1、第二节 螨及螨病,一、概述1、螨的种类繁多,多数自由生活,少量寄生生活,寄生于植物或动物,引起疾病或传播疾病;2、有些种为永久性寄生虫,如疥螨、痒螨和蠕形螨;有些种为暂时性寄生虫,如皮刺螨,只在吸血时寄生于禽体;有些种只在幼虫期寄生于畜体,如各种恙螨。,1,二、形态特点,螨的外形类似于蜱,背腹扁平,头、胸、腹愈合在一起,躯体、圆形龟形或长椭圆形,可分为鄂体和躯体2部分。,2,3,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,4,猪疥螨1.螫虫2.吸盘3.假头4.气孔始基5.胸甲6.第三及第四足的后支条7.生殖围条8.生殖帷膜9.后支条,4,5,6,犬蠕形螨,7,猫耳疥螨1.雄虫2.雌虫,1,2,8,犬耳螨1
2、.雄虫2.雌虫,1,2,9,三、螨的分类,Sarcoptiformes疥螨亚目 Sarcoptidae疥螨科 Sarcoptes疥螨属、Notoedres背肛螨属、Cnemidocoptes膝螨属 Psoroptidae痒螨科 Psoroptes痒螨属、 Chorioptes足螨属Mesostigmata中气门亚目 Dermanyssidae皮刺螨科 Dermanyssus皮刺螨属 Trombidiformes恙螨亚目 Trombiculidae恙螨科 Trombicula恙螨属、Euschongastia真棒属、 Neoschongastia新棒属 Demodicidae蠕形螨科 Demod
3、ex蠕形螨属,10,四、螨病,通常说的螨病是指疥螨和痒螨引起的皮肤病。(一)疥螨和痒螨的主要种类、寄生宿主和寄生部位疥螨 皮肤内 疥螨 Sarcoptes scabiei var. 各种动物疥螨 表皮 突变膝螨 Cnemidocoptes mutans 鸡 胫部和趾部的鳞片下 猫背肛螨 Notoedres cati 猫 皮肤内痒螨 皮肤表面 马痒螨 Psoroptes equi var. 马 牛足螨 Chorioptes bovis 牛 犬耳痒螨Otodectes cynotis var. canis 犬外耳大道,11,(二)疥螨、痒螨采食、寄生方式和发育的异同,疥螨 痒螨寄生部位 表皮隧道
4、皮肤表面采食方式 咀嚼式 刺吸式形态 口器短, 基部背面有2个刺或刚毛; 体长圆形, 口器长, 基部背面无刺或刚毛; 肢短圆锥形, 后两对肢全部或几乎 肢长圆锥形, 前两对肢粗大, 后两对细长 全部被遮于腹面下, 无肛吸盘和尾突。 突出体缘;体后缘有肛吸盘(生殖吸盘) 和尾突各一对; 痒螨一般较大, 肉眼可见。寄生时间 均为终身寄生发育史 822天 1012天,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,3,4,羊痒螨,3.雌虫腹面 4.雄虫腹面,19,1,2,3,羊痒螨,1.雄虫2.雌虫3.患痒螨病 的绵羊,20,(三) 疥螨病,多种家畜和人 都有疥螨病发生,疥螨寄生于家畜和人的皮肤内,刺激皮
5、肤,引起发炎,主要症状是剧痒,严重危害人畜健康。危害较为严重的有:猪疥螨病、人疥螨病、羊疥螨病、犬疥螨病、兔疥螨病和牛的疥螨病。各种疥螨病的发病特点、临床症状和防治措施相似,人是其原始宿主,其它宿主的病原为其变种,其病原为Sarcoptes scabiei var,各种宿主的疥螨可以交互感染,但不会引起非专性宿主严重的病变。世界记录的有28个种和8个亚种。以猪疥螨为例加以介绍。,21,猪疥螨病(Mange in swine),病原: Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis(Gerlach,1857)寄生部位:表皮隧道内,虫体大小:female: 330600250400m, m
6、ale: 200240 150200 m, 形态: 圆形,灰白色,长约0.5mm,在黑色背景下肉眼可见,雌虫第1、2对腿末端长有具柄吸盘,雄虫第1、2、4对腿的末端为具柄吸盘.雄虫大小仅为雌虫的60%。,22,23,24,25,26,分布:广泛分布于世界各地,澳大利亚(1977):感染率25%,50%出现过敏;捷克(1975):感染率6895%,美国(1974):普遍发生;英格兰(1960):感染率28%;,27,SARCOPTIC MANGE OF PIGSThe ears are the most common site, and are usuallythe primary focus
7、from which the mite populationspreads to other areas of the body (Plate XI), espe-cially the back, flanks and abdomen. Many pigs har-bour inapparent infections throughout their lives, andthe main mode of transmission appears to be betweencarrier sows and their piglets during suckling. Signsmay appea
8、r on the face and ears within three weeks of birth, later extending to other areas. Transmissionmay also occur during service, especially from an in-fected boar to gilts.,28,Affected pigs scratch continuously and maylose condition. The first lesions appear as small redpapules or weals and general er
9、ythema about the eyes,around the snout, on the concave surface of the exter-nal ears, in the axillae and on the front of the hockswhere the skin is thin. Scratching results in excoriationof these affected areas and the formation of brownishscabs on the damaged skin. Subsequently, the skinbecomes wri
10、nkled, covered with crusty lesions andthickened.,29,For confirmatory diagnosis the most reliable sourceof material for examination is wax from the ear. A common control regimen is to treat the sow, themain reservoir of infection, before she goes into thefarrowing crate or pen. This procedure will ob
11、viouslybe much more rewarding than having to treat partlygrown pigs. Trials have shown that the economic benefit of such a regimen appears at the fattening stage,the offspring of treated sows showing better growth rates and shorter finishing periods than those of un-treated sows. Boars should also b
12、e routinely treated atsix-monthly intervals.,30,In the treatment of affected pigs, acaricide maybe applied weekly, by wash or by spray, until thesigns have regressed. Effective preparations whichhave been used include amitraz, trichlorfon andbromocyclen. Newer and more convenient productswith a bett
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