1、分类号密级公 开学号150286题 目LS传媒集团并购RS公司财务风险控制的对策研究作者姜楠指导教师袁放建 教授专业学位类别工商管理硕士专业学位领域工商管理硕士提交日期二一七年三月学位论文原创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我在导师的指导下进行研究工作所取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容和致谢的地方外,本论文不包含其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含本人或他人已申请学位或其他用途使用过的成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示谢意。 本学位论文若有不实或者侵犯他人权利的,本人愿意承担一切相关的法律责任。作者签名: 日期: 年 月
2、日 学位论文知识产权及使用授权声明书 本人在导师指导下所完成的学位论文及相关成果,知识产权归属陕西师范大学。本人完全了解陕西师范大学有关保存、使用学位论文的规定,允许本论文被查阅和借阅,学校有权保留学位论文并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的纸质版和电子版,有权将本论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用任何复制手段保存和汇编本论文。本人保证毕业离校后,发表本论文或使用本论文成果时署名单位仍为陕西师范大学。保密论文解密后适用本声明。作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 摘 要并购作为企业扩张的一种有效方式,已经被越来越多的企业采用。它所表现出的“时间效率优势”改变了企业依靠原始自我积累发展的
6、为其他企业并购活动的财务风险分析提供一些参考意见和建议,使企业意识到并购中财务风险的重要性,推动企业采取相应的措施,最大化防范财务风险,实现协同效应,达到预期并购目标,改善并购绩效,从而提高并购成果率。 关键词:财务风险;控制对策;案例分析;LS并购;RS公司AbstractAs an effective way of enterprise expansion, merger and acquisition has been adopted by more and more enterprises. It shows that the time efficiency advantage has
7、 changed the idea that enterprises rely on the original self accumulation and development. With the continuous development of Chinas economy, the merger and acquisition of Chinese enterprises is no longer the pursuit of short-term economic benefits for the purpose, but to optimize the allocation of
8、resources as the basis for mergers and acquisitions, sustainable development of enterprises as the goal. The complexity of the decision, the length of the cycle, more uncertainty, usually accompanied by greater risk. Such as the value of Target Corp risk assessment, M & A financing risk, payment ris
9、k, integration risk management, etc. In view of this problem, domestic and foreign scholars have carried on the related research, but the angle of view is different, and by the time, the method, the technology and so on limits, still has the insufficiency. Therefore, if the enterprise merger with sp
10、ecific case perspective, using system analysis method, report analysis method to analyze the process of mergers and acquisitions facing financial risks and Countermeasures of risk control, to seize the key issues of research, to provide new ideas and theoretical basis for risk control, on the part o
11、f the enterprise more reference value, the effectiveness and safety of the implementation of mergers and acquisitions in China, has important theoretical significance and practical significance.To solve the problems of the control of the financial risk in mergers and acquisitions, mergers and acquis
12、itions, first introduced the background significance and content of the financial risk control; secondly, the existing domestic and foreign research literature were enumerated and summarized, overall, a more comprehensive study of unilateral financial enterprise risk management, and the research on
13、financial risk enterprises under the complicated environment is still lacking, so the selection and application of system analysis method, the study on risk factors in the enterprise merger and acquisition from the perspective of system, put forward the enterprise financial risk management methods a
14、nd measures of mergers and acquisitions; then, analyzes the general procedure of connotation, there may be financial risk in mergers and acquisitions, the characteristics of control after; the introduction of LS media group, the acquisition of RSs case, the environmental background, M & A, both side
15、s discussed,. Through analysis on the acquisition of LS, facing the pricing and financing and payment of financial risk, increase the cost of the acquisition, a burden on liquidity; then, the mechanism of financial risk control of RS company of LS media group, mergers and acquisitions are analyzed,
16、including the principle, identification method, identification of financial risk factors analysis of risk warning judgment, benefit adjustment scheme or the transfer of the third party of risk factors; after a series of investigation and research, according to the case of the financial risk of merge
17、rs and acquisitions of LS media group, puts forward some countermeasure to reduce the financial risk, including before the merger through the correct use of financial reporting methods of enterprise valuation, mergers and acquisitions in the choice of equity financing or mixed financing tool to avoi
18、d the risk of M & A financing, reduce the use of equity, convertible bonds, warrants etc. To pay attention to the risk of mergers and acquisitions to optimize the integration of assets and liabilities, innovation and integration mechanisms and mechanisms to control the integration risk.I hope RS com
19、pany financial risk control measures through the study of LS media group, for other enterprises merger financial risk analysis provides some reference opinions and suggestions, so that enterprises realize the importance of financial risk in mergers and acquisitions, promote enterprises to take corre
20、sponding measures to maximize the prevention of financial risks, achieve synergies and achieve the expected target and improve the performance of mergers and acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions to improve the achievement rate.Key words: financial risk; control strategy; case analysis; LS merger a
21、nd acquisition; RS company目 录摘 要3ABSTRACT5目 录8第1章绪论101.1研究背景与研究意义101.1.1研究背景101.1.2研究意义101.2国内外相关研究文献综述121.2.1国内相关研究文献综述121.2.2国外相关研究文献综述131.3研究内容与研究方法141.3.1研究内容141.3.2研究方法151.4 创新点16第2章企业并购财务风险控制的理论基础162.1企业并购的内涵与外延162.1.1企业并购的内涵162.1.2企业并购的一般过程172.1.3企业并购的特点202.2企业并购财务风险的内涵与特征212.2.1企业并购财务风险的内涵21
22、2.2.2企业并购财务风险的特征212.3企业并购财务风险控制的一般程序222.3.1风险规划242.3.2风险识别242.3.3风险评估242.3.4风险控制25第3章 LS传媒集团并购RS公司的财务风险控制的案例背景分析253.1LS传媒集团及其财务经营基本情况253.1.1 LS传媒集团简介253.1.2 LS传媒集团经营业务概况263.1.3 LS传媒集团财务基本状况283.2 LS传媒集团并购的环境分析303.2.1 外部宏观环境303.2.2 外部行业环境333.2.3 内部企业资源条件353.3 LS传媒集团并购RS公司的财务风险的主要表现353.3.1 并购的定价风险353.3
23、.2 并购中的融资风险363.3.3 并购中的支付风险39第4章 LS传媒集团并购RS公司财务风险控制的机理分析404.1公司并购财务风险因素识别原则404.1.1 系统性原则414.1.2 谨慎些原则414.1.3 全过程性原则414.2 LS传媒集团并购RS公司财务风险因素识别方法424.2.1 定性识别方法424.2.2 定量识别方法424.2.3 综合识别方法434.3 LS传媒集团并购RS公司财务风险控制的运行方式分析434.3.1 对风险因素进行预警判断454.3.2 根据预警等级选择控制对策454.4 LS传媒集团并购RS公司财务风险控制的技术分析454.4.1 利用方案调整规避
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- 传媒 集团 并购 RS 公司财务 风险 控制 对策 研究
