1、WEST MECKLENBURG HIGH SCHOOLNew Teacher HandbookA survivalguide for your1st year ofteaching at West Mecklenburg High SchoolTable of ContentsTopic PagesWhos Who page3-4Technology Policy5-7Beginning Teacher Support Program8-11Getting Started Teacher and Student Basics12-16Health and Wellness Services1
2、7-19Building Information20-21Start of School Checklist22-25Classroom Community “Open House”26-28Report Cards29Classroom Management30-39Lesson Plans40-42Substitute Teachers43-48Definitionof Terms and Acronyms49-51“Whos Who”ADMINISTRATION and ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORTPrincipal:Eric WardAssistant Principa
3、l of Instruction: Brigitte BrownAssistant Principal: Marvin YorkDean of Students: Tyrone CorlewDean of Students/Math Facilitator: Sara DoggettData Analyst: Stephanie HoodAcademic Facilitator: Phyllis ButcherAcademic Facilitator for Common Core Standards: Falisa HankinsTesting Accountability Facilita
4、tor: Marquitta RaynorSchool Improvement Grant Literacy Coach:School Improvement Grant Math Coach:Crystal JonesSchool Improvement Grant SIOP Coach: Elizabeth AshurstSchool Improvement Grant EC Coach:Debbie BrooksAVID Coordinator:Tracy ForstLead Guidance:Grady CatheyInstructional Technology Support:Mi
5、ndra WiseSCHOOL SUPPORT PERSONNELSr. Administrative SecretaryAdministrative SecretaryYvonne SharpeFinancial SecretarySecretaryAttendance SecretaryJoyce CarterSecretaryVeronica NeroComputer TechnicianRandy KellySchool Resource OfficerOfficer Ray HughesNurseJuanita PyantHead CustodianThomasina CraigDi
6、scipline Support DutiesBrigitte BrownAssistant Principal12th GradeTyrone CorlewDean of Students10th &11th GradesMarvin YorkAssistant Principal9th Grade RepeatersSara DoggettDean of Students9th GradeTECHNOLOGYSTAFF ACCEPTABLE USE POLICYThe Technology Mission of Charlotte Mecklenburg Public School Sys
7、tem is to ensure access to appropriate technology in our educational community to support and enhance student learning, staff instruction, school communication and data management.The Charlotte Mecklenburg Public School fulfills its technology mission by offering an institutional network between the
8、 schools and Internet access for staff and students. This is referred to as the CMS Network. Our goal in providing this service to students is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication.It is the responsibility of all Charlotte Mecklenburg School
9、 employees to read and sign the policy and it is the responsibility to the CMS Principals to deny Internet access to staff members who have not read and signed the policy.POLICIESStaff Internet Access All staff will have access through their classroom, library/media center, or computer lab
10、 to the following information resources: Electronic mail communication with people all over the world Library Collections including Library of Congress Public domain software and graphics World Wide Web News and information Discussion grou
11、p All staff will have an e-mail account.Unacceptable UsesThe use of the CMS Network is provided to facilitate education. Inappropriate use will result in cancellation of computer (internet) privileges. Users should not expect privacy in the contents of personal files on the district system
12、. Routine maintenance and monitoring of the CMS Network may lead to discovery that a staff member has violated this Policy, or the law. All e-mail is considered public record.The Superintendent of Schools, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Telecommunications Technology Specialist or designee s
13、hall have the right to access e-mail. The following unacceptable uses include (but are not limited to): Illegal Activitiesa. Transmission of x or trade information.b. Transmission of obscene or threatening material.c. Staff shall not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the CMS Network o
14、r to any other computer system through the CMS Network or go beyond authorized access. This includes attempting to log in through another persons account or access another persons files. These actions constitute vandalism and are illegal, even if only for the purpose of browsing.d. Staff shall not u
15、se the CMS Network for commercial or personal purposes, which includes offering, providing, or purchasing products or services through the CMS Network. System Securitya. Staff are responsible for their individual file account and should take all reasonable precaution to prevent others from
16、 accessing their files. Under no conditions should staff provide their password to another person.b. Staff shall not download or transfer files without the proper software license.c. Staff shall not make deliberate attempts to disrupt the CMS computer system, or other district computer systems and n
17、etworks, nor destroy data by spreading computer viruses or by any other means. These actions are illegal.TEACHER E-MAIL USE POLICY E-mail will be used as an integral form of communication within the Charlotte Mecklenburg Public School network. Teachers are encouraged to use this form of communicatio
18、n to facilitate communication with parents. Faculty e-mail names will be first name. last namexcms.k12.nc.us.(for example : Janice Doe) : Janice.doexcms.k12.nc.us In many schools, teachers are expected to check their e-mail at the beginning and end of each school day to keep current with news, meeti
19、ng information, and administrative updates and policies within the building.STUDENT INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE POLICYWest Mecklenburg is fortunate to have internet access in the classroom, media center and computer labs. In order to promote the expectation of appropriate use of this medium for educatio
20、nal purposes, all students are required to have a signed copy of theCharlotte Mecklenburg Schools Acceptable Use Policy on file. CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG SCHOOLS BEGINNING TEACHER SUPPORT PROGRAMApplicationCharlotte-Mecklenburg Schools provides a Beginning Teacher Support Program (BTSP) for teachers in
21、 their first- third years of practice. The induction program provides the structure that maximizes beginning teacher learning in the context of classroom experience. New teachers learn from veteran teachers; schools increase the possibility of retaining strong, well-trained educators; and most impor
22、tant, student achievement can be elevated.StandardsWest Mecklenburgs induction programs shall meet the following requirements: An orientation for beginning teacher and all other incoming teachers orientation program for beginning teachers and all other incoming teachers Assignment of a support team
23、that shall consist of, but not be limited to, the academic facilitator a mentor an administrator qualified to evaluate teachers, and a lead teacher. Opportunities to participate in professional development and common planning (i.e.: Critical Friends, Math, Reading, etc.)The intent of the induction p
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- 关 键 词:
- 班主任 教师 工作手册 英文
