1、妇科急腹症腹痛急,妇科急腹症腹痛急,ectopic pregnancy extrauterine pregnancy,torsion of the ovarian pedicle twisted ovarian cysts,acute pelvic inflammatory disease,a ruptured ovarian lutia,Endomitriosis,妇科急腹症腹痛急,2,ectopic pregnancytorsion of th,story,Acute abdominal painwanted to give bowelsthe abdomen rigidity and t
2、enderness、rebound tenderness.pass waterfainted on the spot blood presure was zero,妇科急腹症腹痛急,3,storyAcute abdominal pain妇科急腹症,Diagnosis?,ectopic pregnancy,妇科急腹症腹痛急,4,Diagnosis?ectopic pregnancy妇科急,Ectopic Pregnancy,Definition:Ectopic pregnancy is defined as pregnancy outsied the uterine cavity Most co
3、mmon site of occurrence is the fallopian tube,妇科急腹症腹痛急,5,Ectopic Pregnancy Definitio,tubal pregnancy 88.5% ovarian pregnancy 4.5% cervical pregnancy 0.7% pregnancy in rudimentary horn 1.5% pregnancy in interstitial 4.8%abdominal pregnancy,4,7,8,6,3,1,2,5,妇科急腹症腹痛急,6,tubal pregnancy 88.5% ov,the UK :
4、0.25-1% getting more common. In Finland, tripled between 1966 and 1985 in the US , a four-fold rise between 1970 and 1983. In Jamaica, an unusually high rate of ectopic pregnancy (1 in 28 deliveries).,妇科急腹症腹痛急,7,the UK : 0.25-1% getting mor,etiology:,受精卵着床于子宫体腔以外。或因为输卵管结构异常,或受精卵行走异常。,妇科急腹症腹痛急,8,etio
5、logy:受精卵着床于子宫体腔以外。或因为输卵管结构,FACTORS,输卵管结构异常 受精卵行走异常 Pelvic inflammatory disease Advancing age Tubal surgery DES exposure Previous ectopic, repeated IVF and ovulation induction Previous termination 经宫腔或腹腔向对侧 of pregnancy 输卵管移行 输卵管发育不良或功能异常 smoke IUD Intrauterine device usage 肌瘤,卵巢肿物,EM,妇科急腹症腹痛急,9,FACT
6、ORS 输卵管结构异常,Salpingitisadhesions of the tubal wall, retards the passage of the fertilized egg Ectopic pregnancy。,妇科急腹症腹痛急,10,Salpingitisadhesions of the t,输卵管的变化,部位 壶腹部 峡部 间质部解剖 管腔宽 窄 较窄肌层 较厚 薄 很厚停经 8-12周 6周 4个月表现 流产 破裂 破裂,妇科急腹症腹痛急,11,输卵管的变化部位 壶腹部 峡部 间质部妇科急腹症腹痛急,abdominal pain of ectopic pregnancy,t
7、ubal rupture: sharp colicky paintubal abortion:隐痛、胀痛,妇科急腹症腹痛急,12,abdominal pain of ectopic preg,伴随症状,Straining at stoolfaintness and shockamenorrhea or menstrual period delayedspotting type bleeding掉出蜕膜管型,妇科急腹症腹痛急,13,伴随症状Straining at stool妇科急腹症腹痛急,子宫的变化:,子宫稍大内膜蜕膜反应胚胎死亡:蜕膜剥离出血Arias-Stell反应,妇科急腹症腹痛急,1
8、4,子宫的变化:妇科急腹症腹痛急14,sumerize the Symptoms,Lower abdominal pain and Abnormal uterine bleeding approximately 1-2 weeks after the missed menstrual period “异位妊娠最容易诊断,异位妊娠最不易诊断”,妇科急腹症腹痛急,15,sumerize the Symptoms Lower ab,体检,全身:贫血貌,面色苍白,血压下降,脉搏弱,快。四肢冰冷;腹部:拒按,腹膜刺激征,全腹压痛、反跳痛重,肌紧张轻(tenderness, rebound tendern
9、ess and muscular rigidity),移动性浊音()妇科:后穹隆饱满,宫颈着色,举痛,摇摆痛,子宫略大,软,可有飘浮感,一侧附件区触及不规则包块,压痛明显。,妇科急腹症腹痛急,16,体检 全身:贫血貌,面色苍白,血压下降,脉搏弱,快。四,内科 外科急性胃肠炎 阑尾炎中毒性痢疾 肠梗阻 输尿管结石 胆囊炎 脾破裂,妇科急腹症腹痛急,17,内科 外科急性胃肠炎 阑尾炎中毒性痢疾 肠梗阻,辅助检查,Urine pregnancy test-may be negative , (Serial serum B-hCG testing )hCG(Human Chorionic gonado
10、tropin), culdocentesis:抽出血,15分钟不凝固。 Ultrasound : 宫腔空虚,输卵管部位出现妊娠囊和异常回声团,子宫前、后有液性暗区可助诊。 子宫内膜:为排除宫内妊娠流产,可刮宫。送病理。 血常规,Hb进行性下降。可以血液浓缩。 腹腔镜:是Gyneacology Acute Abdomen诊断和治疗手段,可进可退。,妇科急腹症腹痛急,18,辅助检查Urine pregnancy test-may b,Same case as above. Detailed view of ectopic.,Ultrasound showing uterus and tubal p
11、regnancy,Same image. Uterus outlined in red, uterine lining in green, ectopic pregnancy yellow. Fluid in uterus at blue circle - sometimes called a pseudosac,Same image. Tubal pregnancy circled in red, 4.5 mm fetal pole (between cursors) in green, pregnancy yolk sac blue.,妇科急腹症腹痛急,19,Same case as ab
12、ove. Detailed,another case,新婚夫妇acute abdominal pain,vomitting,肌紧张、压痛、反跳痛不明显B超盆腔里有个占位,妇科急腹症腹痛急,20,another case新婚夫妇妇科急腹症腹痛急20,torsion of the ovarian pedicle twisted ovarian cysts 卵巢囊肿蒂扭转,妇科急腹症腹痛急,21,torsion of the ovarian pedicle,Torsion of the ovarian pedicle twisted ovarian cysts,好发因素瘤蒂长:游离,活动度大中等大小
13、:约710cm重心偏的肿瘤,妇科急腹症腹痛急,22,Torsion of the ovarian pedicle,病 理,静脉回流受阻肿瘤充血 肿瘤坏死 血管破裂 动脉受阻 破裂 瘤体增大 感染 瘤内出血,?,?,妇科急腹症腹痛急,23,病 理静脉回流受阻肿瘤充血,卵巢囊肿蒂扭转的腹痛,突发一侧下腹剧疼(sudden excruciating pain),阵发性加重,与体位改变有关。伴随症状伴恶心,呕吐,腹膜牵引绞窄所致。伴腰疼可能有卵巢肿瘤的病史,妇科急腹症腹痛急,24,卵巢囊肿蒂扭转的腹痛突发一侧下腹剧疼(sudden exc,体检,全身:急性痛苦面容,但血压正常 腹部:软,腹膜刺激征局限
14、于下腹一侧,压痛重,反跳痛和肌紧张轻或者无。妇科:子宫一侧可扪及肿物,张力大,与子宫之间压痛明显(蒂)。 辅助检查 B超示附件区肿物,妇科急腹症腹痛急,25,体检全身:急性痛苦面容,但血压正常妇科急腹症腹痛急25,acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease(PID),acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease(PID)Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is the term used to describe an infection of any of a womans pelvic organs, includ
15、ing the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes. Acute PID comes on suddenly and is apt to be more severe.,妇科急腹症腹痛急,26,acute Pelvic Inflammatory Dise,PID is caused by bacteria.,产后或流产后感染or certain operations, such as a dilation and curettage (D and C)which cause the cervix opening to the uterus, to widen
16、temporarily intrauterine device (IUD) for contraception通液术、造影术、宫腔镜Douching also increases the risk of PIDintercourse during menstrual period.阑尾炎,腹膜炎慢性盆腔炎急性发作,妇科急腹症腹痛急,27,PID is caused by bacteria.产后或流,病 理,黏膜:急性子宫内膜炎肌层:急性子宫肌炎 急性输卵管炎,输卵管积脓,输卵管卵巢脓肿浆膜:卵管周围炎 急性盆腔结缔组织炎腹膜:急性盆腔腹膜炎全身:败血症及脓毒血症,妇科急腹症腹痛急,28,病 理
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