1、江汉油田勘探开发研究院人力资源管理研究目 录1、前言.11.1中石化江汉分公司简介.11.2江汉勘探开发研究院简介.31.3江汉勘探开发研究院加强人力资源管理的现实意义.51.4全文的理论基础及主要研究框架.62、江汉勘探开发研究院的经营战略.92.1中石化江汉分公司的经营战略.92.2江汉勘探开发研究院的经营战略概况.92.3江汉研究院人力资源管理与经营战略的关系.103、江汉勘探开发研究院人力资源管理的现状123.1江汉勘探开发研究院人力资源管理状况外部比较.123.2江汉勘探开发研究院人力资源管理状况内部调查.193.3江汉研究院人力资源管理的突出问题之一人才流失.274、江汉勘探开发研
2、究院人力资源管理的目标.304.1经营战略上的人力资源管理目标须与企业文化整合.304.2 勘探开发研究院的企业文化建设目标304.3建立在经营战略和企业文化上的人力资源管理目标.324.4建立在经营战略和企业文化上的人力资源管理策略.325、江汉勘探开发研究院人力资源管理改革的战略重点.355.1建立形式多样、合理有效的薪酬机制.355.2建立公正明确、科学量化的绩效考核机制405.3建立注重实绩、竞争择优的用人机制495.4建立目标明确、促人成长的培训机制505.5 建立创新、学习的企业文化精神53参考文献55结束语57摘 要“人力资源”是指特定社会组织所拥有的能推动其持续发展,达成组织目
10、配制度位于最为不满。研究院在人力资源各项管理制度上都需寻求改进,这是和研究院在经营战略基础上的人力资源状况外部比较分析结果是相一致的。研究了研究院人力资源和人力资源管理的现状之后,本文通过结合研究院的文化建设目标,提出了研究院的人力资源管理目标并进一步阐述了相应的人力资源管理策略。本文最后一个章节阐述的是根据外部比较和内部调查得出的研究院的人力资源管理的战略重点,意图对研究院人力资源管理迫切需要改进的分配制度、绩效考核制度、用人制度、培训制度进行分析研究,以为实际工作的开展给予借鉴。主题词:人力资源管理薪酬机制绩效考核Abstract“Human resources” is referred
11、to as a total competence of all staff in a particular social organization that can propel itself to develop sustainably and finally reach its goal. Human resource management is a series of managerial activities for an organization to achieve its goal, which involves administration of the staff and a
12、ffairs, harmonization of relationship between persons, and plan, organization, leading and control over all activities.Human resource management is a basic, but unique function in the process of management of an enterprise. That is, human, the object of the human resource management establishes the
13、most basic element of production. The great master of the modern management Peter Derek once said: There is only one real resources in businesses: Human. The IBM Director warson also has said: you may take my machines, burn my factory, but you must leave my people for me to relive. So we can see fro
14、m here: the human resource is the original power to make enterprises develop continuously, and the safeguard for the business to reach its goal and the fatal element that constitute the core competition of the business.The management of human resources in the Institute of Exploration and Development
15、 of Jianghan Oilfield Company has been through executive instructions for a long time. It actually follows the traditional management. It has not a scientific and reasonable management system of human resources. As the main strength of the strategy called as “Expansion of market, resources and capit
16、al”, the management of human resources becomes more urgent and important. It is the first problem to solve how to set up a series of human resource management mechanism to attract, arrange, train, and promote personnel. To build a scientific and valid human resource management system, the first prin
17、ciple to be abided is that the system must support and serve for the business strategy of the Institute, and only by this can show the core competition and reach its goal, otherwise, the system will go without object. Scientific and reasonable management of the human resources is based on the suppor
18、t for the management strategy as well as the accordance with the business culture, which is contacted with the human resources and is the original power to propel the business to go continuously. So the system of management of human resources must show the particular business culture in every detail
19、. And the support for the business strategy of Institute and the combination with the business culture constitute the foundation of this article. On this basis, this article suggests followings:First, the business strategy of the Institute of E&P of Jianghan Oilfield Company: According to the total
20、object as “three expansion”, the strategy could be divided into three steps, the first step: through three-year training and developing of the present advantageous skill, all stable standards should reach the scientific and technological competition of two and a half million tons according to the pr
21、oduction and twenty million tons according to the oil store. The second step is to reach the scientific support of four million tons of oil production and forty million tons of oil and gas store. Second, the Institute of E&P of the Jianghan Oilfield Company should study the present state of its huma
22、n resources, that is to say, it should consider whether the existing human resources is sufficient to support the existing business strategy or not, meanwhile, it should identify what are insufficient to support the far-term business strategy. For such researches, a method is suggested in this artic
23、le. That is to compare the Institutes human resources state with that of other objects. It assumes that the human resources of the institute is well matched with the oilfields hydrocarbon production, that is to say, the human resources state is directly proportional to the oilfields hydrocarbon prod
24、uction. Based on this presumption, the article chooses Institutes of Jiangsu Henan and Jianghan Oilfields as comparison objects for the first step of business strategy, due to their little differences between reserves and productions, their E&P in-medium-latter period as well as their somewhat simil
25、ar geologic challenges faced ; and the Institute of Zhongyuan Oil Field, for the second step, due to its 4 million tons of current oil equivalent production and a 40 million tons of current oil equivalent reserves; and the Institute of Shengli Oil Field, for the third step, due to its largest size a
26、nd strongest force among similar enterprises of Sinopec, with 2650 million tons of oil equivalent production. These comparisons conclude that there is Jianghans Institute has an excess amount of employees, thus resulting in an over high human cost, too many management stories, and many unwanted mana
27、gerial and non-technical employees. On the other hand, the institute is structurally employee-lacked, that is, lack of multidisciplinary, leading and pioneering talents. Meanwhile, the institute is low in salary and training expenditure. Therefore, it is quite a challenge for JiangHan Oil Field to r
28、aise its total competition to the first level in the system of China Oil Refinery Corporation, that is to say, all stable standards should reach the scientific and technological competition of two and a half million tons according to the production and twenty million tons according to the oil store.
29、 The JiangHan Institute should investigates the stimulation assessment mechanism, the distribution mechanism, the training method, and employing regulation, and improve the composition of the researching personnel, reform the mechanism of employing and distribution, increase the researching input, s
30、trengthen the training job and stimulation assessment mechanism to make clear the relationship between the income and work of the staff. Whereas the Institutes above differ a lot even though they exist in the same system as well as we should avoid the imperfection in the choice of the criterion that
31、 we compare, and make sure of the accuracy of the comparison of human resources based on the business strategy. So this article will further testify the investigation carried out by this Institute into its own human resource management regulations of every kind of the staff. Through this, we may hav
32、e more precise basis for the management research.Interior investigation do the evaluation on the employment regulation, the personnel arrangement, the testing method, the training mechanism and the creating environment through dividing the staff into several catalogue: general working force, junior
33、skill staff, general management staff, middle and high personnel that do not do management work, and middle and high personnel that do management work. The conclusion is that all the people are not satisfactory with all o these regulations, particularly with the distribution regulation. The manageme
34、nt regulations should be improved, which is consistent with the conclusion drawn through the outside comparison with other Institutes. After the research on the present human resources and the management this article propose a management destination and explain the according human resources manageme
35、nt strategy, introducing the culture construction goal at the same time. In the last section of the article, a strategic focus for the human resource management of the institute are concluded by outer comparisons and interior investigations, in an attempt to investigate the distribution regulations,
36、 the performance evaluation, the personnel regulations and the training regulations that cry out for improvements, thus to provide some references for future practices.Key words: Human resource management Salary-paying mechanism Performance evaluation 11中国石化江汉分公司简介江汉分公司总部地处江汉平原腹地,湖北省潜江市(省直管县级市)境内。经过
40、;高中9人;2、专业职称:教授级高工3人;高工117人;工程师215人;初级272人 3、年龄段:35岁以下的313人;36-45岁的230人;46-54岁的57人;55岁以上的7人;二、从事科研与管理的专业技术人员:492人,其中:1、博士2名;硕士研究生30名;大学273名;大专163名;中专20名;高中4名; 2、技术职称:教授级高工3名;高工107名;工程师165名;助工197名;实习20名; 3、年龄段:35岁以下的274人;36-45岁的182人;46-54岁的31人;55岁以上的5人;三、承担主要科研、生产、管理工作人员的年龄段: 1、36-45岁年龄段:182名 2、46-54
47、结论的准确性,必须进一步通过对江汉勘探开发研究院内部各类员工对研究院各项人力资源制度评价的调查以进行符合性验证,进而为人力资源管理提供更准确的依据。第三,在研究了研究院人力资源和人力资源管理的现状之后,本文通过结合研究院的文化建设目标,提出了研究院的人力资源管理目标,并进一步阐述了相应的人力资源管理策略。最后,根据外部比较和内部调查得出了研究院人力资源管理改革的战略重点,即研究院人力资源管理迫切需要改进的分配制度、绩效考核制度、用人制度、培训制度并进行了分析研究,力图为实际工作的开展给予一定借鉴。 2、江汉勘探开发研究院经营战略2.1中石化江汉分公司的经营战略 加入WTO以后,中国石油企业面临经济全球化的激烈竞争。面对新形势,江汉油田坚持竞争、开放、诚信、合作的经营理念,大力推进体制创新、管理创新和科技创新,积极实施以资源、资本、市场为核心的“三个扩张”发展战略,突出油气勘探开发、石油工程专业技术服务等核心业务,着力提升油田核心竞争力,充分利用和发挥人才、技术、装备和区域优势,努力建成具有国际竞争优势的石油工程专业施工与技术服务一体化企业,以更加坚实的步履和更加自信的心态,昂首走向国内外市场,致力打造一个开放的“大江汉”。而要有好的企业经济效益,要打造世界级国际大企业,必须克服人多油少的局面,江汉油田的优势只能在于技术人才