1、优秀教材特点与编写原则Lecture Five Features of good materials andprinciples for effective materials development,优秀教材的特点,Work in groups and discuss:What do you think a “good” English textbooks should be like?Have you ever used a “very good” English textbook?Do you see any problems in the textbook you are using
2、or have recently used?,Brian Tomlinson, Ph.D.TESOL Professor: (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages 对外英语教学)Dr. Brian Tomlinson is considered to be one of the worlds leading experts on materials development for language learning. In 1993 he established the worlds first MA dedicated to the
3、study of materials development for language learning (at the University of Luton in the UK) and he founded MATSDA (the internationally renowned Materials Development Association).,Dr. Brian Tomlinson is considered to be one of the worlds leading experts on materials development for language learning
4、. In 1993 he established the worlds first MA dedicated to the study of materials development for language learning (at the University of Luton in the UK) and he founded MATSDA (the internationally renowned Materials Development Association).,20 features of good materials partly taken from Tomlinson
5、(1998b),(1)Materialsshouldachieveimpact.(2)Materialsshouldhelplearnerstofeelatease,(3)Materialsshouldhelplearnerstodevelopconfidence.(4)Materialsshouldmeetlearners needs.(5)Materialsshouldrequireandfacilitatelearnersself-investment.(6)Materialsshouldgetthelearnersreadytoacquirethepoints beingtaught.
6、(7)Materialsshouldexposethelearnerstolanguageinauthenticuse.(8)Materialsshoulddrawlearnersattentiontolinguisticfeaturesof theinput.(9)Materialsshouldprovidethelearnerswithopportunities to use thetargetlanguagetoachievecommunicative purposes.,(10)Materialsshouldtakeintoaccountthatthepositive effects
7、of instruction(teaching)areusuallydelayed.(11)Materialsshouldtakeintoaccountthatlearnersdiffer in learningstyles.(12)Materialsshouldtakeintoaccountthatlearnersdifferin affectivefactorsattitudesandmotivation.(13)Materialsshouldpermitasilentperiodatthebeginningof instruction.(14)Materialsshouldmaximiz
8、elearningpotentialbyencouraging intellectual,aestheticandemotionalinvolvementwhichstimulatesboth rightandleftbrainactivities.(15)Materialsshouldnotrelyt0omuchoncontrolledpractice,(16)Materialsshouldprovideopportunitiesforoutcomefeedback,(17)Materialsshouldintroducelearningmethodsandstrategiesto solv
9、eproblems.(18)Materialsshouldprovideastimulustolearning.(19)Materialsshouldbestudent-centred.(20)Materialsshouldhelpteacherstoorganizetheteaching-learning process.,1. Materials should achieve impact,Novelty: being newVariety: different activities/tasks, different texts, different voices, etc.)Attrac
10、tive layout: attractive colours, photographs, spaceAppealing content: topics of interest to the target learners; topics which offer the possibility of learning something new; engaging stories; universal themes; local references,话题新鲜,内容有趣,版面美观,活动多样,1. 教材应有吸引力:新、众、美、趣,2. Materials should help learners
11、 to feel at ease.,feel more comfortable with materials with lots of white space than they do with materials in which lots of different activities are crammed together on the same page;- are more at ease with texts and illustrations that they can relate to their own culture than they are with those w
12、hich are culturally exotic (and therefore potentially alien);- are more relaxed with materials which are obviously trying to help them to learn than they are with materials which are always testing them.,本民族文化,适量练习,留白,2. 教材应使学习者感到轻松自在,3. Materials should help learners to develop confidence.,the acti
13、vities which try to push learners slightly beyond their existing proficiency by engaging them in tasks which are stimulating which are problematic but which are achievable too. the activities encourage learners to use and to develop their existing extra-linguistic skills, such as those which involve
14、 being imaginative, being creative or being analytical.,3. 教材应帮助学习者树立信心,哪种方式更有利于真正帮助学习者树立信心?A. 简化语言材料和语言活动,让学生用简化的语言完成简化的任务, 如:简单的句型操练。B. 让学生运用想象力,创造力等完成略高于自身语言水平的任务, 如:编小故事。,4. Materials should meet learners needs.,What is covered in the materials should be relevant and useful to the learners.,4. 教
15、材应满足学习者的需求,相关性、实用性,5. Materials should require and facilitate learner self-investment.,Learning activities require the learners to make discoveries for themselves. It would seem that learners profit most if they invest interest, effort and attention in the learning activity. Materials can help them
16、to achieve this by providing them with choices of focus and activity, by giving them topic control and by engaging them in learner-centred discovery activities.,分析课文,帮助学生自主学习,5. 教材应有助于学习者自主学习,6. Learners must be ready to acquire the points being taught.,create situationsensure that the learners have
17、 gained sufficient mastery over the developmental features of the previous stage before teaching a new oneroughly tune the input so that it contains some features which are slightly above each learners current state of proficiencyget learners to focus attention on features of the target language whi
18、ch they have not yet acquired so that they might be more attentive to these features in future input.,6. 教材内容应当适合学习者的水平,具有较强可学性,重大版 favourite teacher,1. 教材应有吸引力:新、众、美、趣2. 教材应使学习者感到轻松自在3. 教材应帮助学习者树立信心4. 教材应满足学习者的需求5. 教材应有助于学习者自主学习6. 教材内容应当适合学习者的水平,具有较强可学性,7. Materials should expose the learners to la
19、nguage in authentic use.,The input should vary in style, mode, medium and purpose and should be rich in features which are characteristic of authentic discourse in the target language. And, if the learners want to be able to use the language for general communication, it is important that they are e
20、xposed to planned, semi-planned and unplanned discourse (e.g. a formal lecture, an informal radio interview and a spontaneous conversation).,7. 教材应使学习者接触真实的语言,How do you do? Nice to meet you.,How do you do?Nice to meet you,too.,8.Materials should provide the learners with opportunities to use the ta
21、rget language to achieve communicative purposes.,Learners should be given opportunities to use language for communication rather than just to practise it in situations controlled by the teacher and the materials.,8. 教材应能为学习者创造运用语言进行真实交际的机会,9. 教材应使学习者注意到语言材料中的重要语言现象,中介语: She watch TV.(汉语中动词没有第三人称变化),
22、大量接触真实目的语,关注中介语与目的语的差异,目的语:She watches TV.,母语:她看电视。,10. Materials should take into account that the positive effects of instruction (teaching) are usually delayed.,Research into the acquisition of language shows that it is a gradual rather than an instantaneous process and that this is equally true
23、for instructed as well as informal acquisition. Learners cannot be expected to learn a new feature and be able to use it in the same lesson.So it is important for materials to recycle instruction and to provide frequent and ample exposure to the instructed language features in communicative use.,10.
24、 教材应该考虑到语言学习的延迟效应,不断循环重现,11. Materials should take into account that learners differ in learning styles.,VisualAuditoryKinaesthetic knsetkStudialExperientialAnalyticGlobalDependentIndependent,任务四: 将以下学习者的风格与对教材的需 求进行匹配,11. 教材应考虑不同学习者的学习风格,1. 触及实物来学习或按指令来完成任务 2. 喜欢以观看方式来学习语言3.喜欢以听的方式来学习语言4.喜欢运用语言,关注交
25、际内容 和目的5.有意识地关注语言特点,对语 言的准确性要求很高 A. 视觉型 B. 听觉型 C. 动觉型 D.研究型 E. 体验型,6.不善于自己安排学习,喜欢依 赖老师和教材 7.关注语块,整合信息 8.根据自己的语言学习经历来安 排学习,善于运用自主学习策 略 9.关注语言的各个具体部分,习 惯于一步一步地展示语言材 料 F. 分析型 G. 综合型 H. 依赖型 I. 独立型,A,B,C,D,E,H,G,I,F,12. 教材应关注不同学习者的情感态度和动机,提供不同题材和体裁的语言材料,不同类型的语言学习活动,为动机较强,更积极 的学习者,提供额外的 可以选择的活动。,提供的教材尽可能多
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