1、Part Four The 18th CenturyThe Age of Enlightenment in England1688-1798,十八世纪 英国启蒙时期the Age of Reason,1. The literature of the 18th century was dominated by the interests of contending parties,The Whigs: determined to safeguard popular liberty;The Tories: conservative, would leave as much authority as
2、 possible in the royal hands;,3. The development of social life,The first half of the 18th century England saw the appearance of a large number of public coffeehouses and private clubs. Nearly all writers frequented the coffeehouses, and matters discussed there became subjects of literature. Hence t
3、he enormous amount of 18th-century writing devoted to transient affairs, to politics, fashions, and gossip.,Literary Development,1. Neo-classicism2. sentimentalism3. Modern novel4. Romanticism5. English drama,概述,英国文学史上的启蒙运动是英国文学18世纪产生的一种进步思潮。启蒙运动,这一时期的思想家和作家们崇尚理性,认为启蒙教化是改造社会的基本手段,因此18世纪又被称为理性的时代.在文学
4、领域体现为18世纪上半期的新古典主义,代表作家有诗人蒲伯(A. Pope)和期刊随笔的创始人斯梯尔(R.Steele)和艾迪生(J.Addison).,The Enlightenment in Europe,A progressive intellectual movement beginning in France and then spread throughout Europe. The guiding principle or slogan is Ration/Reason, natural right and equality. Ration became standard for
5、measurement of everything.An expression of struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism. They attempted to place all branches of science at the service of mankind.Called for universal education: a continuation of Renaissance in belief in the possibility of human perfection through education.Its pur
6、pose was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas.,概述,1688年的“光荣革命”推翻复辟王朝,确定了君主立宪制,建立起资产阶级和新贵族领导的政权,英国从此进入一个相对安定的发展时期。 18世纪初,新古典主义成为时尚。新古典主义推崇理性,强调明晰、对称、节制、优雅,追求艺术形式的完美与和谐。亚历山大蒲柏(Alexander Pope, 1688-1744)是新古典主义诗歌的代表,他模仿罗马诗人,诗风精巧隽俏,内容以说教与讽刺为主,形式多用英雄双韵体,但缺
7、乏深厚感情。,1. Neoclassicism 新古典主义,The Enlightenment Movement brought about a revival of interest in the old classical works, this tendency is known as neoclassicism.The neoclassicists held that forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek and Roman writers, such
8、as Homer.Addison, Steele, Pope belonged to this school.,General Introduction,This period extends from 1688 to 1798, the year when Wordsworth and Coleridge published their Lyrical Ballads. It was the time when the dominant literary theory is neoclassicism. By Samuel Johnsons death in 1784, neoclassic
9、ism came to a decline and romanticism began to emerge. The last years of the 18th century saw the beginning of Romanticism in the works of Pre-Romantic poets as Burns, and Blake.,散文,18世纪英国散文出现繁荣,散文风格基本建立在新古典主义美学原则之上。理查德斯梯尔(Richard Steele, 1672-1729)与约瑟夫艾迪生(Joseph Addison, 1672-1719)创办闲谈者(Tatler)与观察者
10、(Spectator)刊物,发表了许多以当时社会风俗、日常生活、文学趣味等为题材的文章,他们清新秀雅、轻捷流畅的文体成为后人模仿的典范。 Tatler ttl spectator spekteit,小说,18世纪被称为“散文世纪”的另一个原因是小说的兴起。 丹尼尔笛福(Daniel Defoe, 1660-1731)的鲁滨逊漂流记(Robinson Crusoe)采用写实的手法,描写主人公在孤岛上的生活,塑造了一个资产阶级开拓者和殖民主义者形象,具有时代精神。这部小说被认为是现实主义小说的创始之作,为笛福赢得“英国小说之父”的称号。,乔纳森斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift, 1667-1
11、745)是英国文学史上最伟大的讽刺散文作家,他的文风纯朴平易而有力。斯威夫特的杰作格列佛游记(Gullivers Travels)是一部极具魅力的儿童故事,同时包含着深刻的思想内容。作者通过对小人国、大人国、飞岛国、慧马国等虚构国度的描写,以理性为尺度,极其尖锐地讽刺和抨击了英国社会各领域的黑暗和罪恶。,现实主义小说在亨利菲尔丁(Henry Fielding, 1707-1754)的笔下得到进一步发展。他的汤姆琼斯(Tom Jones)故事在乡村、路途及伦敦三个不同背景下展开,向读者展现了当时英国社会风貌的全景图。小说以代表自然本性的汤姆与代表理智、智慧的索菲娅终成眷属结尾,表达了感情要受理性
12、节制的思想。全书共十八卷,每卷都以作者对小说艺术的讨论开始,表现出菲尔丁对小说创作的一种理论上的自觉意识。,与菲尔丁同时代的塞缪尔理查逊(Samuel Richardson, 1689-1761)采用书信体创作了帕米拉(Pamela)、克拉丽莎(Clarissa Harlowe)。他将视角投入年轻女主人公的内心深处,心理刻画淋漓尽致,令读者潸然泪下。托比亚斯斯摩莱特(Tobias Smollett, 1721-1771)是18世纪中叶颇具特色的小说家。他的蓝登传(The Adventures of Roderick Random)继承欧洲流浪汉小说传统,布局松散,是一连串发展迅速、好恶交替、变
13、化急剧的冒险经历的组合。,劳伦斯斯特恩(Lawrence Sterne, 1713-1768)的项狄传(The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy)打破传统小说叙述模式,写法奇特。小说各章长短不一,有的甚至是空白。书中充满长篇议论和插话,并出现乐谱、星号、省略号等。斯特恩对小说形式的实验引起20世纪俄国形式主义批评家的注意,项狄传被认为是“世界文学中最典型的小说”。评论家指出20世纪小说中的意识流手法可以追溯到这部奇异的小说。,感伤主义,18世纪中叶,英国发生了工业革命。许多作家对资本主义工业化发展给大自然和农村传统生活方式带来的破坏发出悲哀的感叹,以大自
14、然和情感为主题的感伤主义作品一度流行。 奥利弗哥尔德斯密斯(Oliver Goldsmith, 1730-1774)的长诗荒村(The Deserted Village)是感伤主义诗歌的杰作。,托马斯格雷(Thomas Gray, 1716-1771)的墓园哀歌(Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard)表达诗人对时代纷乱状态的厌恶和对“自然简朴安排”的向往,吐露了他们的内心感受。英国诗歌开始逐渐摆脱新古典主义的束缚,理性的优势地位为感情或感受所代替。,前浪漫主义思潮,18世纪末、19世纪初,英国诗风大变。 苏格兰农民诗人罗伯特彭斯(Robert Burns,
15、 1759-1796)给英国诗坛带来一股新鲜的气息。他的抒情诗自然生动、感情真挚,讽刺诗尖锐锋利、妙趣横生。 威廉布莱克(William Blake, 1757-1827)是版画家兼诗人,想象奇特,极富个性。他的短诗意象鲜明,语言清新,后期的长诗内容比较晦涩。他在诗歌中建立起自己一套独特的神话体系,具有神秘主义色彩。布莱克的革命性、独创性和复杂性使他成为浪漫主义诗歌的先驱。,2. Sentimentalism 感伤主义,Sentimentalism indulged in emotion and sentiment. Criticized the cruelty of the capitali
16、st relations and the gross social injustices brought about by the bourgeois revolutions and the Industrial Revolution. They react against anything rational and to advocate that sentiment should take the place of reason.Thomas Gray, Oliver Goldsmith, Laurence Stern, Samuel Richardson are representati
17、ves of this school.,3. The beginning of modern novel,Modern English novel began in the 18th century and gave the world such novelists as Defoe, Swift, Richardson, Fielding, Smollett and Sterne.Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe was one of the forerunners of the English 18th century realistic novel. But i
18、t was Henry Fielding and Tobias George Smollet who became the real founders of the genre of the bourgeois realistic novel in England and Europe.,Realist novel : bourgeois in essence - subject matter, - readership, - didactic(教诲的) purpose, - form (prose, comic epic); - Samuel Richardsons Pamela (epis
19、tolary书信体), Defoes Robinson Crusoe, Henry Fieldings Joseph Andrews (comic epic in prose), Tom Jones (picaresque以歹徒为题材的), Smollett (sea novel), Sterne (sentimentality), Goldsmith, etc.,The most famous writers of this school are William Blake and Robert Burns. Pre-romanticism found its most manifest e
20、xpression in the “Gothic novel”.,Gothic Novel (from mid-18th century) against the rigid rationality principle emphasis on the irrational and dark side of human nature: the imaginative, the supernatural, the discarded(遗弃) Medieval castle,“Gothic novel” 哥特小说,Set in the medieval period; others set them
21、 in a Catholic country. The locale was often a gloomy castle furnished with dungeons地牢, winding passages, and sliding panels; the typical story focused on the sufferings imposed on an innocent heroine by a cruel and lustful villain. made use of ghosts, mysterious disappearances, sensational and supe
22、rnatural occurrences. The principal aim of such novels was to evoke chilling terror by exploiting mystery and a variety of horrors.,5. English drama in the 18th century,The English drama of the 18th century did not reach the same high level as its novel, but it experienced a brief flowering in the s
23、econd half of this century. The greatest dramatist of this period is Richard Brinsley Sheridan, best remembered for his The School for Scandal.Sheridan ridn,Characteristics of Early/Pre-Romanticism,Romanticism has five prominent characteristics:The Romantic Movement was a strong reaction and protest
24、 against the bondage of rule and custom, which generally tend to fetter the free human spirit.Romanticism returned to nature and to plain humanity for its material.,3. It is marked by renewed interest in medieval ideals and literature.4. Romanticism was marked by intense human sympathy, an understan
25、ding of the human heart. The sympathy for the poor, and the cry against oppression grew stronger.5. The Romantic Movement was the expression of individual genius rather than of established rules.,Alexander Pope (1688-1744),Alexander Pope 亚历山大蒲柏,Pope is known as a great poet in his day. He exerted mu
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