1、./n./在美中企业界领导人圆桌会议上的讲话美利坚合众国总统 巴拉克奥巴马艾森豪威尔行政大楼2011年1月19日Well, first of all, thanks to all of you for joining, both American and Chinese business leaders.好,首先感谢各位美中企业界领导人参加今天的会议。President Hu and I have had some excellent discussions, both last night in a smaller dinner and then this morning with our
2、respective teams. But we very much believe that in order for the U.S.-China relationship to deepen and to grow, that it cant just be a matter of government-to-government contacts.胡主席和我在昨晚的小型宴会上和今天上午双方团队的会谈中都进行了非常好的讨论。但是,我们都认为,要使美中关系深入发展,不能仅仅局限于政府间的联系。And there has been no sector of our societies tha
3、t have been stronger proponents of U.S.-China relations than the business sector. And so Im very pleased that we have some of Americas top businesses here. Many of them have a longstanding relationship with China; have been selling American goods, promoting American services in China. And they, I th
4、ink, can testify to the benefits that the United States obtains from strong relations with China.在我们两国,美中关系最强有力的倡导者莫过于企业界。因此,我很高兴今天在座的有一些美国大公司的代表。这些公司中有许多都和中国有着长久的关系;它们在中国出售美国商品,推销美国的服务。我认为,它们能够证明与中国保持强有力的关系对美国有益。Weve got some Chinese business leaders here, who I know are already doing business in t
5、he United States, making investments in the United States, engaging in joint ventures in the United States, and helping grow the economy here in the United States. I know theyre interested in finding ways that they can expand their activities in the United States.今天在座的还有一些中国企业领导人,我知道他们已经在美国开展业务,在美国投
6、资,在美国投入合资项目,帮助美国经济发展。我知道,他们希望找到途径扩大在美国的业务。And so I think our goal here today was to make sure that we break out of the old stereotypes that somehow China is simply taking manufacturing jobs and taking advantage of low wages; the U.S. is importing cheap goods and thereby having cheaper products, but
7、also putting strains on our employment base - the relationship is much more complex than that, and it has much more potential than that.因此,我想我们今天的目标就是确保我们打破一种过时的成见,即中国在夺走制造业的就业机会,在利用低工资优势;美国则在进口廉价商品,得到更便宜的产品,但使我们的就业市场承受压力美中关系要比这复杂得多,其潜力也比这大得多。China is one of the top markets for American exports. Wer
8、e now exporting more than $100 billion a year in goods and services to China, and that supports about half a million American jobs, from manufacturing to agriculture. And in fact, our exports to China are growing nearly twice as fast as our exports to the rest of the world.中国是美国最大的出口市场之一。我们现在每年出口到中国
9、的商品和服务超过1000亿美元,这支持着从制造业到农业的大约50万美国人的就业机会。实际上,我们到中国的出口比到世界其他地方的出口的增长速度高出将近一倍。Of course, here in the United States, weve got one of the most open economies in the world, and that makes us a top destination for Chinese exports, but also Chinese investment.当然,在美国这里,我们有世界上最开放的经济体之一,这使我们成为中国主要的出口目的地,也是中国
10、投资的一个主要选地。It is important, I think, to note that even with Chinas enormous population, the United States still does more trade with Europe than it does with China. That, I think, gives an indication of the amount of progress that can be made if we are consulting with each other, if we are hearing sp
11、ecifically from businesses in terms of how we can ease some of the frictions that exist in our trading relationship.我认为最重要的是要看到,尽管中国人口众多,但美国与欧洲的贸易仍然比与中国的多。我认为,这就表明,如果我们相互协商,如果我们就如何缓解我们贸易关系中存在的摩擦特别倾听商界的声音,我们能够取得进展的地方还很多。And so my hope is that today, in the brief time that we have, well be able to hea
12、r some concrete ideas about how we make sure that trade is fair, that theres a level playing field; how can we protect intellectual property; how can we promote innovation; how can both of our governments remove barriers to trade and barriers to job creation.因此,我希望,今天,在不多的时间里,我们将能够听到一些相关的具体想法,即我们如何确
13、保贸易公平,确保有一个公平的竞争环境;如何保护知识产权;如何鼓励创新;我们两国政府如何取消贸易壁垒和有碍创造就业的壁垒等。And with Chinas growing middle class, I believe that over the coming years, we can more than double our exports to China and create more jobs here in the United States. And Im sure that Chinese business leaders see enormous opportunities h
14、ere as well.随着中国中产阶层的日益壮大,我相信在未来几年,我们能够将我国对中国的出口成倍以上地增长并在美国创造更多的就业机会。我相信,中国企业领袖也在这里看到巨大的机会。So with that, Id like to just turn it over briefly to President Hu, and then maybe we can hear from some of the leaders around the table.我就讲这些,我现在请胡主席来讲一讲,然后我们也许可以听听在座的一些领袖的发言。原文链接: 在美中企业界领导人圆桌会议上的讲话中华人民共和国主席
15、胡锦涛艾森豪威尔行政大楼2011年1月19日Remarks in Roundtable Discussion with American and Chinese Business Leadersby H.E. Hu Jintao, President of the Peoples Republic of ChinaEisenhower Executive Office BuildingJanuary 19, 2011各位企业家代表,今天很高兴同奥巴马总统一起同各位企业界代表见面。在座的各位都是两国杰出的代表,不仅为各自国家的经济,也为中美关系发展作出了贡献。我向你们表达我诚挚的谢意。Busin
16、ess leaders, today it gives me a great pleasure to be here with President Obama and meet with you, business leaders. All of you around this table and your companies are leading performers of the two countries. You have not only made positive contribution to the economic growth of your respective cou
17、ntries, but also to China-U.S. relations. So I wish to offer you my sincere appreciation.在座的两国企业家把握经济全球化深入发展的机遇,积极开拓对方国家市场,促进两国互利合作。我愿在这里列举一些数据,展示我们取得的成就。All business leaders around this table have seized the opportunities presented by the deepening economic globalization. You have been working vigo
18、rously to expand market in each others countries. You have grown your business, but also promoted mutual beneficial cooperation between the two countries. I will cite a set of statistics to show how far we have come.1979年,当我们两国正式建立外交关系的时候,我们的双边贸易额不足25亿美元,而去年已经上升到了3800亿美元,增长了150多倍。双向投资从无到有,累计超过了700亿美
19、元。In 1979, when we firmly established diplomatic ties, our two-way trade was less than $2.5 billion U.S. But the figure for last year was $380 billion U.S., which is more than 150-fold increase. Our mutual investment also started from virtually nothing to an accumulation of $70 billion U.S.中美两国经贸和投资
20、合作给两国人民带来了实实在在的利益,给两国企业带来了重要商机。数据表明,我们两国的总贸易已经为美国消费者带来了近600亿美元的财富。The trade and investment cooperation between our two countries have indeed brought real benefits to the people of our countries and important business communities - opportunities for our business communities. According to figures, our
21、 total trade has brought about $60 billion U.S. of benefits to U.S. consumers.展望未来,我们的贸易合作前景广阔。在这里我想告诉大家的是,中国正在加快转变经济发展方式和调整经济结构,着力扩大内需特别是消费需求。If we look ahead to the future, our trade cooperation enjoys a promising future. Here I have a message to all of you - that is, China is speeding up this tra
22、nsformation of economic growth pattern and economic restructuring. We are focusing our efforts to boosting domestic demand, especially consumer spending.近年来,中国的国内消费每年以两位数的速度增长。2010年,中国国内市场规模超过2万亿美元,美国也在全力振兴经济。In recent years, Chinas domestic spending has been growing at a double-digit rate every yea
23、r. In 2010, our domestic market has surpassed a scale of $2 trillion U.S. And here in the United States, you are also working all-out to stimulate your economy.奥巴马总统已开始实施出口倍增计划。在昨晚的晚宴和刚刚举行的会谈中,我同奥巴马总统讨论了推进中美全面经济合作问题。我们一致同意加强两国金融、经贸、能源、环境、科技、农业、基础设施建设等领域务实合作。中美经贸和投资合作前景十分广阔。希望两国企业把握机遇、积极作为。President
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