1、1,Tao Yuanming,Sujie LiSchool of English, BISU2016-11-2,2,Historical background,The cultural scene of the Eastern Jin (317-420)The territory of the Eastern Jin was much diminished, with the North fallen under the rule of rival states, and the southwest (modern Sichuan) dominated by the Cheng-Han kin
2、gdom until 347; but territorial reduction is not necessarily proportionate to intellectual vigor and cultural splendor. The Eastern Jin and the ensuing four dynasties in the South Song, Qi, Liang, and Chen represent a richness of cultural accomplishment on a scale unparalleled in pre-Tang China.,3,J
3、iankang (建康) was to grow into a thriving metropolis, the worlds most populated city in the early sixth century, with a population twice that of Constantinople, and, above all, a dazzling cultural and intellectual center that lasted until a northern dynasty, the Sui, united China in 589 and ordered t
4、he city razed to the ground.六朝时期的建康城是世界上第一个人口超过百万的城市,以建康为代表的南朝文化,与西方的古罗马被称为人类古典文明的两大中心,在人类历史上产生了极其深远的影响。建康城规模极其庞大,以建康皇宫(建康台城)为中心,无外郭城,东西各四十里,人口众多。The south, for the first time in Chinese history, ceased being a periphery to the heartland in the Yellow River valley.,4,The wide use of paper: By the fo
5、urth century, paper was becoming the most important writing medium. Lightweight and easy to use, it contributed to the proliferation of writing. (140 writers recorded in 隋书,almost twice that of Han writers)The convergence of diverse influences: arcane discourse on Laozi and Zhuangzi (Daoism), Buddhi
6、sm, practicalityRelative peace and social stability: During these centuries, the south remained mostly free from large-scale war and destruction, offering an opportunity for literary and scholarly undertakings.,5,Important literary development,Poetry: a transition from four-character lines to fivePr
7、ose: Even more than poetry, prose played a prominent role in the social world. Fu(赋),history (史) Zhiguai (志怪), “strange tales” or “anomaly accounts” ,that gave account of supernatural phenomena, exotic locales, and fantastic flora and fauna(paradoxography). This new genre came into maturity in the E
8、astern Jin, with Gan Baos In Search of the Supernatural (Soushen ji,干宝,搜神记) as its representative work. landscape representation in prose, poetry, and painting 山水诗,山水画,(曹操)、陶渊明、谢灵运,王羲之 two main topics: “wandering like an immortal”, “becoming a recluse”The southern yuefu songs 南朝乐府民歌 木兰诗,6,In the han
9、ds of the late Eastern Jin poet Tao Yuanming (365?427, also known as Tao Qian), the conventional vocabulary and images of poems on reclusion were transformed into a much more personalized poetry not only about the poets decision to withdraw from public service, but, more importantly, about how he li
10、ved and struggled with his decision from day to day. Tao Yuanmings writings were a testimony to discovering and justifying the values of private life as opposed to the demands of the public world; this aspect of his work was deeply embedded in the cultural and intellectual contexts of his age.,7,Tao
11、 Yuanming,8,A brief introduction,陶渊明(352或365年427年),字元亮,又名潜,字渊明,自号“五柳先生”,去世后友人私谥“靖节” ,世称“靖节先生”、“陶靖节”,浔阳柴桑(今江西省九江市)人。东晋末至南朝宋初期伟大的诗人、辞赋家。曾任江州祭酒、建威参军、镇军参军、彭泽县令等职,最末一次出仕为彭泽县令,八十多天便弃职而去,从此归隐田园。他是中国第一位田园诗人,被称为“古今隐逸诗人之宗”,著有陶渊明集。The career of Tao Yuanming or Tao Qian was divided between the Jin and Song dyna
12、sties. He was born at Chaisang in Xunyang, now Jiujiang in Jiangxi, became a minor official at 29 and then resigned to till the land. Unable to support his family, he was persuaded to accept the magistracy of Pengze. When 80 days later it was suggested he spruce himself up for a visit from his super
13、ior he retorted, “ I will not bow down to a country boy for five pecks of rice,” and immediately left for home, abandoning his post. Even in seclusion he was hounded by misfortune. His house burned down when he was 44, and his last two decades were passed in destitution, though he refused official a
14、id with contempt.,9,饮酒其五,结庐在人境,而无车马喧。问君何能尔?心远地自偏。采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。此中有真意,欲辨已忘言。,10,Poems on Drinking Wine杨宪益 戴乃迭 译,I have built my cottage amongst the throng of men,And yet there is no noise of horse and of carriage.You ask me, how can it be? And I reply:When my heart is absent the lace itself
15、 is absent;For I pick chrysanthemums under the eastern hedge,And far away to the south I can see the mountains, And the mountains mists are lovely at morning and evening,While birds keep flying across and back again.In all these things there lies a profound meaning.I was going to explainbut now I fo
16、rget what it was.,11,Drinking Wine (V)许渊冲 译,In peoples haunt I build my cot;Of wheels and hoofs noise I hear not.How can it leave on me no trace?Secluded heart makes secluded place.I pick fenceside asters at will;Carefree appears the Southern HillThe mountain airs fresh day and night;Together birds
17、go home in flight.What revelation at this view?Words fail me if I try to tell you.,12,桃花源记,13,Among Tao Yuanmings prose pieces, “The Record of Peach Blossom Spring” (Taohuayuan ji) is one of the most beloved texts in classical Chinese literature. It describes a utopian community where there are no u
18、sual social constraints such as taxation and hierarchy, and every one lives in contentment. Hidden away in the mountains, the community is accidentally discovered by a fisherman. Later, the fisherman tries to retrace his steps, but he can never find the community again. The story of the Peach Blosso
19、m Spring has inspired numerous writings in later times and become a minor literary tradition in itself.,14,桃花源记,晋太元中,武陵人捕鱼为业。缘溪行,忘路之远近。忽逢桃花林,夹岸数百步,中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷,渔人甚异之。复前行,欲穷其林。林尽水源,便得一山,山有小口,仿佛若有光。便舍船,从口入。初极狭,才通人。复行数十步,豁然开朗。土地平旷,屋舍俨然,有良田美池桑竹之属。阡陌交通,鸡犬相闻。其中往来种作,男女衣着,悉如外人。黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐。见渔人,乃大惊,问所从来。具答之。
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