1、NRS公司是世界上主要的混凝土桥梁专业供应商。 我们多年来在挪威海岸线的恶劣条件下积累的丰富经验帮助我们向全世界提供我们先进的技术。,挪威NRS公司,誉满全球的桥梁施工设备,挪威在世界上的地理位置,挪威NRS公司,with a nature challenging the human being as well as engineering.,Our coastline is relatively warm compared to Siberia and Alaska since we have the Golf Stream never letting the temperature in
2、the sea drop below +4 C.From its southernmost point to the North Cape Norway stretches over 1.752 km.,However, the mainlands coastline is 21.465 km long, pierced by deep fjords and steep mountains.,This combination of arctic climate, mild sea temperatures and penetrated coastline releases a lot of e
3、nergy.,挪威NRS公司,in which we have developed our knowledge and learn our skills.,恶劣气候下我们的施工设备经受了考验,挪威NRS公司在混凝土桥梁施工设备的设计,制造方面积累了30年的经验。.,挪威NRS公司,挪威NRS公司向全世界提供最先进的桥梁施工技术。,挪威NRS公司,NRS 公司的挂蓝,MSS造桥机,LG预制拼装系统以其高效,经济闻名于世,我们已经为全世界各地300多座大型桥梁提供了施工设备。,挪威NRS公司,挪威NRS公司以其丰富的经验为世界各地大型桥梁施工项目提供服务。,挪威NRS公司,Norwegian br
4、idge building expertise has spread world-wide,挪威NRS公司在世界各地的分支机构,代理机构,施工项目,我们的主要产品:,挂蓝(建桥者) 现浇混凝土及预制节块桥梁.造桥机 (MSS) 现浇混凝土桥梁(上行式及下行式) 预制节块拼装系统 (LG) 预制节块施工 上行式及下行式,挂 蓝,预制节块拼装用挂蓝,上行式MSS造桥机,下行式MSS造桥机,上行式预制拼装系统,下行式预制拼装系统,适用范围,MSS 造桥机跨度 15 - 80 m一般适用长度 500m 以上施工周期/孔6 10 天,适用范围,LG 预制拼装系统跨径: 20 100+m一般施工长度: 最
5、少 600 - 800 节块一般施工周期/孔1-2 天 / 孔,适用范围,BB 建桥者挂蓝跨度: 60 300+m一般施工周期:2 x 1 节段 / 周,建桥者挂蓝,现浇混凝土桥梁用挂蓝,标准建桥者挂蓝每次浇注节段长度为5米,荷载(混凝土+模板)为100-600吨,用钢量为25吨-110吨。标准建桥者可适用于几乎各种桥梁断面。当桥梁宽度,节段高度,翼板厚度发生变化时调整十分方便。,一般适用节块长度为3-5米,重量100-400吨。使用液压系统推进。横坡纵坡均可调整。 预制节块拼装挂蓝几乎可适用于未来项目的任何断面。,预制节块拼装用挂蓝,世界跨度最长的混凝土悬臂梁桥,重量轻:The use of
6、 rectangular hollow sections in the main structural components and recoverable high strength bars in all stays and ties reduces the total steel weight to a minimum. 使用灵活:The Bridgebuilder may be adapted to almost any cross-section and is easily adjustable during operation to variations in segment le
7、ngth, box height, web thickness, deck width and road alignment (gradient, curvature, super-elevations). 挠度小:The vertical deflection at the front of the Bridgebuilder is less than 25 mm at maximum load. Formwork beams are designed for a maximum deflection of L/400 of their length. 安装快捷:One Bridgebuil
8、der may be assembled in one week. Rolling forward on rails, the reset time is short.,建桥者挂蓝主要特点:,现浇混凝土建桥者,主轨,液压油缸,建桥者主要组成部分,前后工作车,主轨,液压油缸,建桥者挂蓝,前后工作车,主轨,液压油缸,建桥者挂蓝的主要组成部分,NRS AS,主框架,前后工作车,主轨,液压油缸,建桥者的主要组成部分,NRS AS,主框架,前后框架,底框架,横梁,内模,前后工作车,主轨,液压油缸,建桥者的主要组成部分,NRS AS,主框架,前后框架,底框架,横臂,内模,外模,底模,内模,前后工作车,主轨
9、,液压油缸,The Bridgebuilder - Components,NRS AS,主框架,前后工作车,底框架,横梁,液压油缸,内模,外模,底模,内模,端模,工作平台,建桥者挂蓝,建桥者挂蓝施工程序:,挂蓝除内模部分移动到新的混凝土浇注位置。 调整外模,并将其固定。底板及翼板钢筋绑扎内模推进顶板钢筋绑扎底板及翼板混凝土浇注,顶板混凝土在间隔一定时间后浇注,也可在第二天浇注。养护完成后张拉。松开模板,推进挂蓝。多数情况下施工周期为1周,也有4-5天的实例。,用于小墩顶施工的建桥者,在墩顶长度仅为3米的情况下用挂蓝施工的方法。,第一步:在3米长的墩顶上安装,建桥者用于小墩顶施工,When th
10、e pier head is too small to allow normal assembly of the Bridgebuilder, our patented Cross-member solves the problem. It makes it possible to start free cantilevering from pier heads as small as 3 m. The procedure is illustrated through the above 4 phases.,第二步:在墩顶两侧浇注混凝土,建桥者用于小墩顶施工,When the pier hea
11、d is too small to allow normal assembly of the Bridgebuilder, our patented Cross-member solves the problem. It makes it possible to start free cantilevering from pier heads as small as 3 m. The procedure is illustrated through the above 4 phases.,第三步:将建桥者分开,建桥者用于小墩顶施工,When the pier head is too small
12、 to allow normal assembly of the Bridgebuilder, our patented Cross-member solves the problem. It makes it possible to start free cantilevering from pier heads as small as 3 m. The procedure is illustrated through the above 4 phases.,第三步:将建桥者分开,建桥者用于小墩顶施工,When the pier head is too small to allow norm
13、al assembly of the Bridgebuilder, our patented Cross-member solves the problem. It makes it possible to start free cantilevering from pier heads as small as 3 m. The procedure is illustrated through the above 4 phases.,第四步:完成12米墩顶混凝土,可进行标准挂蓝施工,建桥者用于小墩顶施工,When the pier head is too small to allow norm
14、al assembly of the Bridgebuilder, our patented Cross-member solves the problem. It makes it possible to start free cantilevering from pier heads as small as 3 m. The procedure is illustrated through the above 4 phases.,第四步完成12米墩顶混凝土,可进行标准挂蓝施工,建桥者用于小墩顶施工,When the pier head is too small to allow norma
15、l assembly of the Bridgebuilder, our patented Cross-member solves the problem. It makes it possible to start free cantilevering from pier heads as small as 3 m. The procedure is illustrated through the above 4 phases.,第四步完成12米墩顶混凝土,可进行标准挂蓝施工,建桥者用于小墩顶施工,When the pier head is too small to allow normal
16、 assembly of the Bridgebuilder, our patented Cross-member solves the problem. It makes it possible to start free cantilevering from pier heads as small as 3 m. The procedure is illustrated through the above 4 phases.,第四步完成12米墩顶混凝土,可进行标准挂蓝施工,建桥者用于小墩顶施工,When the pier head is too small to allow normal
17、assembly of the Bridgebuilder, our patented Cross-member solves the problem. It makes it possible to start free cantilevering from pier heads as small as 3 m. The procedure is illustrated through the above 4 phases.,第四步完成12米墩顶混凝土,可进行标准挂蓝施工,Stolmasundet Bridge, Norway目前世界挂蓝施工的跨度最长的混凝土桥梁主孔: 301 m桥宽: 1
18、2,1 m最大荷载 :160 tons施工周期:2 x 1 segment per week,Puente Internacional sobre el Rio Guadiana, Spain/Portugal最大荷载 :155 tons最大桥梁宽度: 18 m 最大箱梁宽度:11 m 最大浇注长度:4,5 m,Puente Internacional sobre el Rio Guadiana, 西班牙/葡萄牙,Varodd Bridge, Kristiansand, Norway最大跨度:260 m最大荷载:250 tons最大桥宽: 16,7 m 最大箱梁宽度:8 m 最大节段长度:5
19、m,Varodd Bridge, 挪威,Raftsundet, Lofoten, 挪威最大跨度:298 m最大荷载:250 tons最大桥宽: 12 m 最大箱梁宽度:8 m 最大节段长度:5 m,目前世界跨度第二的挂蓝施工混凝土桥冬季施工,跨度为298米,Seo Hae, 韩国最大跨度:160 m最大荷载:200 tons最大桥宽: 15,7 m 最大箱梁宽度:7,2 m 最大节段长度:5 m,Seo Hae, 韩国,Seo Hae, 韩国,2nd Stichtse Bridge, 荷兰最大跨度:160 m最大荷载 :250 tons最大桥宽: 21,9 m 最大箱梁宽度:13,9 m 最大
20、节段长度 :5,0 m,Wadi Akbara Bridge, 以色列最大跨度:80 m最大荷载 :150 tons最大桥宽: 13,7 m 最大箱梁宽度:5,5 m 最大节段长度:4,5 m,Regua, 葡萄牙最大跨度:180 m最大荷载 :600 tons最大桥宽: 25,7 m 最大箱梁宽度:7 9,5 m最大节段长度:5,0 m,Regua, Portugal,Loures, Portugal最大跨度:150 m最大荷载 :200 tons最大桥宽: 17,3 m 最大箱梁宽度:7,1 m 最大节段长度:5,0 m,Frouzi, 希腊克里克岛Main Span:72 mMax. L
21、oad Capacity:165 tonsMax. road width: 14,1 m Max. box width:8,0 m Max. length of segment:5,0 m,Frouzi, 希腊克里克岛,Loures, Portugal,Columbia River, (Glen Jackson) 美国,Helgelandsbro, 挪威最大跨度 :425 m最大荷载 : 300 tons最大桥宽: 12 m 梁高 : 1,2 m最大节段长度 : 12,9 m,美国哥伦比亚河大桥最大跨度 :170 m最大荷载 : 360 tons最大桥宽: 15 - 22 m 最大箱梁宽度:(
22、6,5 - 8,0) x 2 m最大浇注长度: 5,0 m,预制拼装建桥者,The Precast Segmental Bridgebuilder is equipped with hoists for lifting the precast segments as well as for adjusting the crossfall. A manipulator permits adjustment of the longitudinal fall and hydraulic cylinders launch the device forward.,建桥者主要组成部分,LAUNCHINGS
23、UPPORT,SEGMENTSUSPENSION BEAMS,BRIDGEBUILDER & CRANE,WORKING PLATFORMS,预制拼装挂蓝一般节块长度为3-5米,荷载为100-400吨,预制拼装挂蓝标准施工程序,预制拼装挂蓝标准施工程序,预制拼装挂蓝标准施工程序,预制拼装挂蓝标准施工程序,预制拼装挂蓝标准施工程序,预制拼装挂蓝标准施工程序,预制拼装挂蓝标准施工程序,Suriname River Crossing, Suriname最大跨度: 200 m桥梁宽度: 10 m最大节块重量:2 x 100 tons施工周期:每天4-6个节段,Suriname River Crossi
24、ng, Suriname第一节段施工,Suriname River Crossing, Suriname2 x 4 Elements,Suriname River Crossing, SurinameFront View,Suriname River Crossing, Suriname合 龙,上行式MSS施工,The design & flexibility:,MSS造桥机:,MSS是在1970年代在挪威承包商密切配合下发展起来的。如今已经在世界范围内得到广泛应用。,设计及灵活性,NRS公司MSS造桥机,MSS经过不断改进,目前已经用于世界各地100多座大桥施工。 系统重量轻,安装简便,安全
25、可靠,施工效率高。,The design & flexibility:,可移动支架系统(造桥机) MSS:,MSS可在各种不同桥梁施工中使用。(单箱梁,双箱梁,双T梁等等) 因此可以在不同项目中反复使用。,The Movable Scaffolding System - MSS:The development of our cost-effective system over the years, stems from the need to reduce the high costs of construction manpower in Norway. Today, our MSS for
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