1、Selected Readings in American Literature Unit 16,Outline for Earnest Hemingway,His Life Lost Generation His Important Works His Style, Theme, Code hero, and Iceberg Theory Study of the Text,Earnest Hemingway (1899-1961),Spokesman of the Lost Generation,海明威出生于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥的奥克帕克.,Hemingway was born in th
2、e United States in Chicago, Illinoiss g parker,Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961),Life story. Born in Oak Park, near Chicago. His father is a physician. His mother is a domineering woman, a singer.,Early Life,In 1917, he graduated from high school and worked as a reporter. Rejected for army service in WWI
3、, he volunteered to serve as a driver for an American ambulance unit in France, then to Italian front, where he was seriously wounded. After the war, he worked as a reporter abroad. He got married in 1921. In 1927, he left his first wife and son, for a wealthy young woman.,Life story,In 1937, he bec
4、ame a foreign correspondent covering the Spanish civil war. He met a young reporter and they got married in 1940. His third marriage was troubled from the beginning.,In 1944, in anticipation of the allied landing in France, Hemingway secured a job of reporter. He landed in France in Aug, 1944 and ad
5、vanced to Paris. In London at the end of 1945, He was more than ready to fall in love again, this time with another young journalist.,In the early 1950s, Hemingway showed some symptoms of physical deterioration. In 1954, he was awarded the Nobel Prize. But he was too ill to go to Stockholm but sent
6、a message there.,Finally in 1960, there was a real breakdown. At the end of Nov, 1960, he was hospitalized and at the end of June, 1961, he was released and returned to Ketchum, Idaho. Early next morning he killed himself with his favorite shotgun.,But man is not made for defeat, a man can be destro
7、yed but not defeated.,只要不计较得失,人生便没有什么不能克服的!海明威,As long as they do not care about gains and losses, Nothing in life should not be overcome,这位诺贝尔文学奖的获得者,一直是人们心目中不屈不挠硬汉精神的象征。正如一位美国教授所说:“崇拜我们不屈不挠的欧内斯特总比迷恋好莱坞的那些小白脸强。”,欧内斯特海明威,“人生来就不是为了被打败的。人能够被毁灭,但是不能够被打败。” -海明威,海明威美国上个世纪最著名的小说家和短篇故事作家之一。他是“迷惘的一代”的杰出代言人,
8、也是第六个获得诺贝尔文学奖(1954年)的美国人。 海明威被誉为美利坚民族的精神丰碑,并且是“新闻体”小说的创始人,他的笔锋一向以“文坛硬汉”著称。,硬汉海明威,这是一个酷爱打猎、钓鱼的作 家。他到过第一、第二次世界大战的战场。他的身上中过237 片弹片。他的头上缝 过57针。他曾在非洲两度飞机失事,严重的脑震荡使他的视力和健康每况愈下。 这就是海明威, 他的经历,孕育出他那硬汉的性格。在他的小说中,反复出现 了拳击、斗牛、狩猎、捕鱼、战争等题材。这些都是力量的象征。当然,还杂揉着 酒、暴力、性、孤独和死亡。,海明威一生写真(一),高中毕业照,年轻的海明威,海明威一生写真(二),西班牙內戰,在
9、狩猎途中写作,钓马林鱼,海明威六十岁,获诺贝尔文学奖,海明威一生写真(三): 婚恋,初恋情人:艾格妮絲,第一任妻子:赫德莉,第二任妻子:宝琳,第三任妻子: 玛莎,第四任妻子: 玛丽,Marriage,海明威在写作,美国著名作家海明威的故居坐落在美国佛罗里达州南端的基韦斯特岛上。该岛在美国的最南端,距离古巴90英里。1928年海明威来到这个小岛,并购置了房屋,直到1961年去世前,他经常住在这里。现在这里已经改成海明威纪念馆。,这是美国最南端的位置标志。,这是海明威生前的创作室。,海明威曾经阅读过的书籍至今仍按原样摆放在那里。,海明威故居,海明威传,有人用“现代英雄神话”来概括海明威传奇的一生。
10、他痴迷拳击而永久伤害了一只眼睛;他两次参加世界大战,获过十字军功章、银质奖章、勇敢奖章和铜星奖章。他因膝盖被打碎而开过12次刀,取出237块碎弹片;他擅长钓鱼,曾钓过7米多长的大鱼;他喜欢冒险,斗牛、打猎样样在行,去非洲打猎时飞机失事,成为生前能读到自己讣告的极少数作家之一;他塑造了一系列打不垮的硬汉英雄,自己却用心爱的双管猎枪打飞了下巴自杀。这就是海明威的人生和个性。他用自己的一生及作品诠释着“硬汉”的含义。,“海明威魔咒”,多少年来,一代文豪海明威家族成员几乎无一善终。令人不可思议的是,海明威家族成员不是死于酗酒、怪病,就是死于抑郁症。美国公众将这一现象称为“海明威魔咒”。 海明威的父亲自
11、杀;海明威吞枪自杀;一个妹妹、一个弟弟死于非命; 幼子格雷戈里酗酒、闹事、裸奔,做过变性手术,猝死女子监狱;孙女马尔戈吸毒自杀于1966年,当时她是全球模特中的影响、报酬之最。,海明威热经久不衰,从1961年海明威去世至今,美国出现了一个经久不衰的“海明威热”。出版商查尔斯斯克莱纳说:仅在美国,海明威的作品每年销售量达100万至125万册。他的作品已被译成40多种语言。据不完全统计,从海明威去世至今,有关他的论文达3700多篇。1980年美国学者发起成立了“海明威研究会”,当时会员仅140人,今天已发展到1800多人,遍布世界各地。研究会办了学术刊物海明威评论,1992年成立国际顾问委员会(杨
12、仁敬教授一直是该委员会委员),每两年举行一次海明威国际会议。 海明威的橡树园诞生地、基韦斯特的故居、古巴望田庄以及在意大利、法国、西班牙和肯尼亚住过的地方、常去的酒吧和咖啡厅都成了许多美国国内外学者追寻海明威足迹的好去处,常年游客络绎不绝。海明威的亲友还成立了海明威公司,用他的名字给钓鱼杆和猎装命名出售,并把海明威的外号Papa作为手枪的商标,吸引了大量顾客。,他的早期长篇小说太阳照样升起(1927)、 永别了,武器(1927)成为表现美国“迷惘的一代”的主要代表作。30、40年代他转而塑造摆脱迷惘、悲观,为人民利益而英勇战斗和无畏牺牲的反法西斯战士形象(剧本第五纵队1938),长篇小说丧钟为
14、语言风格和创作技巧是众口交誉的。特别是那言简意赅的文风,在西方文学史上独树一帜,构成了“海明威风格”。,Homosexual tendency,“我丈夫和海明威他们两个人!哼,他们俩在一起的样子简直就像是一对情侣!” 泽尔达菲茨杰拉德ZeldaFitzgerald菲茨杰拉德的妻子,Suicidal tendency,(一)家长有自杀倾向(二)暴力倾向的父母(三)家庭的危机(四)抑制情绪(五)侵犯或冲突(六)外控个性(external locus of control)(七)低幻想力(八)解决困难能力较弱(九)冲动个性(十)过往自杀纪录,世界自杀率列表(前十名)每年每10万人中的自杀人数(世界卫
15、生组织 WHO 数据):1 立陶宛 40.2 人2 白俄罗斯 35.1 人3 俄罗斯 34.3 人4 哈萨克斯坦 29.2 人5 匈牙利 27.7 人6 圭亚那 27.2 人7 韩国 26.1 人8 斯洛文尼亚 25.6 人9 拉脱维亚 24.3 人10 日本 24.0 人,A man of iron,The Sun Also Rise一代过去,一代又来,地却永远长存。 A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever. 日头出来,日头落下,急归所出之地。 The sun rises and the
16、 sun goes down, and hurries to the place where it rises. 风往南刮,又向北转,不住的旋转,而且返回转行原道。 The wind blows to the south, and goes around to the north; round and round goes the wind, and on its circuits the wind returns. 江河都往海里流,海却不满;江河从何处流,仍归还何处 All streams run to the sea, but the sea is not full; to the pla
17、ce where the streams flow, there they continue to flow -Ecclesiastes,The Lost Generation,The term “lost generation” was coined by Gertrude Stein, a lost generation writer herself, after World War I. It was between the first and second World Wars. Speaking to Ernest Hemingway, she said, you are all a
18、 lost generation.,Lost Generation,refers to those writers who were devoid of faith, values and ideals and who were alienated from the civilization the capitalist society advocated.,这一群人在经历了第一次世界大战的冲击波后,精神上失去了平衡,从而感到惶惑、苦闷、无所适从。这一批迷失了生活方向的青年便成了海明威观察、剖析的对象,并以之为素材写出了短篇小说集在我们的时代里和1926 年问世的长篇小说太阳照常升起。书中引用
19、了美国女诗人格特鲁德斯坦的一句话“你们全是迷惆的一代”作为扉页的题间。从此“迷惘的一代”便成了这些精神空虚的青年的集体代号,也成为一个代表这种思想倾向的新的文学流派的称呼,在太阳照常升起中,海明威不遗余力地揭露并谴责人类之间的互相残杀、暴力行径和灵魂的堕落。通过小说主人公杰克巴恩斯的形象和性 格,作者不仅显示了“迷惘的一代”青年们空虚的精神世界,而且也反映出他本人消极的世界观,实际上,书中的巴恩斯正是海明威的自我写照。,It includes the writers such as (Hemingway, F.S. Fitzgerald, Thomas Wolfe, and Louis Bro
20、mfield) and poets (like Malcolm Cowley, E. E. Cummings, Archibald Macleish, and Ezra Pound), who rebelled against former values and ideas, but replaced them only by despair or a cynical hedonism快乐主义;快乐论.,They were totally frustrated by the WWI and returned from that “Great War” to their own country
21、only to find the grim reality that the social values and civilization were hollow and affected if compared to the cruel realities of the battleground. They felt alienated from American civilization, which was conveyed in their lives of exile and expatriation.,Lost Generation,They had cut themselves
22、off from their past and old values in America and yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilization had gone mad. They wandered pointlessly and restlessly, enjoying things like fishing, swimming, bullfight and beauties of nature, but they were aware all the while that the world is crazy
23、 and meaningless and futile.,Their whole life was undercut and defeated. They cast away all past concepts and values in order to create new types of writing, which was characterized by disillusionment with ideals and further with civilization the capitalist society advocated. They painted the post-w
24、ar western world as a waste land, lifeless and hopeless due to ethical degradation and disillusionment with dreams.,His Important Works,代表作品,1926年太阳照常升起(The Sun also Rises) 1929年永别了,武器(A Farewell to Arms) 1940年丧钟为谁而鸣(For Whom the Bell Tolls ) 1952年老人与海 (The Old Man and the Sea),短篇小说集,1923年:三个故事和十首诗(
25、Three Stories and Ten Poems)1925年:雨中的猫(Cat in the Rain)1925年:在我们的时代里(In Our Time)1927年:没有女人的男人(Men Without Women)1932年:乞力马扎罗的雪(The Snows of Kilimanjaro)1933年:胜者一无所获(Winner Take Nothing)1938年:第五纵队与49个故事(The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories)1972年:尼克亚当斯故事集(The Nick Adams Stories)1987年:海明威短
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