1、,Hi, My College!,Hi, My College!,Welcome to My Class !,Hi, My College!,Hi, My College!,NEW TERM,NEW BEGINNINGS,Hi, My College!,Hi, My College!,English name:Chinese name:E-mail:,Hi, My College!,Hi, My College!,About Me,Chinese Name:English Name:QQ NumberWeixin number:Public Mailbox:,Hi, My College!,H
2、i, My College!,Some Rules to Follow,You must bring1. Two books Intensive reading book & listening and reading book2. A notebook 3. A pen,Hi, My College!,Hi, My College!,Some Rules to Follow,You must obeyin my class1. Do not be absent-unexcused absent2. Do not be late3. Do not talk loudly in class4.
3、Do not answer the phone in my class & Turn your phone off or to silent5. Do not go to the toilet in my class,Hi, My College!,Hi, My College!,Old Saying,“ Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn.” -By Benjamin Franklin,Hi, My College!,Hi, My College!,You must ,Involve th
4、e class 1. preview the text 2. answer the questions 3. listen carefully 4. take some notes 5. finish the assignment ,Hi, My College!,Hi, My College!,Cultivate Good learning Habits,Draw up a study planPreview before a classListen carefullyTake notes in classReview timely6. Practice over and over agai
5、n,I see, I forget.I read, I remember.I do it, I understand!,Remember more!Exercise more!Review more!Have the ways of your own!,Hi, My College!,Hi, My College!,Course Arrangement in this term,Intensive ReadingUnit 1-Unit 5 (10 weeks)Focus Listening and SpeakingUnit 1-Unit 8 (16 weeks)CET 4Past exams
6、(5-6 weeks),Hi, My College!,Hi, My College!,Final scores,Exam scores(70%),Usual scores(30%),attendence (10%),performance in class(10%),assignments (10%),A SMALL TRUTH TO MAKE LIFE 100%,If,A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z,is equal to,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
7、20 21 22 23 24 25 26,Hard Work H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%,KnowledgeK+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%,LoveL+O+V+E12+15+22+5 = 54%,LuckL+U+C+K12+21+3+11 = 47%,( do most of us think this is the most important ? ),Then what makes 100% ?,Is it Money ? . NO ! ! !M+O+N+E+Y13+15+
8、14+5+25 = 72%,Leadership ? . NO ! ! !L+E+A+D+E+R+S+H+I+P 12+5+1+4+5+18+19+9+16 = 89%,ATTITUDE A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%,It is OUR ATTITUDE towards Life and Work that makes OUR Life 100% ! ! !,Change Your Attitude ,And You Change Your Life ! ! !,Attitude is Everything!,Hi, My College
9、!,Hi, My College!,Lets work hard together, I believe we can achieve the goals we set.,Hi, My College!,Hi, My College!,Thank you !,Lets work hard together, I believe we can achieve the goals we set.,关于大学英语四、六级考试题型调整的说明自2013年12月考次起,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会将对四、六级考试的试卷结构和测试题型作局部调整。调整后,四级和六级的试卷结构和测试题型相同。二、新题型说明1. 单词及词组听写原复合式听写调整为单词及词组听写,短文长度及难度不变。要求考生在听懂短文的基础上,用所听到的原文填写空缺的单词或词组,共10题。短文播放三遍。2. 长篇阅读原快速阅读理解调整为长篇阅读理解,篇章长度和难度不变。篇章后附有10个句子,每句一题。每句所含的信息出自篇章的某一段落,要求考生找出与每句所含信息相匹配的段落。有的段落可能对应两题,有的段落可能不对应任何一题。3. 翻译原单句汉译英调整为段落汉译英。翻译内容涉及中国的历史、文化、经济、社会发展等。四级长度为140-160个汉字;六级长度为180-200个汉字。,