1、英语角活动策划书一、 活动意义和目的为了进一步创造校园英语学习环境和培养英语学习的氛围,切实提高大学生英语学习能力,我院举办英语角,为广大的同学们提供一个英语交流平台,希望通过切合时事的主题,以及游戏和自由交流等环节,提高学生英语口语水平,激发学生对学习英语的兴趣。二、 活动主题:The world ends ,the party begins!三、 活动时间和地点时间: 2011年4月21号晚上7:309:30地点: 回音坛四、 活动对象:广东商学院三水校区全体同学五、 主办单位、承办单位主办单位:广东商学院学生会三水校区执行委员会承办单位:旅游学院团总支学生会学习部六、 活动内容:开场音乐
2、过后,主持人开场白并引入话题,与现场观众进行简短的交流后进入游戏环节,通过精彩的游戏和对白让现场观众对2012有一个大概的了解,再由2012引出近期热点事件,然后由这些事件再次引入2012这个话题进行专题讨论,最后留下40分钟的时间给现场观众自由交流。七、 活动流程 (一)前期准备:1. 宣传:(1) 在二教二楼的草坪上放置由泡沫制作而成立体的2012(用荧光卡纸制作 旅院English corner)(2) 在一教通向图书馆的拐角处和中心花园的拐角处挂小海报或立宣必须有的内容:2012(字体大点) 主题:The world ends ,the party begins!(字体中点) 旅院 E
3、nglish corner (中) 时间:4月21日 地点:回音坛(小) 以诺亚方舟与大海为背景(放在中心花园的拐角处做宣传) 以图书馆的灾难为背景(挂在在一教通向图书馆的拐角处挂海报) PS:两幅小海报或立宣活动当晚拿回回音坛摆置装饰(3)在第一教学楼与第二教学楼的各个课室的白板上写上英语角的活动主题、活动时间等,让广大同学对我们的英语角活动有一个大概的了解;(4)运用学习部干事的人际关系网,在各班的QQ群、微博广商论坛和广东商学院新闻网里面动员同学参加活动,在本学院大一各班扫早读;(5)在回音坛到二教大厅要经过的楼梯的台阶的左上方、中间、右下方分别粘贴三张小卡纸(旅游学院英语角周四回音坛)
4、;(6)在回音坛的西南面竖立一个牌子(以一个箭头形式的写着“welcome to the Party”);具体时间操作:(1)4月13日制作好卡纸和红色牌子(考虑KT板支撐)。(2)4月15日把宣传海报、荧光纸制作完成,4月15日在中心花园和一教通往拱桥的拐角处摆好宣传海报。16日在二教草坪上放置荧光纸。(3)4月1617日在一、二教的教室黑或白板上写好宣传语(4)4月16日下午在回音坛到二教大厅要经过的楼梯的台阶的左上方、中间、右下方分别粘贴三张小卡纸,在中心花园通往回音坛的路口立好牌子。(5)4月19日在旅院大一各班级进行早读宣传每个班两份传单,联系09级各班班长或学委,号召他们在本班宣传
5、每个班两份传单。(22份)2. 物资准备(1)10张荧光纸、2筒荧光棒、4个哨子(借)、13张卡纸、1个透明胶、2个双面胶、25张宣传单、2盒粉笔、1张KT板、2块泡沫板(2)手提电脑2台、台灯40盏、长电线电源一条、U盘2个、院旗8支、音响设备1套、桌子2张、插座10个、彩带一卷,气球一包,奖品若干主持人:请主持组安排两个人;(二)中期准备:、场地布置 (1)在回音坛的西北角和东南角分别用线挂上以“诺亚方舟”为背景的海报和“图书馆的灾难”为主题的海报(具体位置见附件图一);(2)在回音坛的东北角摆放英语角的“宣传车”;(3)在回音坛的西南面竖立一个牌子(以一个箭头形式的写着“welcome
6、to the Party”);(4)在回音坛的西北角摆放音响;(5)西面摆放长桌子,桌子上摆放饮料和食物,并摆放三个台灯;(6)围绕回音坛摆放台灯,用线牵着两端的树,在线上绑上荧光棒;(7)用彩带把气球绑在回音坛周围的树上;2、活动流程(1)活动开始前安排: 6:007:15工作人员开始布置场地;7:157:30播放英语乐曲(moonlight shadow, peerless ,my love, season in the son,take me to your heart, yesterday once more, big big world, my heart will go on,st
7、raight through my heart,baby one mor time,as long as you love me,Dont push me,forever friends等)(2) 活动过程安排:7:307:40环节一:A、主持人开场白(具体内容见附件)B、讲故事(讲述男生在解救被困女生故事的开头部分,余下部分穿插于其余环节间隙),讲完后就邀请现场观众进行角色扮演(实质是邀请观众来玩接下来的游戏)7:408:10环节二:现场有6位女生,每人相隔1米左右,每人前面放有两把被一根环形锁锁住的椅子(主持人介绍说是障碍物)。主持人邀请现场的男生参加游戏:A、男生首先得满足主持人的要求(
8、如唱或猜英文歌、读英语绕口令、猜英文谜语等,以抽卡形式决定),只有通过主持人“考验”的男生才能获得“解救”女生的资格。B、获得“资格”的男生要在桌子上放着的六把钥匙中选一把去“解救”任一女生,每个男生都有二次机会(若第一次就成功则无需进行第二次)。两次都没能“解救”女生的男生只能退场,让下一个男生“解救”。直到6位女生都被“救出”为止。男生和被他解救的女生“配对”进行接下来的游戏 8:108:40环节三:由上一环节搭配的男女生参加游戏。男生用纱巾蒙住眼睛,扮演“瞎子”,女生扮演崴到脚的而受困的女生,坐在终点处为来营救她的男生指路。男生突破重重“障碍”后来到女生面前牵起女生的手才算“解救”成功。
9、绕过路障,到达终点,最早到达者,为赢。其中路障设置可摆放不同颜色的卡纸,须按特定颜色的卡纸踩着前进;汽球,须弄破特定颜色的。(注:女生拿麦克风用英语指示男生前进,比赛是一对对按顺序进行)。工作人员记录每对参赛者的比赛用时。8:409:30环节四【专题讨论】8:408:44话题一:If the end of the world will really come in 2012,then what will be the last thing you want to do?The audience maybe answer:A.I want stay with my parents, becaus
10、e I love them so much(I will go home, and find my parients. I want to die with them. It will be completed)B.I might be sitting there still and keep preyingC.i think i will just sit down and say goodbye to the worldD.just wait and see主持人总结:Just as the handsome boy (or beautiful girl )said,he(or she)w
11、ill (do what) when the doomsday comes. They are so ().But this night, I will tell you everyday is your last day. Just as a quote is saying If you live each day as if it was your last, someday youll most certainly be right. Everybody need to ask yourself: If today were the last day of my life, would
12、I want to do what I am about to do today? So think about this question carefully, give me your answer later. At the end of this party, youll find my answer.过渡句:Now lets begin our next topic to learn some tips when in danger.If now 2012 is really coming, how do you survive from it?8:40 当观众答到一半时, 突然控制
13、现场灯灭,同时开始播放于地震发生时的轰鸣声类似的音乐。8:408:44主持人告知观众,我们是在模拟2012,请他们思考一下后,继续上一个话题,并引出下一个话题;8:448:48话题二:Now 2012 is really coming,how to survive from it? Imagine you are in front of strongwind 、tsunami or earthquake,what will you do to get away from hurt?主持人总结:(The boys self-rescure way souds a good idea.and th
14、e girl just said was also good ,but I think it may not available.)I think at that situation we need to face the truth, most of all,we should keep calm,and look around to find the place where we can hide for safety.and shout as loud as possible to ask people to save you.If time permit,you can take so
15、me water along with you for water is such importance you know.Because we cant change this world ,no matter what it happen ,enjoy it. of course ,we hope this world is fine.过渡句:Now you have been so clever to save yourself in the disaster,then what will you want to do now?8:488:51话题三:If you are a surri
16、ver,what do you want to do (如果劫后重生,你又想干什么)Just as you said ,most of you will thank goodness for giving you a new life.Meanwhile ,at that time, you may lose your realitives,so many of you will feel sorrow,even want to die with them.Thats the extreme way youd better not choose.The God save your life m
17、ust have his reason,so I think you should cherish this chance and make full use of you rest life,devote yourself to the society will be the best choice.过渡句:But if youre not that lucky dog,so you die in 2012,whats the thing which is most reluctant to you?8:518:54话题四:Unfortunately, if you die, what is
18、 the thing most reluctant?why?(不幸地,如果你在地震中丧生,你最不舍得什么?为什么?)Its true that we dont know what weve got until we lose it, but its also true that we dont know what weve been missing until it arrives参考:Mum is the most important peson in my life,we quarrelled or talked with each other,we laughed and wept to
19、ghter.Mum has given me a lot,but I havent paid anything back.过渡句:If the disaster in 2012 really happen,but the God gives you magical powers to create a new world,what kind of world will you create?8:548:58 话题五:If 2012 happens and a new world borns,what kind of world you want it to be?(如果2012发生了,一个新的
20、世界又因此而诞生了,你希望是一个什么世界?)A peaceful world,no war no disaster. Each person to love each other,like a family.8:589:03主持人找2位现场观众总结2个问题并对该环节进行总结;9:109:12主持人结束语The world will end or not ,thats not what we can handle,what we can do is to improve our self-rescure awareness.And dont put off until tomorrow what
21、 should be done today.enjoy today!Imagining that youll be dead soon is the most important tool to help you make the big choices in life. Because almost everything all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving on
22、ly what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. There is no reason not to follow your heart.9:12-9:30 继续自由讨论9:30后,干事收齐好物资,整理好场地。八、应急预案1、在场人员不加入互动,在一边聊天 解决措施:场控人员调动他们的积极性,引领他们加入活动中;2、现场设备故障(灯光、音响、麦克风) 解
23、决措施:音响、突然失灵,马上联系老师修理,若不能修理,则请主持人讲大声一些,并且由电脑代替播放乐曲;若是麦克风坏了,则换上早已准备的完好的麦克风;若灯光突然灭了,则换上备用的灯,如果备用灯用完了,则调整灯之间的距离,使活动场地都有灯光。3、如果在自由交流环节没有人交流解决措施:由主持人引导。4、 天气状况不佳解决措施:取消活动或转移到室内(如二教大厅)进行,主持人安抚观众情绪,调动气氛后继续开展活动。5、 到场学生人数过少解决措施:学习部干事提前几分钟尽量联系本班同学来参加,事先安排好“托”,带动气氛,起带头作用,积极推荐群众参与活动。6、 第二环节的游戏中,自由报名的人过少解决措施:邀请事先
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- 学习 英语角 策划
