1、不了解备考误区如何备考托福写作 托福写作备考中我们不仅要提升基础,多背词汇,还要了解备考的误区。这些托福写作备考误区就像陷阱一样,下面就和大家分享不了解备考误区如何备考托福写作,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。不了解备考误区如何备考托福写作?4大误区汇总托福写作备考误区一 对写作字数的错误认知单纯认为“字数越多越好”的时候,这里是有一定的道理的。因为如果你的字数越多,那么就越能更好的阐明自己的观点,但是很多考友特别喜欢将这种思路发挥到极致。要知道,托福作文在350字450字就很好了,这个范围内基本上不会对你的分数产生任何负面的影响了。当然还会马上有人问,如果我的作文字数超过了500字呢?说真
2、的,如果你能有写500字的能力,那么为什么不省下来一些时间,来自己检查一下这篇作文呢?因为当作文达到500字的时候,绝对已经高于托福所要求的字数了,再写多一点已经不会提升你的分数,当然也不会使你的分数降低。因此,这个时候不如好好修改一下已经写过的*,或者把写过的*好好润润色。(例如:加入一些强调句式或者倒装句,这样会使自己的*看上去更有生气。)因此,我们只要能写到350字以上,我们在字数这一点上基本就完成了任务,完全没有一定让自己的作文字数超过500字,要知道“越多越好”也不一定是最好的。托福写作备考误区二 认为语法只是辅助一点不重要现在很多考友是生活在用英语的环境之中的,比如说在美国或者英国
3、上高中的。当然也有很多考友是在国内纯英语的国际学校求学,这些环境往往是全英文的环境。本来一个全英文的环境是十分有助于英语水平的提升的,但实际上,纯英语的环境对于英语的语法要求并不严格。换句话说,有可能一句话虽然有语病,但是由于对方能听懂,因此他也没有纠正你,那么你也默认这里是没有问题的。因此我们会看到很多英语环境之内的考生,往往在作文的部分折戟沉沙铁未销,就是因为这个关键性的语法的问题。因此,当我们在准备作文部分以及口语部分这些主观题的时候,要注意在考试之前一定要好好打磨一下自己的语法,否则后患无穷!托福写作备考误区三 不论什么样的模板都不能用之所以很多人会认为作文模板会使自己的作文出现低分,
4、那是因为我们有太多人用到的模板都是要么从网络上,要么从自己的老师那里得到的模板。要知道网络上的模板,很多人是直接拿过来就用的,哪怕是培训机构的老师给的模板,也不可能是每个班都给你新的模板,也一定是有无数的学生都用过这个模板了。因此,当考官再看到同样的模板的时候,一定会给你一个不是特别好的分数,这让我们很容易理解。那么模板就不能用了么?当然不是。关键在于模板一定要是自己原创的,只有这样才能让考官眼前一亮,为自己赢得一个高分。托福写作备考误区四 对写作格式的错误认知这种每段开始0缩进,然后段与段之间空1行的模式,确实是现在西方非常流行的一种*排版方式,但是要知道排版方式并不能影响到你的作文的评价或
5、者说分数,因此有些考友在考试之后就特别担心自己作文的排版方式是传统的,首行空4格,然后每段不空行的方式会影响自己的成绩,其实这是完全没有必要的。你采取的任何排版方式都不会影响的作文成绩,因此请不要再为这一点担心。当然你如果采取了这种新颖的排版方式更好,如果没有呢,其实也没有任何的问题。托福考试作文独立写作范文:拥有多项技能的人更成功People who develop different skills are more successful than people who develop one skill only.托福写作范文参考:When it comes to the qualitie
6、s of successful people, people varying in education background and experience tend to give distinctive answers. Some would argue that those who are successful should be versatile and excel in lots of skills like communication skills, leadership skills and even organizational skills while others beli
7、eve that one who is exceptional in one area is more likely to be successful. I personally believe that a versatile person with various skill sets can be more successful.Admittedly, as the saying goes Jack of all trades and master of none and there are rare cases where some people who are expert in o
8、nly one field stand out. However, it is more common for versatile people with multiple skills to be successful because of the following reasons.First off, people who are talented and versatile are more competitive and competent in their career, and they enjoy a better change to be promoted in a prof
9、essional setting. Actually, a lot of positions require a combination of skill sets, such as paying attention to details, knowledge in a specific field and communication skills, etc. Indeed, more skills will give someone more chance to get promoted. For instance, if a computer programmer just knows h
10、ow to write program and focuses only on the technical side of the job, chances are that he would never get promoted. On the other hand, if not only does the computer programmer have programming skills but also he is a genius people-wise, he might get a better shot to be promoted as a manager in char
11、ge of a team of computer programmers. Thus, he can enjoy more opportunities in his career.Additionally, it is much easier for a versatile person with various skill sets to build rapport with people and make friends. It is self-evident that people with all kinds of skills will be very attractive and
12、charismatic. A person who not only has professional knowledge in one specific field but also has people skills and leadership skills will be very popular and standing out among his or her peers. For instance, my friend Alex, a bright young professional working in the financial industrial. He was awa
13、rded the most valuable banker in his company because of his professionalism and dedication to serving the customers and clients. Not only is he successful in his professional life, but also he is an amateur violinist. Actually, he plays for a city choir to represent the community and go against othe
14、r cities choir. Such skills can be very useful when building up connections with people and thus he can expand his social network easily. Furthermore, he can use these skills to entertain his clients and customers on certain occasions and have their trust on him.In conclusion, a versatile person wit
15、h various skill sets can be more competitive and outstrip others in the workplace, eventually they enjoy better chance to be promoted. Another advantage of having multiples skills is that it can be much easier and readily for them to network and expand their social connections.托福考试作文独立写作范文:想要高薪但是工作时
16、间长的工作吗Would you prefer a higher pay job with longer work time or an average pay job with normal work time.写作参考一:In the current society full of fierce competition, we can readily observe that landing an ideal job has become increasingly difficult, which forces us to a concession in the requirement of
17、 the job we want. When it comes to which is more appealing, a higher pay job with longer work time or an average pay job with normal work time, people varying in backgrounds and personalities may view the same issue from different angles. From my perspective, towards such a long-running tug-of-war,
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