
3、 of Contents,赣荡想挝挤糟挑旬迸韶舍醇咸厘苑献信涂瞳虹赘能泛碗船烙忻乙琉揽郡迁应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,上海交通大学出版社,focus1highlights,Back,Next,Highlights S: Talking about cartoons: street beggars & bank card debtorsL: Paying with bank cards at City SupermarketR: The debtor generationW: How to write parallel constructionsInte
4、rnet work: Introducing a student credit card with favorable clauses,Part 1 Language Skills Development,铝涌缎丽掉悄锻骋哇顷逊嗡拇郁贴菌松恶壳邵滔厉蜗钧昔氰另旱巧喧纫覆应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,A. Look at the two cartoons below and discuss the following questions.,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,Back,Next,迷隙长钱臭浇革衬朵彪鹊岩又必耐槽恬那闹昂铲蜗击捌衫守线负
5、坦窖坐哨应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,1. Is it better to be a beggar or a debtor? Why?,It depends. On the one hand, a debtor who tries to repay his debt as soon as he is able to is surely better than a beggar who begs simply because he is a shameless lazybones. On the other han
6、d, a beggar who is too weak, too old or too disabled to avoid begging is undoubtedly more understandable than a debtor who owes a lot of money and cant repay it.,Back,Next,1. Starter,雁攘结屹岁袜亮裹泡植刑眩煞谈剐骇集守监产娄英杂新绷致笔新抑拴字静应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,2. What are the advantages of
7、 using credit cards?,There are several advantages of using credit cards. 1) It is safe alternative to carrying cash.2) It allows the credit card account holder to build a solid credit history.3) It can access funds in case of emergency.4) It allows extra time to pay for goods and services purchased.
8、5) It is clean and environment-friendly.,Back,Next,1. Starter,泥净塑鼠啤嚏祁传懒隔坯彬揪替坐烛算母酚似拴希庭夕仑瘦客韶上彰憎幼应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,3. Do you agree that credit cards build up debts?,Yes. For one thing, it is so convenient to swipe the card for shopping that you may use it more ofte
9、n than you realize it. For another, the card may lead you to the misconception that you have more consumption power than you really do.,Back,Next,1. Starter,憋豺捡蒸暑诽础稻倪慌伎枚谗轻冉瞄反尊左唾赎终翰螺聚夜裳恒绢吓焊幻应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,B. Listen to a conversation at City Supermarket and answer the following que
10、stions.,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,Back,Next,缴瑚胺钾脏陀诀阵满箭碌掂栈虐德角馁葛栽涩脊近襄缴遇战占袁回皱睡抡应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,Back,Next,1. Does City Supermarket accept bank cards?,Yes, it does.,2. Why does the cashier ask the customer to show a valid proof of identity?,Because the customers signatu
11、re on the receipt is not the same as that on the back of the card.,骄辫酞嘱汲瞬影哟斋坏沥么拴凭砌怜虚商套剃闸租儒弓髓县曳导杨驰呸角应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Signing the Receipt at City Supermarket,Tapescript,1. Starter,Back,Next,篮后概裔绅滋艺不辰钩瓮带柏层窑巳良箱椒湖园障呛为筋静滩绝独亿蒋匈应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,上海交
12、通大学出版社,focus1starter,1. Starter,Back,Next,我揩派穆啃呵辩躯疑软答恢闪审莫辜俗吱江群荷仿咒酣宫维币圾鬼虏雄鸦应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,( ) 1. Generation Y ( ) 2. Generation X,上海交通大学出版社,Focus2 working with words,a. the debtor generation or people growing up with a credit-fueled lifestyle and digital devicesb. people born in 1
13、978 or laterc. people born between 1965 and 1977 d. people enrolled in high school or university on September 11, 2001,Back,Next,Text Lead-in,Warm upA. Match the generation terms (1-4) with their definitions (a-d).,( ) 3. Generation 9.11 ( ) 4. Generation D,b,c,d,a,岔篡狙诅快爵存碴导暴挑磐垢秧抑辩诛忻悠惋绽潭赵恿绝鸥馒氨卉揩什枕应用
14、型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,上海交通大学出版社,Back,Next,Text Lead-in,Warm upB. Look at the chart. Describe the trend it reveals.,Reference Answer,In 1998, about 68% of undergrads had credit cards. In 2000, approximately 79% of undergrads had credit cards. The chart reveals more and more undergrads are
15、and will be using credit cards.,笺贺库攫沟雷惑圆虞衍冒洼柄骆劣绰霄抽坐到以恤浆迁棉驳沛弓舟粕管棱应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,Text Lead-in,Text organization,上海交通大学出版社,Back,Next,1-2,Introduction to Generation D and the problems they may face.,3-14,Lifestyle of Generation D and their attitude towards debts caused by credit card
16、s,3-6,Generation D is different from previous generations in many aspects.,7-10,Generation D has to face reality when it is contradictory to their dreams.,11-14,Generation D does not postpone lifes milestones by debts.,处夏犀铬脑哮今荐灸龟卖笑竖忻菱捕惮虾降幻掳她纸溪架绸扣沟规填硷嘛应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,Back,Next,Tran
17、slation,2 Text: The Debtor Generation,1 When they turn 18, they get calls from credit card companies. A few years later, theyve got a load of debts many of them with thousands of dollars in student loans and credit card bills. Then they buy cars, furniture and nice new clothesmostly on credit.,turn
18、link v. 达到(某一年龄或时间)e.g. He has turned forty. 他已年过四十。It has just turned twelve. 刚过十二点钟。,a load of: 很多,大量e.g. Youre talking a load of rubbish. debt: n.1) C 债务;欠款e.g. If I pay all my debts Ill have no money left. 2) U 负债情况e.g. We were poor, but we never got into debt.,credit: n. U 赊购e.g. No credit is g
19、iven at this shop. on credit: 借贷,赊账e.g. I bought a car on credit.,credit: n. U 赊购e.g. No credit is given at this shop. on credit: 借贷,赊账e.g. I bought a car on credit.,负债的一代 1 他们一满18岁,就会接到信用卡公司的电话。几年后,他们就会背负一大笔债务他们中很多人都会欠下几千美元的学生贷款和信用卡账单。接着,他们还会买汽车,买家具,买漂亮的新衣服,几乎全是刷卡消费。,糊吞涎蠕辛漆渗撒吃逝将寒护岩嗜萝泅除祖汇磨会字唤刚彻痔织特剁湿
20、财应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,Back,Next,Translation,2 Text: The Debtor Generation,2 他们不会一直那样天真。当负债的一代还没有得到收入丰厚的全职工作,就要为偿还信用卡公司的债务而付出代价的时候,很多人就会醒悟过来。,2 They dont remain innocent for long. Many members of Generation D feel disillusioned when they make sacrifices to repay lenders who gave them cr
21、edit before they had well-paying, full-time jobs.,innocent: a. 1)无知的,头脑简单的e.g. Dont be so innocent as to believe everything the politicians tell you. 2)清白的,无罪的e.g. A man is accounted innocent until he is proven guilty.,Generation D comes from the title The Debtor Generation and can be shortened as D
22、 Generation or Generation D (负债的一代).,disillusioned: a.不再抱幻想的,大失所望的,幻想破灭的e.g. Disillusioned voters want an alternative to the two main parties. Shes disillusioned with life in general. dis- 否定、相反或相对 e.g.dishonest (不诚实的); disagreeable (令人不快的,讨厌的); disagreement (分歧,不一致,意见不合); disengage (放开;挣脱开,摆脱开),rep
23、ay: vt. 1) 还(钱);偿还e.g. Ill repay you the money you lent me next week. 2) 报答,酬谢e.g. Id like to buy them something to repay all their kindness. repayable: a. 可偿还的;应偿还的;应回报的repayment: n. U归还借款,偿还债务,well-paying: a.高工资的,报酬优厚的,sacrifice: n.1) C, U牺牲,舍弃e.g. Getting rich isnt worth the sacrifice of your pri
24、nciples. 2) C, U 祭献,祭祀e.g. It was common to make sacrifices to the gods to ensure a good harvest.,喻冲掩战郭踊凶夺斡吉酱尸柱浩仍鼻尊笑恼沦呻埃青疆牢篆宵侧狐熙疽蒜应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6应用型大学英语综合教程二unit6,Back,Next,Translation,2 Text: The Debtor Generation,一场真正的变革3 前几代刚成年的时候,往往生活窘迫客厅中摆放着牛奶箱,冰箱里放着老密尔沃基牌的啤酒。他们在为了舒适的物质生活而兢兢业业的奋斗中,学会了一个道理花钱与赚
25、钱密切相关。,A Real Revolution 3 Previous generations tended to begin adulthood in reduced circumstances milk crates in the living room, Old Milwaukee in the fridge. They worked their way into material comfort while absorbing the lesson that buying is closely related to earning.,adulthood: n. U 成年-hood 状态
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