工业工程技术培训01 Word 文档.docx
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1、2. 线图(String Diagram)或称为行程频率图(Trip Frequency Diagram)、行程表(Travel Chart)。(八)工厂布置规划(Plant Layout Planning)简介1. 工厂布置之规划程序Key Inputs-P,Q,R,S,T & Activity-areas2.活动关连(Activity Relationship)1.物流(Flow of Material)6.空间关连图(Space Relationship Diagram)3.关连图(Relationship Diagram)4.空间需求 (Space Requirement)5.可用空间
2、(Space Available)9.计画方案评估确立之工厂布置计画8.限制因素7.修正Plan XPlan YPlan Z工厂布置计画方案RelationshipsAdjustmentSpace2. 工厂布置规划之基础信息代号说 明PProduct or Material物品之特性和差异性QQuantity or Volume各单项物品之数量或体积RRouting or Process物品之制造程序或流程SSupporting Services or Activities支持生产所必需之活动TTime or Timing Consideration包括:作业时间/期间、频率、 期限、季节性,
3、等等3. 工厂布置之型态以制程为中心之工厂布置以产品为中心之工厂布置定位布置(Fixed Position Layout)流线型布置(Line Layout)制程布置(Process Layout) 或称批量作业布置(Job-lot Layout)工厂布置之型态4. 关连图 (Relationship Diagram)2314567包装出货现场厕所半成品存放区成品存放区生产区品管部门1A2I2I3UU3A1AA3OOO1I134E33IOAI51E3U4I64A47AEIOUXAbsolutely NecessaryEspecially ImportantImportantOrdinary C
4、losenessUnimportantUndesirable1234567Movement of MaterialsShare of Same PersonnelPersonnelControl of Work5. 关连分析 (Relationship Analysis)63472 Es1547626 As123576 Is265434 Os214563 Us6. 工厂布置之着眼点 人性化观点:人、机、物之和谐关系 安全性之设计考量 生产性观点:人、机、物之最适组合 流动程序(Flow process) 、动线: Ship-To-Store, Ship-To-Line , Make-TO-Sh
5、ipment, Make-To-Order, etc.流动频率:JIT-Just in timeLoad & Unload之次数/频率搬运设备之效能(九)缩短换线换模时间之要领简介Improvement Approach 改善的手法 Four ( 4 ) Steps 四个步骤 Two ( 2 ) Categories 两种类别 Four ( 4 ) Stages 四个阶段4 Steps(四个步骤) Preparation(准备) (Re)placement (更换、装置) Adjustment (调整) Completion (完成、善后)Step 1 Preparation(准备) Draw
6、ing Up Change-over Instructions.- Operations.- Tools needed (jigs, dies, moulds, etc.).- Fasteners needed (bolts, screws, washers, nuts, clamps, clips, etc.). Storage, Maintenance and Inspection of Tools and Fasteners. Gathering and Preparation of New Tools and Fasteners.Transport of Tools and Faste
7、ners to the Process.Step 2 (Re)placement(更换、装置) Unfastening and Removal of Old Tools. Placing the New Tools. Centering the New Tools.Step 3 Adjustment(调整) Fastening New Tools. Securing the New Tools. Adjustment of the New Tools.Step 4 Completion(完成、善后) Transport of Old Tools. Cleaning, Greasing and
8、Oiling The Old Tools. Storage of Old Tools.2 Categories(两种类别) On-line Change-over(线内更换)Change-over activities Interrupting the process. Off-line Change-over(线外更换)Change-over activities alongside the process.1234On-line change overProducing product AProducing product B23On-line Producing product APro
9、ducing product BOff-line1Off-line44 Stages(四个阶段)Advanced Stage改进阶段Transferred Stage移转阶段Separated Stage分离阶段Intermingled Stage混合阶段 Intermingled Stage(混合阶段) No separation between. On-line and off-line operations. Process is stopped during total change. New tools are brought in after the process has bee
10、n stopped. Neither tools nor fasteners are properly maintained, checked or prepared. Tools and fasteners are not tidy stored. Separated Stage(分离阶段) On-line and off-line operations are kept separated. Process is stopped for on-line operations only. All necessary preparations are completed while the p
11、rocess is going on. A checklist is available for carrying out off-line work. Maintenance, inspection and preparation of tools and fasteners are carried out off-line. A check is made whether tools and fasteners work properly. Transferred Stage(移转阶段) On-line operations are transferred to off-line as m
12、uch as possible. Height of dies, rams and press blocks are standardized. All fasteners and spanners are standardized. Standardized intermediate attachments are introduced. Adjustment of machines strokes is avoided. Advanced Stage(改进阶段) Both on-line and off-line operations are minimized. Dimensions o
13、f all tools are standardized. Handling of moulds, jigs, dies and forms is standardized. Hydraulic, pneumatic or magnetic fastening is introduced. Fastening and adjustment work is simplified or eliminated wherever possible. Cassettes are introduced. From Intermingled to Separated Stage Make a clear d
14、escription of all change-over operations to be executed today (see worksheet). Prepare a summary list of :- all tools needed (jigs, dies, moulds, etc.).- all fasteners needed (bolts, screws, clips, etc.). Classify all operations into:- off-line activities.- on-line activities. From Separated to Tran
15、sferred Stage Transfer operations from on-line to off-line as much as possible. The use of functional fasteners. The previous installation of intermediate attachments, bolsters and fasteners. Introduction of functional dial or pointer readings.Worksheet Nr. :Workstation Nr. :Change-over from toOpera
16、tionTools & FastenersLocationStepsto be removedto be placedPreparation(Re)placementAdjustmentCompletionoffonoffonoffonoffon From Transferred to Advanced Stage Improvement of handling, transport and storage methods. The use of hydraulic, pneumatic or magnetic methods for placing and/or fastening tool
17、s. The elimination of centering and adjustment activities by standardisation of:- dimension of moulds.- machine strokes.- male and female jigs.- centering and fastening methods. Improve measuring and gauging methods. Elimination of trial runs.(十)I E 改善心法Ways of Improving the Work Through Motion Stud
18、y- EASIER WAY- approachEliminate unnecessary motionsAvoid moves requiring eye directionShorten motion distanceImprove get motions by pre-positioningEmploy simple fixtures, clamps, and guidesReplace hand operations with foot-operated devicesWhy ? Question each operationAdapt two-hand methodYes, there
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- 工业工程技术培训01 Word 文档 工业 工程技术 培训 01
