大学物理D 07电磁感应ppt课件.ppt
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1、1,第7章,电磁感应,法 拉 第,2,产生,作用,产生,?,法拉第电磁感应定律,动生电动势、感生电动势,自感互感,麦克斯韦的两条假设,涡旋电场,位移电流,经典电磁理论的基本方程,磁场能量,知识结构,3,一 掌握并能熟练应用法拉第电磁感应定律和楞次定律来计算感应电动势,并判明其方向.,二 理解动生电动势和感生电动势的本质.了解有旋电场的概念.,三 了解自感和互感的现象,会计算几何形状简单的导体的自感和互感.,四 了解磁场具有能量和磁能密度的概念, 会计算均匀磁场和对称磁场的能量.,教学基本要求,4,教学重点,掌握磁通量的计算和法拉第电磁感应定律的应用。熟练掌握动生电动势的计算,理解涡电流的应用和
2、危害。,5,7.1 电磁感应定律,7.1.0电磁感应现象,结论:,当穿过一个闭合导体回路所围面积的磁通量发生变化时,不管这种变化是由于什么原因所引起的,回路中就有电流。这种现象叫做电磁感应现象。,回路中所出现的电流叫做感应电流,电磁感应swf,由于磁通量的变化而引起的电动势,叫做感应电动势,6,法拉第(Michael Faraday, 1791-1867),伟大的英国物理学家和化学家.他创造性地提出场的思想,磁场这一名称是法拉第最早引入的.他是电磁理论的创始人之一,于1831年发现电磁感应现象,后又相继发现电解定律,物质的抗磁性和顺磁性,以及光的偏振面在磁场中的旋转.,7,当穿过闭合回路所围面
3、积的磁通量发生变化时,回路中会产生感应电动势,且感应电动势正比于磁通量对时间变化率的负值.,7.1.1 法拉第电磁感应定律,国际单位制中 k =1,负号表示感应电动势总是反抗磁通的变化,单位:1V=1Wb/s,Swf-2,8,匀速,9,1)闭合回路由 N 匝密绕线圈组成,磁通匝数(磁链),2)若闭合回路的电阻为 R ,感应电流为,时间内,流过回路的电荷,10,说明: 中负号的物理意义,规定:,感应电动势方向与回路的绕行方向一致 ;相反时, 。,回路的绕行方向与回路的正法线方向 成右手螺旋关系;,即,式中负号可依上述规定判断 的方向,是楞次定律的数学表达式。,举例说明:,11,12,楞次(180
4、4-1865):生于德国的俄国物理学家和地球物理学家。于1833年11月发表了含有后来被称为楞次定律的论文,文中提出了一个能确定感应电流、感应电动势方向的规则(即楞次定律)。,7.1.2 楞次定律,叙述:闭合回路中感应电流的方向总是企图使感应电流本身所产生的通过回路面积的磁通量,去补偿或者阻碍引起感应电流的磁通量的变化。,说明:楞次定律看上去似乎感应电流有自己的主观意识:总是反抗磁通量的变化(十足的保守派)。,楞次定律swf,13,楞次定律,叙述:闭合回路中感应电流的方向总是企图使感应电流本身所产生的通过回路面积的磁通量,去补偿或者阻碍引起感应电流的磁通量的变化。,(向里),变化(增加),(向
6、量反抗通过其中的磁通量的变化,产生完全相反的电磁阻力。,17,练习:如图导体框内有无感应电流?若有,方向如何?,静止,以 运动,以 运动,以 纸面向里运动,答:产生感应电流的条件:导体构成闭合回路;穿过闭合回路的磁通量 发生变化。,静止:,以 运动:,以 运动:,磁通量减少, 增加 ;方向为顺时针,以 运动:,方向为顺时针,18,Example,A rectangular metallic loop of dimensions and w and resistance R moves with constant speed v to the right, as shown in Figure
7、31.16a, passing through a uniform magnetic field B directed into the page and extending a distance 3w along the x axis. Defining x as the position of the right side of the loop along the x axis, plot as functions of x (a) the magnetic flux through the area enclosed by the loop, (b) the induced motio
8、nal emf, and (c) the external applied force necessary to counter the magnetic force and keep v constant.,19,Solution (a) Figure 31.16b shows the flux through thearea enclosed by the loop as a function x. Before the loop enters the field, the flux is zero. As the loop enters the field, the flux incre
9、ases linearly with position until the left edge of the loop is just inside the field. Finally, the flux through the loop decreases linearly to zero as the loop leaves the field.,20,(b) Before the loop enters the field, no motional emf is induced in it because no field is present (Fig. 31.16c). As th
10、e right side of the loop enters the field, the magnetic flux directed into the page increases. Hence, according toLenzs law, the induced current is counterclockwise because it must produce a magnetic field directed out of the page. The motional emf Bv (from Eq. 31.5) arises from the magnetic force e
11、xperienced by charges in the right side of theloop. When the loop is entirely in the field, the change in magnetic flux is zero, and hence the motional emf vanishes. This happens because, once the left side of the loop enters the field, the motional emf induced in it cancels the motional emf present
12、 in the right side of the loop. As the right side ofthe loop leaves the field, the flux inward begins to decrease, a clockwise current is induced, and the induced emf is Blv. As soon as the left side leaves the field, the emf decreases to zero.,21,(c) The external force that must be applied to the l
13、oop to maintain this motion is plotted in Figure 31.16d. Before the loop enters the field, no magnetic force acts on it; hence, the applied force must be zero if v is constant. When the rightside of the loop enters the field, the applied force necessary to maintain constant speed must be equal in ma
14、gnitude and opposite in direction to the magnetic force exerted on that side: When the loop is entirely in the field, the flux through the loop is not changing with time. Hence, the net emf induced in the loop is zero, and the current also is zero. Therefore, no external force is needed to maintain
15、the motion. Finally, as the right side leaves the field, the applied force must be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the magnetic force acting on the left side of the loop. From this analysis, we conclude that power is suppliedonly when the loop is either entering or leaving the field.
16、 Furthermore, this example shows that the motional emf induced in the loop can be zero even when there is motionthrough the field! A motional emf is induced only when the magnetic flux through the loop changes in time.,22,解:,某一瞬间,距离直导线x处的磁感应强度为,选顺时针方向为矩形线圈的绕行正方向,则通过图中阴影部分的磁通量为,Example7.1,23,在该瞬时t,通过
17、整个线圈的磁通量为,由于电流随时间变化,通过线圈的磁通量也随时间变化,故线圈内的感应电动势为,感应电动势随时间按余弦规律变化,其方向也随余弦值的正负作顺、逆时针转向的变化。,24,7.2 动生电动势和感生电动势, 依:,分成两种电动势:, 即 不变,导体在磁场中运动而产生的电动势动生电动势;, 即 不变,导体不动,而磁场变化产生的电动势感生电动势。,25,电源 电动势,26,电动势,闭合电路的总电动势,: 非静电的电场强度.,27,7.2.1 动生电动势,Swf-5z,Swf-1,匀速,28,怎么解释动生电动势呢?,设杆长为,平衡时,swf,29,充当非静电力的只是载流子所受总磁场力的一个分力
18、,洛仑兹力不对运动电荷做功,矛盾?,思考:,洛仑兹力充当非静电力,30,动生电动势的计算(两种方法),(2) 由法拉第定律求,如果回路不闭合,需加辅助线使其闭合。 大小和方向可分别确定。,(1) 由电动势定义求,31,例9-2 如图已知铜棒OA长L=50m,处在方向垂直纸面向内的均匀磁场(B =0.01T)中,沿逆时针方向绕O轴转动,角速率=100rad/s, 求铜棒中的动生电动势大小及方向。如果是半径为50cm的铜盘以上述角速度转动,求盘中心和边缘之间的电势差。,Example 7-2,32,由此可得金属棒上总电动势为,在铜棒上距O点为 处取线元 ,其方向沿O指向A,其运动速度的大小为 。,
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