1、1,英汉两种语言对比,2,I. 英汉语音特点及比较,. 英汉两种语言里都有单音节词(monosyllabic ,mnusilbik ),双音节词(dissyllabic ,disilbik ) 和多音节词(poly-syllabic): e.g. 我,study 学习,perseverance 锲而不舍;,3,2. 汉语中既有字也有词,而英语中一般只称作词。如汉语里的连绵词,分开则叫字,合起来才叫词。如:澎湃,鸳鸯,徘徊等;英语句子中,词与词之间有空格,而汉语句子中,词与词之间无空格,每个字所占位置几乎一样大。但在书写成汉语拼音时,词与词之间有空格。 如:Xuexi yingyu yao xi
2、a kugong.,4,3. 两种语言中均有拟声词, 如:Tick 嘀嗒(钟表声) baa 咩咩(绵羊或羔羊叫声),5,英汉重音的对比词重音,1) 在英语中,词重音是重要的语音特征,用来区别词义和词性。汉语词语的辩意,依赖的是声调(字调)而不是重音中国学生对声调敏感,对词重音很少留意,所以读多音节词时轻重对比不明显,甚至重音错位。,6,A. 重音兼区别词义和词性content n. kntent内容,含量;v. 使满意,使满足 adj.知足的,满足的kntent abstract n.摘要bstrkt v.提炼, 提取 bstrkt B. 重音只区别词性 rebel n.;v Export n
3、.; v;Insult n.; v,7,2)汉语中少数双音节词第二个音轻读和重读语义不同:(轻读被称为轻声)每个汉字都有自己的声调,但不论哪一个声调的字若跟在其他字的后面,失去了原来的声调而读成一处既轻又短的调子,就叫轻声。大意 n.主要意思(轻声); adj.疏忽下场 v.退场(轻声); n. 人的结局照应 v.配合(轻声);v.照料地道 adj. di do (轻声),是好或真; n. di do 地下的通道,8,II. 英汉构词比较,The major ways of word-building in English are composition合成法, conversion转换法,
4、and derivation 派生法 (affixation). And in Chinese we have the same major ways.English:,9,Composition: motherland, blackboard, waterworks, handwriting, silkworm, outbreak, easy-going, home-made, The United Stated is a “do-it-yourself” country.Conversion: paper the window, empty the basket, elbow ones w
5、ay, ups and downs;He bicycled off a moment ago.,10,Derivation: able-unable, hope-hopeless- hopelessness, act- action,11,Chinese:,Composition: 并列式:语言,改革,树立,遥远,左右,出入,好歹;偏正式:红糖,笑声,新衣;主谓式(主从式):耳闻,目睹,脸红,胆小,月明;动宾式:攻关,灭火,开车,踢球;重迭式:平平安安,高高兴兴,懒洋洋,亮晶晶,方方面面,英语中也有主谓式,但较少:eyestrain, heartburn心痛, face-ache面部神经痛 英
6、语中也有动宾式,但一样较少:do-all样样会的人 , breakneck非常危险的,12,Conversion: 一棵大树, 十年树人;出售油漆,油漆门窗; 鸡鸭鱼肉,鱼肉百姓;安全第一,不太安全;今天真热,把饭热一下;廉颇老矣,尚能饭否?,13,Derivation: 前缀 (Prefix)超 超人,超额,超支,超音速,超短波;非 非人,非常,非原则,非正式,非军事化,无 无视,无限,无线电,无名氏,无疑;汉语中的“非”,“无”相当于英语中的前缀un-,in-, il- 和后缀-less: invalid, unconscious, unmatched, informal, illegal
7、, endless,14,Derivation: 后缀(Suffix):手 助手,舵手,选手,帮手,一把手; 年 幼年,晚年,青少年,周年,光年;子 金子,银子,票子,耗子,妻子,爱面子;头 外头,对头,拳头,风头,枕头,苗头;其中表示人的后缀有“员,者,家,师”等,相当于英语中的后缀:-er, -or, -ian等。,15,2)词汇的共同趋势: 语言不是静止不变的。词的意义也是如此。,以bird一词为例 “鸟”,也可以指家禽。后来在口语中又常用来指“人”、“姑娘”等。近来,随着科技事业的发展,bird的意义又进一步扩大,可指飞机、火箭、直升飞机、航天飞机、卫星等任何飞行器。,16,3) Co
8、mparison of meaning of words 词义对等比较,1) Equivalents microwave supermarket right-wing out-party 在野党2) Partial equivalents Grandfather Grandmother Sister peasant 3) No equivalents 主要是英语中一些新词,包括专用名词、术语以及一些反映英美社会特殊风气及事物的词。 A. English words without Chinese equivalentsdollar saint beddo(一种多用途的床,电子床)B. Chin
9、ese words without English equivalents 党员,人民公社,居委会,街道办,17,4) 一词多意:英语比汉语多,E.g. Different meanings of the word “story”:1). A young man came to Scottis with a story.一个年轻人来到斯科特的办公室报案。2). Her story is one of the saddest.她的遭遇最惨。3). Hell be happy if that story holds up. 如果这一说法当真,那他就太高兴了。4). Its quite anothe
10、r story now. 现在情形完全不同了。,18,5). The war is becoming the most important story of this generation.这场战争已成为这一代人的最重大事件。6). The official refused to confirm the story.那个官员拒绝证实这个消息。7). Some reporters who were not included in the session broke the story.有些那次会议没有到场的记者把内情揭露出来。,19,Activity 1: soft,“A. 英汉语言基本相同的搭
11、配Soft pillow, soft cushion, Soft wood, soft light, soft voice, soft breeze , Soft music Soft answer Soft drinkSoft heart Soft words Soft money,20,B. “soft” used technically,Therecordhasbeenconsideredsoftever since it wassetlastMay. Marijuanaisusuallyregardedasasoft drug. Atthisstagethereisonlysoftin
12、telligenceabouttheenemyintention.Weshouldnot shoothimfromthehip.,21,5) 用词比较:英语多使用名词 汉语多使用动词,英美人注重客观事物对人的作用和影响。英文多用无生命名词作主语,主动和被动语态使用分明。中国人思维中以人为中心,所以常以有生命的名词做主语,主、被动语态呈隐含式。,22,Some examples:,1.近年来热情的读者纷纷致函各地方报纸,对广东的城市建设提出了种种建议。In recent years local newspapers have been sprinkled with passionate lett
13、ers advising various suggestions on the urban construction of Guangdong.,23,2. It has long been maintained that it was only during his Harvard graduate years that Eliot developed his interest in primitive cultures.人们长期以来坚持认为,艾略特对原始文化的兴趣是他在哈佛读研究生的岁月里培养起来的。,24,3. 英汉语句比较,I. Sentence structure (英语多被动,汉语
14、多主动 p.8)1. Passive voice sentences:1). Frequency: passive voice is often used in English, esp. in scientific article,25,2). Structure: in English, a definite passive structure is used, while in Chinese the following words are used to express Passive: The Chinese words for Passive:被,为所,受, 由,加以,予以,26,
15、II. The Inverted Structure (英语多倒装)The inverted structure is common in English language while it is seldom found in Chinese.,1. Here, there, now等引导 此类为完全倒装(fully inverted, full inversion)特点一:副词或副词短语放在句首:here, there, now, then, out, up, in特点二:动词多为不及物:be, come, go, exist, live,27,Examples:Here is the v
16、ery passport that you have lost.There stands a great monument on the top of that mountain.Up went the rocket into the space in an instant.Then came the day we had been looking forward to .,28,2. (not) only 部分倒装(partial inversion)Only by reading extensively can you widen your insight.Not only did he
17、complain about the food, he also refused to pay for it.,29,3.表示否定的意义的副词和副词短语位于句首Little, seldom, hardly, scarcely, never, in no case, under no conditions, 4.表示祝愿的句子May you live a long and happy life!Long live the Peoples Republic of China!May you a happy journey,30,III.英语重形合,汉语重意合,英语注重运用各种有形的联结手段达到语法
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