1、Petri网理论及其在冷链物流企业配送流程优化中的应用PETRI NET THEORY AND APPLICATION ON THE COLD CHAIN LOGISTICS ENTERPRISE DISTRIBUTION PROCESS OPTIMIZATION专 业: 姓 名: 指 导 教 师:申请学位级别: 论文提交日期: 学位授予单位: 摘 要随着经济的不断发展,市场经济的不断完善,社会生活的不断提高,然们生活水平和水准都得到了很大程度的提高,来维持物品的优良品质成为了世人关注的焦点,也就是如何使一些在一年书过程中对环境、温度有比较苛刻的要求,在这种条件下,一种新生的物流模式应运而生-
4、分析其目前现状,分别从冷链物流A企业的配送模式及对比分析,冷链物流企业配送模式特点及优越性、冷链物流A企业配送流程环节分析三方面展开论述;接着,结合冷链物流A企业配送流程环节分析,应用Petri网理论,完成的对冷链物流企业的配送流程建模,分别阐述Petri网建模的基本过程、建立的模型表述、对所建立的配送企业配送流程模型进行特性分析;最后,通过对之前建立的冷链物流A企业的配送流程的Petri网模型进行分解,利用子网间的关系,确定此模型中可优化的环节,提出合理的措施,改善和提高各子网的运行效率来达到整个流程的优化。关键词:冷链配送; Petri网; 物流企业; 流程优化IABSTRACTWith
5、the continuous development of economy, the continuous improvement of the market economy, the continuous improvement of social life, but their living standards and standards have been greatly improved, to maintain the items quality has become the focus of attention of the world, that is, how to make
6、some during a year have more stringent requirements on the environment, temperature, under this condition, a kind of new logistics mode arises at the historic moment - cold chain logistics. The rise of cold chain logistics, drive the academia to study in this new industry, it means not only a kind o
7、f distribution mode innovation, also brought new blood to transport industry, thereby giving impetus to the development of a new mode of distribution, to improve the efficiency, reduce transportation costs, improve profitability, establish and perfect the keep food quality. Therefore, this topic in
8、the study of cold-chain distribution problem, can foresee this kind of research is bound to the distribution industry makes sense. Food problems relationships with all peoples life safety, food quality safety and social stability to the country development plays an important role. From a logistics p
9、oint of view, to shorten the time of cold chain logistics distribution process, can effectively reduce the risk of food spoilage. Because of the cold chain food cold chain in the distribution of protection is weak, so this article from the perspective of process optimization study of the cold-chain
10、distribution process. On logistics process modeling method has a lot of kinds, because Petri net has rigorous mathematical definition and analysis method, so this paper selected using Petri net modeling of cold chain logistics distribution process.In this paper, first of all, this paper carried out
11、the research on the background and significance are expounded, and the current research situation of the cold-chain distribution logistics and Petri net modeling in the field of logistics and distribution in the field of application made certain overview, on the basis of this puts forward the resear
12、ch content of this paper, the technical route and the main research method; Then, the current theory of cold chain logistics, including cold chain and the concept of cold chain logistics, as well as the theoretical basis of Petri net has carried on the detailed introduction, starting from the concep
13、t, lead to a few of its definition, this paper discusses the basic proPetries and characteristics of Petri net analysis method; Again, details of current and distribution process in the link and some representative distribution enterprise carried on the elaboration of the processing steps, with A co
14、ld chain logistics enterprises as the research example, analysis of the current status quo, respectively from the cold-chain logistics distribution mode of the enterprise and A comparative analysis of cold chain logistics characteristics and superiority, cold-chain logistics distribution mode of A e
15、nterprise distribution process analysis in three aspects; Then, A combination of cold chain logistics distribution process link analysis, application of Petri net theory, completed the distribution of cold chain logistics enterprise process modeling, respectively, the basic process of Petri net mode
16、ling, the model expression, distribution enterprise distribution process model of characteristic analysis; Finally, by A cold chain logistics enterprise to set up before the distribution process of decomposition of Petri net model, using the relationship between subnets, determine the link of this m
17、odel can be optimized, reasonable measures are proposed to improve and enhance the running efficiency of subnet to achieve the optimization of the process.Key words: Cold Chain Distribution; Petri Net; Logistics; Process Optimization朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音字典III目 录摘 要IABSTRACTII1 绪论11.1 选题背景和意义11.1.1 选题背景11.1
18、.2 选题意义21.2 研究现状41.2.1 冷链配送研究现状41.2.2 Petri网建模研究现状51.2.3 Petri网在冷链物流建模方面研究现状61.3 研究的主要内容和技术路线71.3.1 研究的主要内容71.3.2 技术路线81.3.3 研究方法92 冷链物流及Petri 网理论基础知识112.1 冷链物流理论112.1.1 冷链的概念112.1.2 冷链物流的概念和特点122.2 Petri网理论基础知识142.2.1 Petri网概念和特点142.2.2 Petri 网的基本性质和特性分析方法183 某冷链物流A企业配送流程现状分析及存在的问题223.1 冷链配送模式及其对比分
19、析23223.1.1 供应商直接配送223.1.2 企业自营物流模式233.1.3 冷链物流企业配送233.2 冷链物流企业配送模式特点及优越性243.3 某冷链物流A企业配送流程环节分析253.3.1 总体流程263.3.2 各个环节284 基于Petri网的某冷链物流A企业配送流程建模314.1 Petri网建模基本过程314.1.1流程元素的Petri网表示方法314.1.2逻辑关系的Petri网表示方法314.1.3 Petri网建模步骤324.2 某冷链物流A企业配送流程Petri网建模324.3 冷链物流企业配送流程Petri网模型特性分析345 某冷链物流A企业配送流程Petri
20、网模型优化385.1 某冷链物流A企业配送流程Petri网模型分解385.1.1关联矩阵表达的A企业配送流程内部关系分析385.1.2 A企业配送流程Petri网子网查找与关系确定395.2 某冷链物流A企业配送流程优化446 总结与展望466.1 总结466.2 展望47天津科技大学2011届本科生毕业论文1 绪论1.1 选题背景和意义1.1.1 选题背景食品问题关系着所有人的生命安全,食品安全问题已成为全世界关注的问题,食品质量的安全对国家和社会的稳定发展起着重要作用。近几年,不断出现的食品安全问题,如“三聚氰胺”、“瘦肉精”、“增白馒头”等事件,向人们敲了醒钟,提高和加强食品质量,降低食
24、物流企业求得技术创新的重要出发点,发展速度也相应的得到飞速提高。在21世纪,经济的竞争归根结底是科技的竞争,科技的重要体现方面就是技术创新。冷链物流包含众多环节:供货、流通加工、运输、增值业务等,然而,作为重中之重的配送却因为一些环境的因素而受到很大的制约,比如冷藏和搬运、装卸。因此,长期以来冷链物流企业一直将配送技术创新放在首要位置。随着科学技术的发展,配送技术创新成为冷链物流企业核心竞争力的关键所在,对于保证食品质量和安全,缩短配送流程的时间都起着至关重要的作用。 1 因此本文从整个配送流程入手,对冷链物流配送流程进行优化,降低冷链配送时间,提高配送效率,降低食品变质风险。1.1.2 选题
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- 关 键 词:
- 13 Petri 理论 及其 物流 企业 配送 流程 优化
