1、分类号B849密级公开学号291856题 目情绪劳动能否引发反生产行为?情绪耗竭的中介作用与心理资本的调节作用作者刘晖指导教师宋国萍 副教授一级学科名称心理学二级学科名称应用心理学提交日期二一二年五月学位论文原创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我在导师的指导下进行研究工作所取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容和致谢的地方外,本论文不包含其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含本人或他人已申请学位或其他用途使用过的成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示谢意。 本学位论文若有不实或者侵犯他人权利的,本人愿意承担一切相关的法律责任。作者签名
2、: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文知识产权及使用授权声明书 本人在导师指导下所完成的学位论文及相关成果,知识产权归属陕西师范大学。本人完全了解陕西师范大学有关保存、使用学位论文的规定,允许本论文被查阅和借阅,学校有权保留学位论文并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的纸质版和电子版,有权将本论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用任何复制手段保存和汇编本论文。本人保证毕业离校后,发表本论文或使用本论文成果时署名单位仍为陕西师范大学。保密论文解密后适用本声明。作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 摘 要反生产行为是工业和组织心理学近期的一个研究重点,是指组织成员伤害或意图伤害组织或组织其他成员(同事
6、节;但心理资本对深层扮演与反生产行为的调节作用不显著。由此,本研究表明,情绪劳动的表层扮演能够引发反生产行为,深层扮演不引发反生产行为,且深层扮演负向预测反生产行为。表层扮演不仅能够直接引发反生产行为,而且还可以通过情绪耗竭的作用间接引发反生产行为。心理资本可以削弱表层扮演与反生产行为之间的联系,心理资本高时,表层扮演与反生产行为之间的相关较低。关键词:反生产行为,情绪劳动,情绪耗竭,心理资本IIIAbstractCounterproductive work behaviors, which include any actions that employees engage in that h
7、arm their organization or organization members, have recently emerged as an important research topic in industrial and organizational psychology. Given the serious nature of these behaviors, it should be no surprise that research has found that counterproductive work behaviors have important implica
8、tions for the well-being of organizations and their members. Studies have shown, for example, that theft alone costs U.S. organizations several billion dollars annually. Total losses caused by the other forms of counterproductive work behaviors are likely to be staggering. Because of the important p
9、ractical implications of counterproductive work behaviors, it is important for us to study the nature of these behaviors. Through the literature search, we found that there are so many studies on counterproductive work behaviors in western countries, but the study in China is very few, and there is
10、no research that have studied the relationship between emotional labor and counterproductive work behaviors. Based on the job demandsresources model, the present study has explored the relationship between peoples emotional labor and counterproductive work behaviors, as well as the influences of emo
11、tional exhaustion and psychological capital.Using method of literature search and questionnaire survey, the present study have analyzed 454 samples which comes from several industry enterprises(such as economics, securities business, medical treatment, insurance, sales, hospitality industry, educati
12、on training and etc) in four cities(Beijing, Shanghai, Xian, Yinchuan). This study explored the relationship of emotional labor, emotional exhaustion, psychological capital and counterproductive work behaviors in service staff. According to the results of the study, we also give some advice to servi
13、ce organizations on management practice. At the end of the article, the limitations of this study and the future direction have been discussed.In particular, this research mainly found the following results:First, service staffs counterproductive work behaviors have significant differences in gender
14、, educational background and positions; but on the variable of age, martial status, working age and industry category, there is not significantly difference. Second, emotional labor significantly predicts counterproductive work behaviors. In particular, the surface acting positively predict the coun
15、terproductive work behaviors, also positively predict the three dimensions of counterproductive work behaviors; the deep acting negatively predict the counterproductive work behaviors, also negatively predict the three dimensions of counterproductive work behaviors.Third, the surface acting positive
16、ly predicts emotional exhaustion, but the deep acting plays no prediction on emotional exhaustion.Fourth, emotional exhaustion positively predicts the counterproductive work behaviors. In particular, the emotional exhaustion positively predicts the counterproductive work behaviors, also positively p
17、redict the three dimensions of counterproductive work behaviors.Fifth, emotional exhaustion partial mediated the relationship between surface acting and counterproductive work behaviors, but mediated effect on the relationship between deep acting and counterproductive work behaviors is not significa
18、nt. Sixth, psychological capital negatively predicts the counterproductive work behaviors. In particular, the psychological capital negatively predicts the counterproductive work behaviors, also negatively predicts the three dimensions of counterproductive work behaviors.Seventh, psychological capit
19、al moderates the relationship between surface acting and counterproductive work behaviors, but the moderating effect on the relationship between deep acting and counterproductive work behaviors is not significant.Thus, this study shows that the surface acting of emotional labor can lead to counterpr
20、oductive work behaviors, but the deep acting can not, and the deep acting negatively predict counterproductive work behaviors. The surface acting can not only result in counterproductive work behaviors directly, but also can result in counterproductive work behaviors through emotional exhaustion. Th
21、e psychological capital can weaken the link between the surface acting and counterproductive work behaviors.Keywords: counterproductive work behaviors, emotional labor, emotional exhaustion, psychological capital目 录摘 要IAbstractIII第1章 文献综述11.1 反生产行为11.1.1 反生产行为的定义11.1.2 反生产行为的维度31.1.3 反生产行为的理论51.1.4
22、反生产行为的影响因素91.2 情绪劳动111.2.1 情绪劳动的定义111.2.2 情绪劳动与反生产行为121.2.3 情绪劳动与情绪耗竭131.2.4 情绪劳动、情绪耗竭与反生产行为151.3 心理资本151.3.1 心理资本的定义151.3.2 心理资本与反生产行为161.3.3 心理资本、情绪劳动和反生产行为17第2章 问题提出192.1 现有研究的局限192.2 本研究的目的和内容202.3 研究假设212.4 研究意义232.4.1 理论意义232.4.2 实践意义24第3章 研究过程273.1 研究被试273.2 施测过程273.3 研究工具293.3.1 情绪劳动问卷293.3.
23、2 情绪耗竭量表293.3.3 心理资本问卷293.3.4 反生产行为量表293.4 数据处理方法30第4章 研究结果314.1 反生产行为的人口统计学变量差异分析314.1.1 性别的差异比较314.1.2 婚姻状况的差异比较314.1.3 年龄的差异比较324.1.4 工作年限的差异比较324.1.5 教育程度的差异比较334.1.6 职位级别的差异比较334.1.7 行业类别的差异比较344.2 情绪劳动、情绪耗竭、心理资本、反生产行为之间的关系354.2.1 变量间的相关分析354.2.2 情绪劳动对反生产行为的预测作用374.2.3 情绪劳动对情绪耗竭的预测作用384.2.4 情绪耗
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- 关 键 词:
- 情绪 耗竭 中介 作用 心理 资本 调节作用