1、,英语概要写作,一、解题指导二、记叙文的概要写作三、议论文的概要写作四、 说明文的概要写作 五、常见错误六、评分原则,目录,一、解题指导,2.写出初稿 在写作过程中,学生要注意词数要求,使用精炼的句子概括文章的要点,可以引用所给阅读材料的重要词语,但不可过多,否则便失去了概要的意义;学生还需谨记:概要必须全面、清晰地表达所给阅读材料的信息,客观、准确地反映所给阅读材料的真实意图,不可随意增减内容。,1.阅读 首先要通读全文,对文章的体栽和大意有所了解。阅读时要快速地找到主题句,以便抓住中心,理解全文。学生还需要根据文章内容列出一个简单的提纲,以便在写作过程中不会遗漏要点,总结全面。,3.修正定
2、稿 初稿完成后,要将其与所给阅读材料核对一遍,看原材料中的要点是否在概要中都得到了体现,语句间的接是否符合逻辑,同时还需要检查句子是否有错误,时态和语态的使用是否正确,标点、格式、大小写是否有误等通过细致的修正与调整,力争使文章在各个方面都万无失。,记叙文通常包含时间(when)、地点( where)、人物(who)、事件(what)、起因why)、经过how)等六大要素。在阅读时要圈定这些要素,列出上述要素和关键词后,需要对其进行整合,把所圈定的要素按一定的逻辑顺序,在整合时要有所取舍,对于有助于揭示主题的主要信息,应该全部概括;而对于主题之外的内容要毫不吝啬地舍弃,3,认真审题,注意表达,
3、(1)确定人称:如果原文是第一人称,在转述时一般要改为第三人称,(2)确定时态:记叙文以一般过去时为主。若记叙文中有作者从中得到的“启示”或“意义”等,一般用一般现在时表达(3)确定词数与句数:摘要要求是“以约30个单词概括“,从近两年高考阅卷的实际来看,满分作文概括的词数在2638个单词之间受词数限制,概括部分一般用13句表达,以用2句最佳,句子过多,要么内容累赘,要么句式过于简单,均会影响表达效果。,(二)记叙文摘要的常用句式:1. The writer mainly tells us.2. The author shares his experiences3. From the pass
4、age, we know that.4. In the passage,(三)典题示例 : 阅读下面短文,然后以约30个词概括其内容要点 After graduating from college, I decided to try for a job at a radio station, and then I would become a sports announcer, I went to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station, but got turned down every time. Seeing I was disa
5、ppointed, my mother said, Everything happens for the best. If you keep on trying, one day something good will happen. Youll realize that it wouldnt have happened if not for that previous disappointment. In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations couldnt risk hiring an inexperienced person
6、Go to small towns to find a small station that will give you a chance, she suggested. So I tried WOC Radio in Davenport, Iowa The program director, Peter Macarthur, told me they had already hired an amouncer So I was refused. As I left his office, I asked aloud, How can a fellow get to be a sports a
7、nnouncer if he cant get a job in a radio station? Suddenly Macarthur asked, What did you say about sports? Do you know anything about football? Then he let me stand before a microphone and asked me to broadcast an imaginary game. The program director was satisfied with me and I became a sports annou
8、ncer the next day. Whenever I faced disappointment, my mothers words would come to my mind.,点拨 1.这是一篇记叙文,概括前需找出(1)谁? (the writer/author)(2)做了什么事?(failed lots of times in looking for a job)(3)結果如何?( felt very disappointed)(4)经教训 (his mother inspired him to keep on, and he succeeded at last)2.然后用自己的话将
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